Address | A text field that can be used to record user information as appropriate for the project. |
Deleted | If true, this user is marked for deletion, but the deletion is not yet committed. |
DomainAuthentication | The user credentials for LDAP authentication. |
Email | The user's e-mail address. |
ExpirationDate | Gets the user expiration date. |
FullName | The user's full name. |
In_Group | Deprecated. Use InGroup, which uses better error handling. |
InGroup | Indicates if this user is a member of the specified group. |
IsActive | Indicates whether the user is active or not. |
Name | A unique name by which to identify this user. |
Password | Sets the user's password. |
Phone | The user's telephone number. |
Updated | Indicates if the user's data was updated since the last synchronization with the server. |