Public Function LinkDefectsToEntities(folder As SubjectNode, _ oTest As Test) As Boolean ' Create various entities and link them '----------------------------------------------------------- ' This example creates a test and a test set with test steps. ' It then creates three defects and links them to the test, ' the run, and the test step. '----------------------------------------------------------- Dim testF As TestFactory ' Dim oTest As Test ' Dim StepF As DesignStepFactory Dim desstep As DesignStep 'Dim oRoot As SubjectNode, folder As SubjectNode Dim TreeMgr As TreeManager Dim labTreeMgr As TestSetTreeManager Dim labFolder As SysTreeNode, labTreeRoot As SysTreeNode Dim BugF As BugFactory Dim Bug1 As Bug, Bug2 As Bug, bug3 As Bug Dim testSetF As TestSetFactory Dim TstSet As TestSet Dim testInstanceF As TSTestFactory Dim tstInstance As TSTest Dim RunF As RunFactory Dim theRun As Run Dim runStepF As StepFactory Dim runStep As Step, runStep2 As Step Dim testID As String Dim lst As List, Item Dim TestName As String On Error GoTo LinkDefectsToEntitiesErr TestName = 'tdc is a TDConnection object. When this routine is run, ' the user is authenticated and connected to the project. Set TreeMgr = tdc.TreeManager Set testF = tdc.TestFactory Set labTreeMgr = tdc.TestSetTreeManager Set BugF = tdc.BugFactory '------------------------------------------ ' Test Plan '------------------------------------------ Get or create a test plan subject folder. errmsg = "Subject tree error" Set oRoot = TreeMgr.TreeRoot("Subject") On Error Resume Next Set folder = oRoot.FindChildNode(FolderName) On Error GoTo LinkDefectsToEntitiesErr If folder Is Nothing Then _ Set folder = oRoot.AddNode(FolderName) '' Create a design test. errmsg = "Design test error" ' Get the test if it exists. ' For the code of GetTest, see the Test object example: ' "Get a test object with name and path" Set oTest = GetTest(TestName, FolderName) ' If the test doesn't exist, create it. If oTest Is Nothing Then Set oTest = testF.AddItem(Null) = TestName oTest.Type = "MANUAL" ' Put the test in the new subject folder. oTest.Field("TS_SUBJECT") = folder.NodeID oTest.Post End If '' Get or create a design step from the factory of the new test. errmsg = "Design step error" Set StepF = oTest.DesignStepFactory Dim aFilter As TDFilter Set aFilter = StepF.Filter Dim StepName$ StepName = TestName & "Step_1" aFilter.Filter("DS_STEP_NAME") = StepName Set lst = StepF.NewList(aFilter.Text) If lst.Count = 0 Then Set desStep = StepF.AddItem(Null) desStep.StepName = StepName desStep.StepDescription = "Step to be linked to defect." desStep.StepExpectedResult = "This step expected to be linked." desStep.Post Else Set desStep = lst.Item(1) End If Dim StepName$ StepName = & "Step_1" Set desstep = GetDesignStep(oTest, StepName, _ "Step to be linked to defect", _ "This step expected to be linked.") '----------------------------------------- ' Test Lab '------------------------------------------ ' Get or create a test set folder. errmsg = "Lab node error" Dim tsFolderName$, tsFolderPath$ tsFolder = FolderName & "_TS" tsFolderPath = "Root\" & tsFolder On Error Resume Next Set labFolder = AddTestSetFolder("LinkTestSets") Set labFolder = labTreeMgr.NodeByPath(tsFolderPath) On Error GoTo LinkDefectsToEntitiesErr If labFolder Is Nothing Then Set labTreeRoot = labTreeMgr.Root Set labFolder = labTreeRoot.AddNode(tsFolder) labTreeRoot.Post End If ' Get or create a test set from the factory of the new folder. errmsg = "Test set error" Dim tsName$ tsName = TestName & "_TS" Set testSetF = labFolder.TestSetFactory Set aFilter = testSetF.Filter aFilter.Filter("CY_CYCLE") = tsName Set lst = testSetF.NewList(aFilter.Text) If lst.Count = 0 Then Set TstSet = testSetF.AddItem(Null) TstSet.Field("CY_CYCLE") = tsName TstSet.Post Else Set TstSet = lst.Item(1) End If Set TstSet = GetTestSet(labFolder, "LinkTestTS", "Open") ' Get or create a test instance from the factory of the new test set. errmsg = "Test instance error" Set testInstanceF = TstSet.TSTestFactory Set aFilter = testInstanceF.Filter aFilter.Filter("TC_TEST_ID") = oTest.ID Set lst = testInstanceF.NewList(aFilter.Text) If lst.Count = 0 Then Set tstInstance = testInstanceF.AddItem(Null) ' Put the new test in the test set. tstInstance.Field("TC_TEST_ID") = oTest.ID Else Set tstInstance = lst.Item(1) End If tstInstance.Status = "No Run" tstInstance.Post Set tstInstance = GetTestInstance(TstSet, oTest) ' Create a run of the test instance. errmsg = "Run error" Dim RunName$ RunName = TestName & "Linked_Run" Set RunF = tstInstance.RunFactory Set theRun = RunF.AddItem(RunName) theRun.Status = "FAILED" theRun.Post Set theRun = NewTestInstanceRun(tstInstance, _ "FAILED", RunName$) 'Get the design step