ALM Open Test Architecture API Type Library Version 12.55
BPIterationParam Object
An instance of a business component parameter that belongs to a single iteration of the business process test.

BPIterationParams are not added automatically when iterations are added to a BPComponent. Add them in code or through the user interface to enable the BusinessProcess test to run.

Get a BPIterationParam object from BPIterationParamFactory.AddItem or from the BPIteration.IterationParams list.

If the value of the parameter is not of the correct type, errors will occur in viewing and running the test.

Save changes to the object with BusinessProcess.Save, using the BusinessProcess object of which this is a child object.

Public Methods
Public Method LockObjectLocks the object. Returns True if the object has been changed on the server.
Public Method PostPosts all changed values into database.
Public Method RefreshReads saved values, overwriting values in memory.
Public Method UndoUndoes changes to field values that have not been posted.
Public Method UnLockObjectUnlocks the object.
Public Properties
Public Property AutoPostIf true, the database is updated immediately when the field value changes.
Public Property BPParameterThe BPParameter object of which this is an instance.
Public Property FieldThe value of the specified field.
Public Property IDThe item ID.
Public Property IsLockedChecks if object is locked for editing.
Public Property ModifiedChecks if the item has been modified since last refresh or post operation. If true, the field properties on the server side are not up to date.
Public Property ValueThe value of the parameter for this iteration.
Public Property VirtualChecks if this is a virtual item, that is, an item that does not have a corresponding database record.
See Also

BPIterationParam Members