ALM Open Test Architecture API Reference Version 12.55
Create a test and change some properties
Private Function AddAndEditTest(TestName$, _
    Optional TestType = "SYSTEM-TEST", _
    Optional ByRef containingFolder As SubjectNode) As Test
' Create a test and change some properties
' Create new test.
' This example assumes that the subject folder containing the
' new test is directly under the root "Subject" folder.

    Dim objTest As Test
    Dim testF As TestFactory
    Dim SubjRoot As SubjectNode
    On Error GoTo FUNC_ERR
    Set AddAndEditTest = Nothing
    If containingFolder Is Nothing Then 'Create a folder
        Set containingFolder = GetTestSubjectFolder("Add_And_Edit_Folder")
    End If
    Set testF = containingFolder.TestFactory
    Dim tFilter As TDFilter, tList As List, qTName As String
    ' Check if the test already exists
     Set tFilter = testF.Filter
     qTName = """" & TestName & """"
     tFilter.Filter("TS_NAME") = qTName
     Set tList = tFilter.NewList()
     Dim aT As Test
     For Each aT In tList
        If = TestName Then
            Set objTest = aT
            Exit For
        End If
     Next aT
    ' If test does not exist, create it
    If objTest Is Nothing Then
        Set objTest = testF.AddItem(Null) = TestName
        objTest.Type = TestType
    End If
    Dim VerCtl As VCS
    Dim bIsLocked As Boolean
    Dim strLockedBy As String
    Set VerCtl = objTest.VCS
    bIsLocked = VerCtl.IsLocked
    strLockedBy = VerCtl.LockedBy
    ' After POST, Test is checked in.
    Debug.Print "Version is locked: " & bIsLocked
    'Is locked: False
    Debug.Print "Version locked by: """ & strLockedBy & """"
    'Is locked by: ""
    VerCtl.CheckOut -1, "To change state", True
    bIsLocked = VerCtl.IsLocked
    strLockedBy = VerCtl.LockedBy
    Debug.Print "Version is locked: " & bIsLocked
    'Is locked: True
    Debug.Print "Version is locked by: """ & strLockedBy & """"
    'Is locked by: "User1"
    ' Take an arbitrary field to change.
    Debug.Print "Status: """ & objTest.Field("TS_STATUS") & """"
    'Status: ""
    objTest.Field("TS_STATUS") = "Ready"
    VerCtl.CheckIn "", "Changed status"
    bIsLocked = VerCtl.IsLocked
    strLockedBy = VerCtl.LockedBy
    Debug.Print "Version is locked: " & bIsLocked
    'Is locked: False
    Debug.Print "Version is locked by: """ & strLockedBy & """"
    'Is locked by: ""
    Set AddAndEditTest = objTest
Exit Function
     Set AddAndEditTest = Nothing
End Function