ALM Open Test Architecture API Type Library Version 12.55
ITDConnection Interface
Represents a single server connection.
Public Methods
Public Method ChangePasswordChanges the password for the currently logged in user.
Public Method ConnectToVCSAsObsolete. Do not invoke.
Public Method DisconnectProjectDisconnects from the project.
Public Method GetLicensesAllocates multiple licenses types according to the LicensesType parameter.
Public Method GetLicenseStatusThe license status for the specified client type.
Public Method GetTDVersionThe major and minor versions of the OTA API.
Public Method InitConnectionExInitializes the connection.
Public Method PurgeRunsDeletes the specified runs.
Public Method ReleaseConnectionReleases the COM pointer created when the connection is initialized.
Public Method SendMailSends Mail.
Public Method SynchronizeFollowUpsObsolete. Do not invoke.
Public Properties
Public Property ActionPermissionThe ActionPermission object for this connection.
Public Property AlertManagerThe AlertManager object for this connection.
Public Property BugFactoryThe Bug Factory object for this connection.
Public Property CheckoutRepositoryThe path of the checkout repository.
Public Property CommandThe Command object for this connection.
Public Property CommonSettingsThe Settings object for all users in this connection.
Public Property ComponentFolderFactoryThe Component Folder Factory object for this connection.
Public Property ConnectedChecks if the Open Test Architecture API server connection is initialized.
Public Property CustomizationThe Customization object for this connection.
Public Property DBNameThe name of the database.
Public Property DBTypeThe database type.
Public Property DirectoryPathThe path of the server side repository directory for the database repository type.
Public Property DomainNameThe current domain.
Public Property DomainsListThe domain names for this site.
Public Property ExtendedStorageDisabled by default security settings. Use the entity-level extended storage property.
Public Property FieldsA list of fields for the table specified in the DataType argument.
Public Property HostFactoryThe Hosts Factory object for this connection.
Public Property HostGroupFactoryThe HostGroupFactory object for this connection.
Public Property IgnoreHtmlFormatIndicates if formatted memo and description fields are returned as plain text without HTML tags.
Public Property MailConditionsThe TDMailConditions object for this connection.
Public Property ProjectConnectedChecks if the TDConnection is connected to a project.
Public Property ProjectNameThe name of the connected project.
Public Property ProjectPropertiesThe ProjectProperties object for this connection.
Public Property ProjectsListThe projects that are available in the domain to which Quality Center is connected.
Public Property ProjectsListExThe projects available within the specified domain.
Public Property ReportRoleThe report role of the connected user.
Public Property ReqFactoryThe ReqFactory object for this connection.
Public Property RulesThe RuleManager object for this connection.
Public Property RunFactoryThe RunFactory object for this connection.
Public Property ServerNameThe name of the connected Open Test Architecture API server.
Public Property ServerTimeThe time and date of the application server.
Public Property ServerURLThe URL of the connected server.
Public Property TDParamsGets the value of the parameter whose name is specified by Request.
Public Property TestFactoryThe Test Factory object for this connection.
Public Property TestRepositoryThe path of the tests directory of the connected project.
Public Property TestSetFactoryThe Test Set Factory object for this connection.
Public Property TestSetTreeManagerThe TestSetTreeManager object for this connection.
Public Property TreeManagerThe TreeManager object for the system tree.
Public Property UserGroupsListThe names of the user groups of the currently connected project.
Public Property UserNameThe user connected to the project.
Public Property UserSettingsThe Settings object for the logged-on user.
Public Property UsersListThe names of the users of the currently connected project.
Public Property UsingProgressIndicates if a progress bar is displayed.
Public Property VcsDbRepositoryThe path of the VCS database of the connected project.
See Also

ITDConnection Members