ALM Open Test Architecture API Type Library Version 12.55
ITestSetFolder Interface Members
Public Methods
Public Method AddNodeDispAdds a new child node.
Public Method FindTestSetsGets the list of test sets contained in the folder that match the specified pattern.
Public Method MoveMoves folder node under new father.
Public Method RemoveNodeExDeletes a test set folder node.
Public Properties
Public Property AttachmentsThe folder's AttachmentFactory object.
Public Property DescriptionThe test set folder description.
Public Property FatherDispThe parent node.
Public Property FatherIDThe unique parent ID.
Public Property HasAttachmentChecks if this folder has at least one attachment.
Public Property SubNodesThe list of child nodes.
Public Property TestSetFactoryGets the TestSetFactory for the folder.
Public Property ViewOrderThe index of this folder in its parent's list of sub-nodes.
See Also

ITestSetFolder Interface