ALM Open Test Architecture API Reference Version 12.55
Add audit record
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Public Sub AddAuditRecord()
'  Adding an audit record
    Dim ARAdder As IAuditRecordAdder
    Dim ARData As AuditRecordData
    ' retrieve the AuditRecordAdder from the connection
    Set ARAdder = tdc.AuditRecordFactory
    ' create an instance of AuditRecordData
    Set ARData = New AuditRecordData
    ' fill the new AuditRecordData object with data
    ARData.action = "CA_TestAction"
    ARData.entityID = "10"
    ARData.entityType = "TEST"
    ARData.Description = "This is a test of IAuditRecordAdder."
    ' create new Audit Record by passing the AuditRecordData object to the AuditRecordAdder
    ' Note: the invocation of AddAuditRecord causes immediate roundtrip
    ARAdder.AddAuditRecord ARData
End Sub