Action | The database activity that caused creation of this record. For example, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE. |
ActionID | The ID of the AuditRecord. |
AutoPost | If true, the database is updated immediately when the field value changes. |
AutoUnlock | Indicates whether to make the item changeable to other users automatically after a Refresh or Post. |
EntityID | The ID of the entity that changed. |
EntityType | The type of the entity that changed. |
Field | The value of the specified field. |
FieldMultiValue | The MultiValue object of the specified field. |
FieldName | The database definition name of field that was changed. |
ID | The item ID. |
IsLocked | Checks if object is locked for editing. |
Modified | Checks if the item has been modified since last refresh or post operation. If true, the field properties on the server side are not up to date. |
NewValue | The new value after the change. |
OldValue | The value before the change. |
PropertyName | The custom label for the field that was changed. |
SessionID | The Quality Center Session ID under which the action was performed. |
TableName | The database table in which the change was recorded. |
Time | The time stamp of the change according to the database server clock. |
TypeName | The field's type. |
UserName | The username of the user who performed the action. |
Virtual | Checks if this is a virtual item, that is, an item that does not have a corresponding database record. |