ALM Open Test Architecture API Type Library Version 12.55
ExtendedStorage Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method CancelCancels the load or save action.
Public Method DeleteDeletes files locally or from the server.
Public Method GetLastErrorGets the last error that occurred during asynchronous load and save operations.
Public Method LoadDownloads the storage structure to the client file system.
Public Method LoadExDownloads the storage structure to the client file system.
Public Method ProgressPolls the progress of the last action (Load or Save).
Public Method SaveUploads the storage structure to the server.
Public Method SaveExUploads the storage structure to the server.
Public Properties
Public Property ActionFinishedChecks if the load or save action is finished.
Public Property ClientPathThe location on the client to which to download or from which to upload.
Public Property RootThe storage root.
Public Property ServerPathDeprecated. The location on the server from which to download or to which to upload.
See Also

ExtendedStorage Object