ALM Open Test Architecture API Type Library Version 12.55
ICustomizationField5 Interface
Additional properties of the customization field.
Public Methods
Public Method GetReferenceTableReturns the table referenced by this column.
Public Properties
Public Property AuditUpdateFor future use. Indicates whether history is kept for changes to the field.
Public Property AuthorizedModifyForGroupsThe list of groups whose members can modify this field.
Public Property AuthorizedOwnerSensibleForGroupsThe list of CustomizationUsersGroup objects of the groups for which only the owner can modify the field.
Public Property AuthorizedVisibleForGroupsThe list of CustomizationUsersGroup objects of the groups for which the field is visible in customization dialogs.
Public Property AuthorizedVisibleInNewBugForGroupsThe list of CustomizationUsersGroup objects of the groups for which the field is visible in the new defect dialog.
Public Property CanMakeMultiValueChecks if the field can be configured to store multiple values. If False, IsMultiValue cannot be set to True.
Public Property CanMakeSearchableChecks if search can be enabled for the field.
Public Property ColumnNameThe column name.
Public Property ColumnTypeThe database column type: char, date, memo, number, or time.
Public Property DefaultValueThe default value of the field.
Public Property EditMaskThe input mask for string fields.
Public Property FieldSizeThe size of the field in the database. For BLOB fields, the size is -1.
Public Property GrantModifyForGroupIndicates whether members of the group can change the value of this field.
Public Property GrantModifyMaskThe bit mask that indicates which user groups can modify the field.
Public Property IsActiveIndicates if the field is active. Inactive user-defined fields are not visible in the user interface.
Public Property IsByCodeIndicates if the field stores the Tree Node ID, rather than the passed value.
Public Property IsCanFilterChecks if the field is filter-enabled.
Public Property IsCanGroupIndicates if items of this type can form groups with others of the same type.
Public Property IsCrossSubtypeReturns true if this field is a cross subtype field.
Public Property IsCustomizableIndicates if the field is displayed in the customization user interface.
Public Property IsEditIndicates if the field can be edited.
Public Property IsHistoryIndicates if change history is stored for the field.
Public Property IsKeyChecks if the field is a database key field.
Public Property IsMailIndicates if Users on the list to be notified of changes are notified when this field is changed.
Public Property IsMultiValueIndicates whether the field can store more than one value.
Public Property IsRequiredChecks if the field is required.
Public Property IsSearchableIndicates whether the content of the field is searched by the Search method.
Public Property IsSupportsHistoryIndicates if this field supports history.
Public Property IsSupportsRequiredIndicates if this field supports required.
Public Property IsSystemChecks if the field is a system field.
Public Property IsTemplateChecks whether the customization item originated from the project template.
Public Property IsTransitionLogicIndicates if the field has transition logic.
Public Property IsVerifyIndicates if the field requires verification.
Public Property IsVirtualChecks if the field has a physical representation in the database. If True, there is no physical representation.
Public Property IsVisibleInNewBugIndicates if the field is visible for the specified groups in a new defect form.
Public Property KeyOrderThe position of the field in multi-field database key (1-based).
Public Property ListThe CustomizationList assigned to the field.
Public Property NewCreatedIndicates if the field was created but not posted to the server.
Public Property OwnerSensibleForGroupIndicates whether the field can be modified by the owner if the owner belongs to the specified group.
Public Property OwnerSensibleMaskThe bit mask that indicates for which groups this field can be modified only by its owner.
Public Property RootIdIf the field contains a list, the ID of the list root node. If not, RootId is NULL.
Public Property TableNameThe name of the table that stores the active field.
Public Property TypeThe Field type.
Public Property UpdatedIndicates if the object has been modified since the last download from the server.
Public Property UserColumnTypeThe user column type: char, number, date, memo, or empty string.
Public Property UserLabelA user-defined field label.
Public Property VersionControlIndicates if the field is under version control.
Public Property VisibleForGroupIndicates whether the field is visible in the New Defect dialog to the specified group.
Public Property VisibleForGroupsThe bit mask that indicates which user groups can see this field.
Public Property VisibleInNewBugForGroupIndicates whether the field is visible to the specified group in the new defect dialog.
See Also

ICustomizationField5 Members