An Attachment object represents a single a file or Internet address attached to a field object and opened directly from ALM. For example, design documents, detailed defect descriptions, graphic files, and Web pages can be used as attachments.
Get an Attachment object through the Attachments property (attachment factory) of any object that implements IBaseFieldEx, SubjectNode.Attachments, or TestSetFolder.Attachments.
Implemented Interface | Description |
IAttachment | Represents a single file or Internet address attached to a field object. |
IBaseField2 | Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. |
IBaseField3 | Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. |
IBaseField4 | Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. |
Load | Downloads an attachment file to a client machine. |
LockObject | Locks the object. Returns True if the object has been changed on the server. |
Post | Posts all changed values into database. |
Refresh | Reads saved values, overwriting values in memory. |
Rename | Renames the attachment on the server. The attachment must be uploaded before calling this method. |
Save | Uploads a file to the server. |
Undo | Undoes changes to field values that have not been posted. |
UnLockObject | Unlocks the object. |
AttachmentStorage | Deprecated. The ExtendedStorage object of this attachment. Applies only to file attachments. |
AutoPost | If true, the database is updated immediately when the field value changes. |
AutoUnlock | Indicates whether to make the item changeable to other users automatically after a Refresh or Post. |
Data | If the attachment is a file, an array of bytes. If a reference to file, the path or URL. |
Description | The attachment description. |
DirectLink | The link or the attachment file name on the server machine. |
Field | The value of the specified field. |
FieldMultiValue | The MultiValue object of the specified field. |
FileName | If a file, the file location. If a virtual file, the location for the attachment before it is uploaded to the server. If a URL, the link address. |
FileSize | Obsolete.Use IAttachment3 FileSizeEx instead. The attachment file size in bytes. |
FileSizeEx | The attachment file size in bytes. |
ID | The item ID. |
IsLocked | Checks if object is locked for editing. |
LastModified | The last modified time. |
Modified | Checks if the item has been modified since last refresh or post operation. If true, the field properties on the server side are not up to date. |
Name | The attachment name. |
ServerFileName | The path to the attachment on the server machine. |
Type | The attachment type. Either File or URL. |
TypeName | The field's type. |
Virtual | Checks if this is a virtual item, that is, an item that does not have a corresponding database record. |