ALM Custom Test Type Developer Guide
Deploy the Test Type and Remote Agent

You are creating a custom test type to integrate a testing tool with ALM. This tool must be deployed on the computers that will run the tests using the testing tool. The deployment method of this testing tool depends on the tool and is not discussed in this guide.

Create the Test Type Files CAB

These instructions apply to the test type assemblies and the COM interop that you created when you implemented the test type. See Implement the Remote Agent and Test Type. These assemblies are:

  1. Copy the test type assemblies, the interop, and any support files your test type requires to a local folder named x:\...\Extensions\<your_test_type_name>.  The following instructions are performed in that folder.
  2. Change the file extensions by reversing the letters. For example, rename *.dll to *.lld, rename *.ocx to *.xco, and so on. Rename *.exe to *.xxx.
  3. Digitally sign each file. See Signing Files with Digital Signature.
  4. Create an INI file that lists the application files and gives the location.

    Sample INI File

    INI file Parameters

  5. Create a CAB file containing the INI file. For example, run:

    cabarc -s 6144 n CTT4Net.ini

  6. Digitally sign above CAB file. For example, run:

    signtool sign /v /f X:\ALM\Issue\CTT\MyCodeSig.pfx /p 123 X:\ALM\Issue\CTT\Deploy\Extensions\

Create the Remote Agent Registration XML

  1. Register the remote agent to get a GUID.
    Run command: C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\<version>\RegSvcs.exe X:\out\MyRemoteAgent.dll
  2. Search the registry for "CSRemoteAgent", you should get a key like "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{F5FD313D-8716-4D8D-A78D-502EF1821CAF}"
  3. Create an XML file similar to the Example Registration XML below, and place it into “CustomTestTypes” folder; except that, the node <CLSID> is a GUID that you create, and the node <RemoteAgentCLSID> is the value from your registry.
    The format of the assembly CLSIDs is the fully qualified name of the .NET class, a comma (,), and the .NET assembly name. The maximum length of an assembly CLSID is 50 characters.
  4. Install the remote agent on each of the hosts where the testing tool runs the tests you want to track in ALM.
  5. Register the remote agent on the testing hosts using the RegSvcs.exe utility. See the first step in this procedure.

Example Registration XML

Folder Structure

When you have prepared all the files for deployment, the folder structure is:





Install on the Server and Client

Copy the Extension and CustomTestTypes folders to the web root folder where your ALM server is installed.

Restart the ALM service.

Register the remote agent on the remote client computer. Run command:

C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\<version>\RegSvcs.exe X:\out\MyRemoteAgent.dll

Register the ALM client files on client side by getting the following URL: http:///qcbin/start_a.jsp?Common=true

See Also