created above for the test ' to be associated with this test run. errmsg = "Design steps error" theRun.CopyDesignSteps theRun.Post ' Add the steps to run and fail them. Set runStepF = theRun.StepFactory Set lst = runStepF.NewList("") For Each Item In lst Set runStep2 = Item runStep2.Status = "Failed" runStep2.Post Next Dim stepCt As Integer stepCt = SetRunStepsStatus(theRun, "Failed") MsgBox stepCt '------------------------------------------ ' Defect Module '------------------------------------------ ' Create new defects. Dim bSummary As String errmsg = "Create Bugs error" Set Bug1 = BugF.AddItem(Null) Bug1.Summary = "Associated to " & TestName Bug1.Status = "New" Bug1.Priority = "3-High" Bug1.Field("BG_SEVERITY") = "3-High" Bug1.DetectedBy = c_qcUser Bug1.Field("BG_DETECTION_DATE") = Date Bug1.Post bSummary = "Associated to " & Set Bug1 = NewBug(bSummary, "Bug1 LinkDefectsToEntities", c_qcUser, "3-High") errmsg = "Create Bug2 error" Set Bug2 = BugF.AddItem(Null) Bug2.Summary = "Associated to " & RunName Bug2.Status = "New" Bug2.Priority = "3-High" Bug2.Field("BG_SEVERITY") = "3-High" Bug2.DetectedBy = c_qcUser Bug2.Field("BG_DETECTION_DATE") = Date Bug2.Post bSummary = "Associated to " & Set Bug2 = NewBug(bSummary, "Bug2 LinkDefectsToEntities", c_qcUser, "3-High") errmsg = "Create Bug2 error" Set bug3 = BugF.AddItem(Null) bug3.Summary = "Associated to Run Step " & TestName & ":" & bug3.Status = "New" bug3.Priority = "3-High" bug3.Field("BG_SEVERITY") = "3-High" bug3.DetectedBy = c_qcUser bug3.Field("BG_DETECTION_DATE") = Date bug3.Post bSummary = "Associated to Run Step " & & ":" & Set bug3 = NewBug(bSummary, "Bug3 LinkDefectsToEntities", c_qcUser, "3-High") ' Add associations between diffent entities and bugs. Dim BugLinkF As LinkFactory Dim b2Test As Link, b2Run As Link, b2Step As Link Dim testL As ILinkable, runL As ILinkable, stepL As ILinkable Dim anObj As Object ' Cast test to Ilinkable and get bug link factory. errmsg = "Error linking Bug1" Set testL = oTest Set BugLinkF = testL.BugLinkFactory ' Create a link between Bug1 and the test. Set b2Test = BugLinkF.AddItem(Bug1) b2Test.LinkType = "Related" b2Test.Post ' Show the link definition. Set anObj = b2Test.LinkedByEntity Debug.Print TypeName(anObj), 'ITest LinkTest Set anObj = b2Test.SourceEntity Debug.Print TypeName(anObj), 'ITest LinkTest Set anObj = b2Test.TargetEntity Debug.Print TypeName(anObj), anObj.Summary 'IBug Associated to LinkTest ' Cast Bug2 to Ilinkable and get bug link factory. errmsg = "Error linking Bug2" Set runL = theRun Set BugLinkF = runL.BugLinkFactory ' Create a link between Bug2 and the run. Set b2Run = BugLinkF.AddItem(Bug2) b2Run.Status = "No Run" 'Always set a status when creating a run b2Run.LinkType = "Related" b2Run.Post 'Show the link definition Set anObj = b2Run.LinkedByEntity Debug.Print TypeName(anObj), 'IRun2 LinkTestLinked_Run Set anObj = b2Run.SourceEntity Debug.Print TypeName(anObj), 'IRun2 LinkTestLinked_Run Set anObj = b2Run.TargetEntity Debug.Print TypeName(anObj), anObj.Summary 'IBug Associated to LinkTestLinked_Run ' Cast Bug3 to Ilinkable and get bug link factory. errmsg = "Error linking Bug3" Set stepL = runStep2 Set BugLinkF = stepL.BugLinkFactory ' Create a link between Bug3 and the run step. Set b2Step = BugLinkF.AddItem(bug3) b2Step.LinkType = "Related" b2Step.Post ' Show the link definition. Set anObj = b2Step.LinkedByEntity Debug.Print TypeName(anObj), 'IStep2 LinkTestStep_1 Set anObj = b2Step.SourceEntity Debug.Print TypeName(anObj), 'IStep2 LinkTestStep_1 Set anObj = b2Step.TargetEntity Debug.Print TypeName(anObj), anObj.Summary 'IBug Associated to Run Step LinkTest:LinkTestStep_1 'Show the link definition from the bug side. 'Note that source and target are reversed. Dim bugL As ILinkable, lList As List, aLink As Link Dim bugLF As LinkFactory Set bugL = bug3 Debug.Print Set bugLF = bugL.LinkFactory Set lList = bugLF.NewList("") For Each aLink In lList Set anObj = aLink.LinkedByEntity Debug.Print TypeName(anObj), ' IStep2 LinkTestStep_1 Set anObj = aLink.SourceEntity Debug.Print TypeName(anObj), anObj.Summary ' IBug Associated to Run Step LinkTest:LinkTestStep_1 Set anObj = aLink.TargetEntity Debug.Print TypeName(anObj), 'IStep2 LinkTestStep_1 Next aLink CLEANUP: On Error GoTo CLEANUPERR LinkDefectsToEntities = SUCCESS errmsg = "Failure deleting defects" If util_DeleteBug(Bug1) Or util_DeleteBug(Bug2) Or util_DeleteBug(bug3) Then LinkDefectsToEntities = VALIDATE_FAILURE End If errmsg = "Failure deleting labFolder" If DeleteTestSetFolder(labFolder, True) Then LinkDefectsToEntities = VALIDATE_FAILURE End If Exit Function LinkDefectsToEntitiesErr: LinkDefectsToEntities = FAILURE GoTo CLEANUP CLEANUPERR: LinkDefectsToEntities = FAILURE End Function