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Public Function NewBug(BugSummary As String, _ Optional bugDescription = "description of new bug", _ Optional DetectedByUserName As String, _ Optional BugSeverity = "2-Medium", _ Optional DetectedDate) _ As Bug ' Create a defect Dim BugF As BugFactory Dim TheNewBug As Bug On Error GoTo FUNC_ERR Set BugF = tdc.BugFactory Set TheNewBug = BugF.AddItem(Null) If IsMissing(DetectedDate) Then DetectedDate = Date$ If IsMissing(DetectedByUserName) Then DetectedByUserName = tdc.UserName Else If Len(DetectedByUserName) = 0 Then DetectedByUserName = "alex_alm" End If 'Required fields. Get the list of required fields for your project with URL: 'http://<host>:<port>/qcbin/rest/domains/<DOMAIN NAME>/projects/<PROJECT NAME>/customization/entities/defect/fields?login-form-required&required=true 'For more information, see the ALM REST API documentation (help->documentation library) With TheNewBug .Summary = BugSummary .DetectedBy = DetectedByUserName .Field("BG_DETECTION_DATE") = DetectedDate .Field("BG_SEVERITY") = BugSeverity End With 'Examples of other fields you can set: With TheNewBug .AutoPost = False .AssignedTo = "alex_alm" .Priority = "1-Low" .Status = "New" .Field("BG_DESCRIPTION") = bugDescription .Field("BG_REPRODUCIBLE") = "Y" .Field("BG_PRIORITY") = "2-Medium" .Field("BG_RESPONSIBLE") = "alex_alm" .Field("BG_STATUS") = "New" .Field("BG_USER_01") = "123" End With TheNewBug.Post Set NewBug = TheNewBug Exit Function FUNC_ERR: Set NewBug = Nothing End Function |