ALM Open Test Architecture API Reference Version 12.55
Defect links to tests and requirements
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Private Function AddTestToBugLink(theTest As Test, _
    theBug As Bug, _
    Optional LinkComment) As Link

' Link a test to a defect

    Dim linkF As LinkFactory
    Dim thelink As Link
    Dim linkableTest As ILinkable
    Set linkableTest = theTest
    Set linkF = linkableTest.BugLinkFactory
    Set thelink = linkF.AddItem(theBug)
    If Not IsMissing(LinkComment) Then _
        thelink.comment = LinkComment
    Set AddTestToBugLink = thelink
Exit Function
    Set AddTestToBugLink = Nothing
End Function


Private Function LinkBugToReq(theBug As Bug, theReq As Req, _
    Optional LinkComment) As Link
' Link a requirement to a defect

    On Error GoTo FUNC_ERR
    Dim linkF As LinkFactory
    Dim thelink As Link
    Dim linkableReq As ILinkable

    Set linkableReq = theReq
    Set linkF = linkableReq.BugLinkFactory
    Set thelink = linkF.AddItem(theBug)
    If Not IsMissing(LinkComment) Then thelink.comment = LinkComment
    Set LinkBugToReq = thelink
Exit Function
    Set LinkBugToReq = Nothing
End Function


Private Function GetBugToTestLink(test1 As Test, Bug1 As Bug) As Link

' Get the link between a test and a defect

    On Error GoTo FUNC_ERR
    Dim linkF As LinkFactory
    Dim thelink As Link
    Dim linkableBug As ILinkable
    Set linkableBug = test1
    Set linkF = linkableBug.BugLinkFactory
    Dim oList As IList
    Dim aFilter As TDFilter
    Set aFilter = linkF.Filter
    aFilter.Filter("LN_ENTITY_TYPE") = "TEST"
    aFilter.Filter("LN_BUG_ID") = Bug1.ID
    Set oList = linkF.NewList(aFilter.Text)
    If oList.Count > 0 Then
         Set thelink = oList.Item(1)
         Debug.Print oList.Count
         Debug.Print thelink.Field("LN_LINK_COMMENT")
         Debug.Print thelink.Field("LN_ENTITY_ID")
         Debug.Print thelink.Field("LN_BUG_ID")
         Debug.Print thelink.Field("LN_LINK_ID")
        Set GetBugToTestLink = thelink
        errmsg = "Could not retrieve link"
        GoTo FUNC_ERR
    End If
Exit Function
    Set GetBugToTestLink = Nothing
End Function