ALM Open Test Architecture API Type Library Version 12.55
CustomizationListNode Object
Represents a node in a list.

This object can represent the list root node or a child node within the list.

Get a CustomizationListNode object from the CustomizationList Object.

Implemented InterfaceDescription
ISysTreeNodeRepresents a system folder, which is a tree node in the TreeManager object.
Public Methods
Public Method AddChildAdds a new sub-node to the current node.
Public Method AddNodeAdds a new child node.
Public Method FindChildNodeFinds a child node by node name.
Public Method FindChildrenFinds node children according to specified search pattern.
Public Method NewListGets a list of the node's immediate children.
Public Method PostPosts all changed values to the database.
Public Method RefreshReads the saved node data, overwriting values in memory.
Public Method RemoveChildRemoves the specified sub-node from the current node.
Public Method RemoveNodeDeletes the specified node.
Public Properties
Public Property AttributeGets the node attribute.
Public Property CanAddChildChecks if sub-nodes can be added to the current node.
Public Property ChildGets the specified sub-node.
Public Property ChildrenThe list of CustomizationListNode objects that are sub-nodes of the current node.
Public Property ChildrenCountThe number of sub-nodes under the node.
Public Property CountThe number of child nodes.
Public Property DeletedIf true, the node is marked for deletion, but the deletion is not yet committed.
Public Property DepthTypeThe sub-tree depth type.
Public Property FatherGets the CustomizationListNode object representing the current node's parent node, or sets a new father, thereby moving the node.
Public Property IsTemplateChecks whether the customization item originated from the project template.
Public Property ListThe CustomizationList object that contains the current node.
Public Property NameThe current node name.
Public Property NodeIDThe node ID number.
Public Property OrderThe order number of the node within its siblings.
Public Property PathThe folder tree path starting from the tree root.
Public Property ReadOnlyChecks if the current node is read-only.
Public Property TypeThe type of the list node.
Public Property UpdatedIndicates if the node was modified since it was loaded from the server.
See Also

CustomizationListNode Members