AnalyzeAndSave | Do analysis, create analysis results and save testing levels for all child Req objects. |
AnalyzeButDontSave | Do analysis, create analysis results, but do not save testing levels in children yet. |
ApplyPolicyOnResultMatix | Use current policy matrix and re-apply it on the aggregated counts matrix to calculate total analyzed requirements duration. |
ResetPolicyToDefaults | Copy the policy from customization. |
AnalysisFilter | The filter used for the Analysis. |
AnalysisResultAggregatedRNDEffortsInHours | Time it would take RnD to handle this requirement, as simple aggregative addition of RND efforts set in children that were visited in last analysis. |
AnalysisResultAnalyzedDurationInHours | Time it would take to test the requirements without CustomTestingLevel. That is, with the regular analyzed requirements, with this policy set in the related Risk-based Quality Management Analysis setup. |
AnalysisResultCountCustomizedRequirements | Count of all child requirements visited in last analysis that their Testing Efforts were customized (not set by analysis). |
AnalysisResultCountIgnoredRequirements | Count of all child requirements ignored in last analysis. |
AnalysisResultCountNonCustomizedRequirements | For each possible risk (pair of Risk and FC levels) - return the total Count of child requirements that were visited in last analysis and that are assessed to be in this Risk (Pair), and their Efforts were not customized. |
AnalysisResultCountUnanalyzableRequirements | Count of all child requirements visited in last analysis that could not be analyzed due to missing Assessment or incomplete custom effort. |
AnalysisResultCustomizedDurationInHours | Time it would take to test the requirements with CustomTestingLevel with this policy set in the related Risk-based Quality Management Analysis setup. |
AnalysisResultLastAnalysisDate | The Date/Time of the last analysis done on this parent requirement. |
AvailableTimeInHours | Available time for this Risk-based Quality Management Analysis. |
FPLevelTestingEffortInHours | Obsolete. Returns E_NOTIMPL. |
IsAnalyzed | Checks whether the parent requirement has valid Risk-based Quality Management analysis result data. |
TestingEffortForFCLevel | Hours needed to test a requirement with the given Functional Complexity. |
TestingEffortInHoursFromPolicyMatrix | Calculated time needed to test a requirement in the given Risk and Functional Complexity, according to the current policy. |
TestingLevelPercentage | Testing level percentage (of the full testing level). |
TestingPolicyMatrix | Risk testing level matrix. |