ALM Open Test Architecture API Type Library Version 12.55
IFactoryList Collection
Services to create and maintains lists within entity factories. Use any factory object to create any number of list instances for objects in the factory.
Public Methods
Public Method AddAdds a new item to the current list object.
Public Method IndexOfItemGets the index of the passed object.
Public Method InsertInserts a new item at the specified position.
Public Method PostPosts changed data for all items in list.
Public Method RefreshReads saved list filter and data for all listed objects, overwriting values in memory.
Public Method RemoveRemoves the specified item from the current list object.
Public Method SwapSwaps the two list items specified by their positions.
Public Properties
Public Property _NewEnumGets an IEnumVARIANT enumerator. For information on the IEnumVARIANT, see Microsoft documentation.
Public Property CountThe number of items in the list.
Public Property FieldsGets a list of fields available through this factory.
Public Property ItemGets an item by index. The index is one-based.
Public Property RatioThe similarity ratio for the specified item.
See Also

IFactoryList Members