ALM Open Test Architecture API Type Library Version 12.55
ICustomizationRBT Interface Members
Public Methods
Public Method AddBIQuestionCreates a new Business Criticality criterion.
Public Method AddFPQuestionCreates a new Failure Probability criterion.
Public Method CalcBILevelByAnswersWeightCalculate the Business Criticality level from the sum of all the values' weights.
Public Method CalcFPLevelByAnswersWeightCalculates the Failure Probability level from the sum of all the values' weights.
Public Method DeleteBIQuestionDeletes the specified Business Criticality criterion.
Public Method DeleteFPQuestionDeletes the specified Failure Probability criterion.
Public Method TranslateBILevelTranslate Business Criticality from TDAPI_RBT_BI_LEVELS to its name in the database.
Public Method TranslateFPLevelTranslate Failure Probability from TDAPI_RBT_FP_LEVELS to its name in the database.
Public Method TranslateTestingLevelTranslate TL from TDAPI_RBT_TESTING_LEVELS to it's name in the database.
Public Properties
Public Property BILevelRiskLowerThresholdThe lower threshold of Risk assessment for each Business Criticality level.
Public Property BIQuestionByIDReturns the Business Criticality criterion that has the specified ID.
Public Property BIQuestionsThe list of Business Criticality questions.
Public Property DisplayedTimeUnitsThe time unit display string for calculations results.
Public Property FPLevelRiskLowerThresholdThe lower threshold of Risk assessment for each Failure Probability level.
Public Property FPLevelTestingEffortInHoursObsolete. Returns E_NOTIMPL.
Public Property FPQuestionByIDReturns the Failure Probability criterion that has the specified ID.
Public Property FPQuestionsThe list of Failure Probability questions.
Public Property TestingLevelPercentageObsolete. No longer supported from Quality Center 10.0.
Public Property TestingPolicyMatrixRisk testing level matrix.
Public Property UpdatedIndicates if the Risk-based Quality Management Customization has been modified since the last synchronization with the database.
See Also

ICustomizationRBT Interface