ALM Open Test Architecture API Type Library Version 12.55
BPComponentFactory Object
Services to manage BPComponent objects.
Implemented InterfaceDescription
IBaseFactory2Provides basic object basic factory services, such as adding and removing factory child objects and creating lists of child objects.
IBaseFactoryExEnhances the IBaseFactory interface to support mailing.
IMailableFactoryMail support for factories.
ISupportCopyPaste2Services for supporting copy and paste.
ISupportCopyPaste4Services for supporting copy and paste.
ISupportEntitySubtypesRepresents a factory with support for subtypes.
Public Methods
Public Method AddItemCreates a new item object.
Public Method GetSubtypeSubtype corresponding to the given subtype ID.
Public Method IsValidMoveListChecks if the moving bp components given before bpCompAfterNewLocationId is valid (no bpParam references will be lost). if moving to the end of the script put '0' in bpCompAfterNewLocationId
Public Method MailMails the list of IBase Factory Items. 'Items' is a list of ID numbers.
Public Method MailExMails the list of IBase Factory Items. 'Items' is a list of ID numbers.
Public Method MoveListMoves a list of BP Components under the specified parent in the specified order, validate and fix bpParams references validation after the move. To place the BP Component last, send TDAPI_POS_ORDER.TDPOSITION_LAST as the starting order. bpCompAfterNewLocationI?a?hH?
Public Method NewListCreates a list of objects according to the specified filter.
Public Method RemoveItemRemoves item from the database. Removal takes place immediately, without a Post.
Public Properties
Public Property FetchLevelThe Fetch level for a field.
Public Property FieldsThe list of all available fields for the entity managed by the factory.
Public Property FilterThe TDFilter object for the factory.
Public Property GroupingManagerThe GroupingManager for this factory.
Public Property GroupingSupportedCheck whether the factory supports grouping.
Public Property HistoryThe History object for this entity.
Public Property ItemGets an object managed by the factory by its key.
Public Property SubtypesList of subtypes supported by this entity.
See Also

BPComponentFactory Members