ALM Open Test Architecture API Type Library Version 12.55
IReqFactory3 Interface
Services for managing requirements.
Public Methods
Public Method AddItemCreates a new item object.
Public Method BuildPerfGraphBuilds Performance Graph.
Public Method BuildPerfGraphExBuilds Performance Graph.
Public Method BuildProgressGraphBuilds Req progress graph.
Public Method BuildProgressGraphExBuilds Requirement progress graph. Extends BuildProgressGraph with ability to display Null parent folders.
Public Method BuildSummaryGraphBuilds Req summary graph.
Public Method BuildSummaryGraphExBuilds Req summary graph. Extends BuildSummaryGraph with ability to display Null parent folders.
Public Method BuildTrendGraphCreates graph that shows the number of defect status changes over time.
Public Method BuildTrendGraphExCreates graph that shows the number of defect status changes over time.
Public Method FindGets a list of requirements containing the Pattern value in specified field.
Public Method GetChildrenListGets list of child requirements.
Public Method GetCoverageTestsByReqFilterReturns the list of tests that cover the requirements that match the requirement filter.
Public Method GetFilteredChildrenListGets a filtered list of child requirements.
Public Method GetRequirementTypeReturns the requirement customization type object specified by the type ID.
Public Method GetRequirementTypesReturns the list of requirement customization types.
Public Method GetTracedListReturns the list of requirements either traced directly from or directly to the specified requirement.
Public Method MailMails the list of IBase Factory Items. 'Items' is a list of ID numbers.
Public Method NewListCreates a list of objects according to the specified filter.
Public Method RemoveItemRemoves item from the database. Removal takes place immediately, without a Post.
Public Method ReqTypeIdToNameReturns the name of the requirement type specified by the type ID.
Public Properties
Public Property FetchLevelThe Fetch level for a field.
Public Property FieldsThe list of all available fields for the entity managed by the factory.
Public Property FilterThe TDFilter object for the factory.
Public Property HistoryThe History object for this entity.
Public Property ItemGets an object managed by the factory by its key.
See Also

IReqFactory3 Members