ALM Open Test Architecture API Reference Version 12.55
Getting the list of design tests used in a test set
Public Sub TestsInTestSet(tsName As String, _
        tsFolderPath As String)
    Dim testSetF As TestSetFactory, tsFilter As TDFilter

' Getting the list of design tests used in a test set
' This example shows how to get a list of all the tests in
'   a test set. The input is a test set name and the full
' path of the test set, for example, "Root\MyXFilter\MyTestSets."

' Get the filter for the TestSet to be used in the XFilter.
    Dim labTreeMgr As TestSetTreeManager
    Dim labFolder As SysTreeNode
' Get the node containing the test set.
    'tdc is the global TDConnection object.
    Set labTreeMgr = tdc.TestSetTreeManager
    Set labFolder = labTreeMgr.NodeByPath(tsFolderPath)
' Get the factory object for the node.
    Set testSetF = labFolder.TestSetFactory
' Filter for the desired test set.
    Set tsFilter = testSetF.Filter
    tsFilter.Filter("CY_CYCLE") = tsName
'   Debug.Print tsFilter.Text
'        [Filter]{
'        TableName:CYCLE,
'        ColumnName:CY_CYCLE,
'        LogicalFilter:TS1,
'        VisualFilter:TS1,
'        NO_CASE:
'        }
' Get the Test filter object. This filter is unconditional.
' We want all the tests from the test set.
    Dim testF As TestFactory, testFilter As TDFilter
    Set testF = tdc.TestFactory
    Set testFilter = testF.Filter

' Set the cross filter: All tests associated with the
'   test sets that meet the criteria - in this case, the
'   one test set whose name was passed to this routine.
    testFilter.SetXFilter "TEST-TESTSET", True, tsFilter.Text
'    Debug.Print TestFilter.Text
'        [Filter]{
'        FLT:[X],
'        EXISTS_IN_IDS:Y,
'        IN_IDS:\00000067\[Filter]{
'        TableName:CYCLE,
'        ColumnName:CY_CYCLE,
'        LogicalFilter:TS1,
'        VisualFilter:TS1,
'        NO_CASE:
'        }
'Get the list and output it.
    Dim testList As List, tst As Test

    Set testList = testFilter.NewList()
    For Each tst In testList
        With tst
            Debug.Print .name
        End With
    Next tst
End Sub