ALM Open Test Architecture API Type Library Version 12.55
Filter Property
The name of the field in the project database. Use all upper case.
The filter condition for the field specified by the FieldName.
Property type
Read-write property
Visual Basic
Public Property Filter( _
   ByVal FieldName As String _
) As String
The name of the field in the project database. Use all upper case.

Although the Filter property has the syntax of a single property, a TDFilter can have a collection of Filter properties, each on a different field.  Set the Filter property for one field with each command.

A Filter setting is a value of the field, a value with an operator, or a set of values connected by operators.

The values can be constants, special tokens such as "[Today]", "[PreviousWeek]", or "[NextYear]", or folder names, such as "^Subject\LinkFolder^". Use the set filter dialog in the the relevant module of the ALM user interface to explore the possibilities.

String values with spaces must be quoted, for example, TestFilter.Filter("TS_EXEC_STATUS") = """No Run"""

The value can be an expression with a wild card. For example, testsetFilter.Filter("CY_CYCLE") = "GS*" filters for all test sets whose names begin with "GS".

See Also

HierarchyFilter Object  | HierarchyFilter Members