ColumnName | The column name. |
ColumnType | The database column type: char, date, memo, number, or time. |
DefaultValue | The default value of the field. |
EditMask | The input mask for string fields. |
FieldSize | The size of the field in the database. For BLOB fields, the size is -1. |
GrantModifyMask | The bit mask that indicates which user groups can modify the field. |
IsActive | Indicates if the field is active. Inactive user-defined fields are not visible in the user interface. |
IsByCode | Indicates if the field stores the Tree Node ID, rather than the passed value. |
IsCanFilter | Checks if the field is filter-enabled. |
IsCustomizable | Indicates if the field is displayed in the customization user interface. |
IsEdit | Indicates if the field can be edited. |
IsHistory | Indicates if change history is stored for the field. |
IsKey | Checks if the field is a database key field. |
IsMail | Indicates if Users on the list to be notified of changes are notified when this field is changed. |
IsRequired | Checks if the field is required. |
IsSystem | Checks if the field is a system field. |
IsTransitionLogic | Indicates if the field has transition logic. |
IsVerify | Indicates if the field requires verification. |
IsVisibleInNewBug | Indicates if the field is visible for the specified groups in a new defect form. |
KeyOrder | The position of the field in multi-field database key (1-based). |
List | The CustomizationList assigned to the field. |
NewCreated | Indicates if the field was created but not posted to the server. |
OwnerSensibleMask | The bit mask that indicates for which groups this field can be modified only by its owner. |
RootId | If the field contains a list, the ID of the list root node. If not, RootId is NULL. |
TableName | The name of the table that stores the active field. |
Type | The Field type. |
Updated | Indicates if the object has been modified since the last download from the server. |
UserColumnType | The user column type: char, number, date, memo, or empty string. |
UserLabel | A user-defined field label. |
VersionControl | Indicates if the field is under version control. |
VisibleForGroups | The bit mask that indicates which user groups can see this field. |