ALM Open Test Architecture API Reference Version 12.55
Find a specified requirement in a specified folder
Public Function GetReqByPath(fullPath$, _
    Optional delimChar As String = "\") _
        As Req
' Find a specified requirement in a specified folder

' This function returns a Req object specified by its
' full path. For example:
'  Set r = GetReqByPath("SCRATCH\OTA_REQ_DEMO\OTA_S_O_1")
'  returns the OTA_S_O_1 object.
' A requirement name is not unique in the project, but it is
'  unique as a direct child of another requirement.
'  Therefore, these routine works by walking down the
'  requirement tree along the fullPath until the requirement
'  is found at the end of the path.
' If a backslash is not used as the folder delimiter, any other
'   character can be passed in the delimChar argurment.
    Dim rFact As ReqFactory
    Dim theReq As Req, ParentReq As Req
    Dim ReqList As List
    Dim NodeArray() As String, PathArray() As String
    Dim WorkingDepth As Integer
    On Error GoTo GetReqByPathErr
' Trim the fullPath and strip leading and trailing delimiters.
    fullPath = Trim(fullPath)
    Dim pos%, ln%
    pos = InStr(1, fullPath, delimChar)
    If pos = 1 Then
        fullPath = Mid(fullPath, 2)
    End If
    ln = Len(fullPath)
    pos = InStr(ln - 1, fullPath, delimChar)
    If pos > 0 Then
        fullPath = Mid(fullPath, 1, ln - 1)
    End If
' Get an array of requirements, and the length
' of the path.
    NodeArray = Split(fullPath, delimChar)
    'WorkingDepth = UBound(NodeArray)
' Walk down the tree.
    'tdc is the global TDConnection object.
    Set rFact = tdc.ReqFactory
    For WorkingDepth = LBound(NodeArray) To UBound(NodeArray)
    ' First time, find under the root (-1).
    'After that, under the previous requirement found: ParentReq.ID
        If WorkingDepth = LBound(NodeArray) Then
            Set ReqList = rFact.Find(-1, "RQ_REQ_NAME", _
                    NodeArray(WorkingDepth), TDREQMODE_FIND_EXACT)
            Set ReqList = rFact.Find(ParentReq.ID, "RQ_REQ_NAME", _
                    NodeArray(WorkingDepth), TDREQMODE_FIND_EXACT)
        End If
        If ReqList.Count = 0 Then
                Set GetReqByPath = Nothing
                Exit Function
        End If
        ' Delete parent. Each loop has to find it again.
        Set ParentReq = Nothing
        Dim strItem$, reqID&, strID$, thePath$
        'Get a single string from the list returned
        'by ReqFactory.Find. We know it's the first
        'item because the filter can only return one
        'item that exactly matches the RQ_REQ_NAME.
        strItem = ReqList(1)
        ' ReqFactory.Find returns a List
        ' of strings of format: ID,Name.
        ' For example "9,Products/Services On Sale"
        ' Extract the ID from the string by splitting the
        ' string at the comma.
        pos = InStr(strItem, ",")
        strID = Mid(strItem, 1, pos - 1)
        ' Convert the ID to a long, and get the object
        reqID = CLng(strID)
        Set theReq = rFact.Item(reqID)
        'Now check that the object is at the correct depth.
        'If so, we've found the requirement. On the next loop,
        'we'll look from here down.
        thePath = theReq.Path
        PathArray = Split(thePath, "\")
'            Debug.Print "Number of elements is " & UBound(PathArray)
'            Debug.Print theReq.ID, theReq.Name
        Set ParentReq = theReq
        If UBound(PathArray) = WorkingDepth Then
            Exit For
        End If

        If ParentReq Is Nothing Then Exit For
    Next WorkingDepth
    Set GetReqByPath = ParentReq
Exit Function
    Set GetReqByPath = Nothing
End Function