AddItem | Creates a new item object. |
IsValidMoveList | Checks if the moving bp components given before bpCompAfterNewLocationId is valid (no bpParam references will be lost). if moving to the end of the script put '0' in bpCompAfterNewLocationId |
Mails the list of IBase Factory Items. 'Items' is a list of ID numbers. | |
MoveList | Moves a list of BP Components under the specified parent in the specified order, validate and fix bpParams references validation after the move. To place the BP Component last, send TDAPI_POS_ORDER.TDPOSITION_LAST as the starting order. bpCompAfterNewLocationI?a?hH? |
NewList | Creates a list of objects according to the specified filter. |
RemoveItem | Removes item from the database. Removal takes place immediately, without a Post. |
FetchLevel | The Fetch level for a field. |
Fields | The list of all available fields for the entity managed by the factory. |
Filter | The TDFilter object for the factory. |
History | The History object for this entity. |
Item | Gets an object managed by the factory by its key. |