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/* * How to call: TestFactory tF = (TestFactory)tdConnection.TestFactory; TDFilter tFilter = tF.Filter; tFilter["TS_NAME"] = "test5"; List tList = tFilter.NewList(); Test tTest = (Test)tList[1]; CheckoutEntity(tTest, "Hello", true); QCResourceFolderFactory qcResourceFolderF = tdConnection.QCResourceFolderFactory; TDFilter tFilterQC = qcResourceFolderF.Filter; tFilterQC["RFO_NAME"] = "test"; List tLists = tFilterQC.NewList(); QCResourceFolder qcResourceFolder = tLists[1]; QCResourceFactory qcResourceF = (QCResourceFactory) qcResourceFolder.QCResourceFactory;//tdConnection.QCResourceFactory; TDFilter tf1 = qcResourceF.Filter; tf1["RSC_CREATED_BY"] = "sa"; List tfLists = tf1.NewList(); QCResource configResource = tfLists[2]; QCResource testResource = tfLists[3]; CreateTestWithConfigurations(tTest, qcResourceFolder, testResource, configResource); */ private bool CreateTestWithConfigurations(Test checkLoginTest, QCResourceFolder resourceRootFolder, QCResource testResource, QCResource configResource) { try { QCResourceFactory resourceRootFolderFactory; IResourceStorage testResourceStorage; ISupportDataRelation testDataRelation; IResourceStorage configResourceStorage; ISupportDataRelation cDataRelation; TestConfigFactory cFact; TestConfig configVIP; String theDataMapping = String.Empty; String errmsg = String.Empty; //Check out the test. For code of CheckoutTest(), see example "Checking out a Test" VCS testVCS; bool checkInOutOK = true; testVCS = CheckoutTest(checkLoginTest, "Create Configurations", ref checkInOutOK); if (!checkInOutOK) { errmsg = "Error checking out checkLoginTest"; return false; } resourceRootFolderFactory = resourceRootFolder.QCResourceFactory; //Create a resource to hold the parameter data at the test level errmsg = "Error creating resourceRootFolderFactory"; testResource = resourceRootFolderFactory.AddItem("Test Data Resource"); testResource.ResourceType = "Data table"; testResource.FileName = "test.xml"; testResource.Post(); errmsg = "Error loading testResourceStorage"; testResourceStorage = (IResourceStorage)testResource; testResourceStorage.UploadResource(@"C:\temp", true); //Set the resource to be the data resource at the test level errmsg = "Error creating testDataRelation"; testDataRelation = (ISupportDataRelation)checkLoginTest; theDataMapping = @"<MappingData><MappingElement><ParameterName><![CDATA[FlightNo]]></ParameterName><MappedToName><![CDATA[flight_number]]></MappedToName></MappingElement></MappingData>"; testDataRelation.CreateDataRelation(testResource.ID, theDataMapping); //Create a new configuration for the test errmsg = "Error creating configVIP"; cFact = checkLoginTest.TestConfigFactory; configVIP = cFact.AddItem(DBNull.Value); configVIP["TSC_NAME"] = "Configuration for VIP user"; configVIP["TSC_DESC"] = "Check login with VIP user"; configVIP.Post(); //Create a resource to hold the parameter data at the configuration level errmsg = "Error creating configResource"; configResource = resourceRootFolderFactory.AddItem("Configuration Data Resource"); configResource.ResourceType = "Data table"; configResource.FileName = "config.xml"; configResource.Post(); errmsg = "Error loading configResource"; configResourceStorage = (IResourceStorage)configResource; configResourceStorage.UploadResource(@"C:\temp", true); //Set the resource to be the data resource at the configuration level errmsg = "Error creating cDataRelation"; cDataRelation = (ISupportDataRelation)configVIP; cDataRelation.CreateDataRelation(configResource.ID, ""); //Set the configuration to use the data resource at the configuration level errmsg = "Error setting configVIP data state"; configVIP["TSC_DATA_STATE"] = 2; configVIP.Post(); //See example "Checking in a Test" //checkInOutOK = CheckinTest(testVCS, "Created configurations"); if (!checkInOutOK) { errmsg = "Error checking in checkLoginTest"; return false; } else { return true; } } catch (Exception) { return false; } } |