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/* * How to operate TestFactory tempTestF = (TestFactory)tdConnection.TestFactory; Test tempTest = (Test)tempTestF[8]; TestFilesAndAttachments(tempTest); */ public void TestFilesAndAttachments(Test theTest) { /* Download test files and attachments This routine gets a test object and first downloads the script files and then the attachments. The debug outputs are based on test: "OTA_DEMO_SUBJECT\OTA_SUBJECT_level1\OTA_SUB_1.2\SimpleVAPI-XP" */ AttachmentFactory testAttachFact; List attachList; IExtendedStorage testStorage, testAttachStorage; String testDownLoadPath, attachDownLoadPath, ownerType; bool isFatalErr; object ownerKey; String tempStr = String.Empty; attachDownLoadPath = String.Empty; //Get the test storage. List nullList; testStorage = theTest.ExtendedStorage; testStorage.ClientPath = @"C:\" + theTest.Name + @"\testStorage"; //Use IExtendedStorage.LoadEx to get the test files. testDownLoadPath = testStorage.LoadEx("", true, out nullList, out isFatalErr); tempStr = String.Format("Fatal error = {0}", isFatalErr); Debug.Print(tempStr); tempStr = String.Format("The test download path: {0}", testDownLoadPath); Debug.Print(tempStr); //Get the Attachments. testAttachFact = theTest.Attachments; testAttachFact.FactoryProperties(out ownerType, out ownerKey); tempStr = String.Format("ownerType = {0}, ownerKey = {1}", ownerType, ownerKey); Debug.Print(tempStr); /* Get the list of attachments and go through the list, downloading one at a time. */ attachList = testAttachFact.NewList(""); foreach (Attachment tempAttach in attachList) { Debug.WriteLine("----------------------------"); Debug.WriteLine("Download attachment"); Debug.WriteLine("Before setting path"); tempStr = String.Format("The attachment name: {0}", tempAttach.Name[0]); Debug.Print(tempStr); tempStr = String.Format("The attachment server name: {0}", tempAttach.ServerFileName); Debug.Print(tempStr); tempStr = String.Format("The filename: {0}", tempAttach.FileName); Debug.Print(tempStr); /* Before setting path The attachment Name: TEST_98_SampleAttachment.txt The attachment server name: C:\Program Files\Mercury Interactive\Quality Center\repository\qc\Default\Steve_85_Doc\Attach\TEST_98_SampleAttachment.txt The filename: C:\DOCUME~1\steves\LOCALS~1\Temp\TD_80\423af35f\Attach\TEST98\TEST_98_SampleAttachment.txt */ testAttachStorage = tempAttach.AttachmentStorage; testAttachStorage.ClientPath = @"C:\" + theTest.Name + @"\attachStorage"; tempAttach.Load(true, ref attachDownLoadPath); Debug.Print("\r\n After download"); tempStr = String.Format("Down load path: {0}", attachDownLoadPath); Debug.Print(tempStr); tempStr = String.Format("The filename: {0}", tempAttach.FileName); Debug.Print(tempStr); } } |