ALM Open Test Architecture API Reference Version 12.55
Get the list of tests that do not cover any requirement
Public Sub UnneededTests()
' Get the list of tests that do not cover any requirement
    Dim reqF As ReqFactory
    Dim testF As TestFactory
    Dim ReqFilter As TDFilter
    Dim testFilter As TDFilter
    Dim aTest As Test
    Dim testL As List
    Set reqF = tdc.ReqFactory
    Set ReqFilter = reqF.Filter
    'Exclude the top-level folder
    ReqFilter.Filter("RQ_REQ_ID") = ">= 0"
    ' Set exclusive XFilter: Filter for items that
    ' match primary filter and do not match cross filter.
    Set testF = tdc.TestFactory
    Set testFilter = testF.Filter
    testFilter.SetXFilter "TEST-REQ", False, ReqFilter.Text
    Debug.Print testFilter.Text
    Set testL = testF.NewList(testFilter.Text)
    For Each aTest In testL
        Debug.Print aTest.ID & ": " & aTest.Name
'    'To get the tests that DO cover some requirement use this code:
'    TestFilter.SetXFilter "TEST-REQ", True, ReqFilter.Text
'    Debug.Print TestFilter.Text
'    Set testL = testF.NewList(TestFilter.Text)
'    For Each aTest In testL
'        Debug.Print aTest.ID & ": " & aTest.Name
'    Next
End Sub