This object can represent the list root node or a child node within the list.
Get a CustomizationListNode object from the CustomizationList Object.
Implemented Interface | Description |
ISysTreeNode | Represents a system folder, which is a tree node in the TreeManager object. |
AddChild | Adds a new sub-node to the current node. |
AddNode | Adds a new child node. |
FindChildNode | Finds a child node by node name. |
FindChildren | Finds node children according to specified search pattern. |
NewList | Gets a list of the node's immediate children. |
Post | Posts all changed values to the database. |
Refresh | Reads the saved node data, overwriting values in memory. |
RemoveChild | Removes the specified sub-node from the current node. |
RemoveNode | Deletes the specified node. |
Attribute | Gets the node attribute. |
CanAddChild | Checks if sub-nodes can be added to the current node. |
Child | Gets the specified sub-node. |
Children | The list of CustomizationListNode objects that are sub-nodes of the current node. |
ChildrenCount | The number of sub-nodes under the node. |
Count | The number of child nodes. |
Deleted | If true, the node is marked for deletion, but the deletion is not yet committed. |
DepthType | The sub-tree depth type. |
Father | Gets the CustomizationListNode object representing the current node's parent node, or sets a new father, thereby moving the node. |
IsTemplate | Checks whether the customization item originated from the project template. |
List | The CustomizationList object that contains the current node. |
Name | The current node name. |
NodeID | The node ID number. |
Order | The order number of the node within its siblings. |
Path | The folder tree path starting from the tree root. |
ReadOnly | Checks if the current node is read-only. |
Type | The type of the list node. |
Updated | Indicates if the node was modified since it was loaded from the server. |