ALM Open Test Architecture API Type Library Version 12.55
ICustomizationTypes Interface
A collection of Customization types of a specific entity. For example, the types of the requirement entity.
Public Methods
Public Method AddCustomizationTypeAdds a new CustomizationType to the specified entity.
Public Method GetDefaultSubtypeReturns the CustomizationSubtype Of The Default Subtype
Public Method GetEntityCustomizationSubtypeReturns the CustomizationSubtype with the specified ID.
Public Method GetEntityCustomizationSubtypesReturns the list of all CustomizationSubtypes for the specified entity.
Public Method GetEntityCustomizationTypeGets the CustomizationType with the specified ID.
Public Method GetEntityCustomizationTypesGets the list of all CustomizationTypes for the specified entity.
Public Method RemoveCustomizationTypeGets the CustomizationType with the specified ID.
See Also

ICustomizationTypes Members