ALM Open Test Architecture API Reference Version 12.55
Get requirement properties
Public Sub RequirementProperties()

' Get requirement properties

'This example outputs the first 10 requirements in the project
'and their properties to the output window.

    Dim rFact As ReqFactory
    Dim myList As List
    Dim aTest As TDAPIOLELib.Test, coverList As List
    Dim aReq As Req
    Dim aField As TDField, fieldsList As List
    Dim CustField As CustomizationField
    Dim i%
' Get the requirement Factory.
    'tdc is the global TDConnection object.
    Set rFact = tdc.ReqFactory
' Get the List of requirements.
    Set myList = rFact.NewList("")
'Output the name and and some properties of
' the first ten requirements.
    For Each aReq In myList
        i = i + 1: If i > 10 Then Exit For
        With aReq
            Debug.Print .name & ": Numeration = " _
                & .Paragraph & ", Path = " & .Path
            Debug.Print "Type = " & .Type & " : Status = " _
                & .Status & " : Review Status = " & .Reviewed
            Debug.Print "------------------------------------"
        End With 'aReq

End Sub