ALM Open Test Architecture API Type Library Version 12.55
Req Object Members
Public Methods
Public Method AddAlertAdds a new alert to the specified entity.
Public Method AddConfigurationsToCoverageAdds a list of test configurations to the coverage.
Public Method AddCoverageAssigns a test to cover this requirement.
Public Method AddCoverageByFilterAdds the tests from the specified subject that match the input filter to the list of tests that cover the current requirement.
Public Method AddCoverageExAssigns all the tests in the specified subject folder to cover this current requirement.
Public Method AddCriteriaToCoverageAdds a list of test criteria to the coverage.
Public Method AddSubjectToCoverageAdds the tests from the specified subject that match the input filter to the list of tests that cover the current requirement.
Public Method AddTestInstanceToCoverageAdds the test instance to the list of test instances that cover the current requirement.
Public Method AddTestsFromTestSetToCoverageAdds the test instances from the specified test set that match the input filter to the list of test instances that cover the current requirement.
Public Method AddTestToCoverageAdds the test to the list of tests that cover the current requirement.
Public Method AnalyzeAndSaveDo analysis, create analysis results and save testing levels for all child Req objects.
Public Method AnalyzeButDontSaveDo analysis, create analysis results, but do not save testing levels in children yet.
Public Method ApplyPolicyOnResultMatixUse current policy matrix and re-apply it on the aggregated counts matrix to calculate total analyzed requirements duration.
Public Method AssessBILevelAssess the Business Criticality risk level for this requirement, according to the values provided.
Public Method AssessFCLevelAssess the Functional Complexity risk level for this requirement, according to the values provided.
Public Method AssessFPLevelAssess the Failure Probability risk level for this requirement, according to the values provided.
Public Method CancelFollowUpRemoves the current entity's follow-up.
Public Method CleanAllAlertsRemoves all current object alerts from the database.
Public Method DeleteAlertRemoves an alert or alerts associated with the current object from the database.
Public Method GenerateRichContentHTMLDocumentGenerate HTML document of the rich content data.
Public Method get_IconReturns the bitmap stream for the requirement's type.
Public Method GetAlertGets the alert specified by the alert ID.
Public Method GetAlertListGets a list of all alerts associated with the object.
Public Method GetCoverageTestConfigsReturns the list of test configurations that cover the current requirement and, optionally, cover those of its children that match the requirement filter.
Public Method GetCoverageTestConfigsByTestIdsReturns the list of test configurations that cover the current requirement with filtered tests, and optionally, cover those of its descendents that match the requirement filter.
Public Method GetCoverageTestsByReqFilterReturns the list of tests that cover the current requirement and, optionally, cover those of its children that match the requirement filter.
Public Method GetCoverListGets a list of the tests that cover this requirement.
Public Method GetCoverListByFilterGets the list of all tests that cover the current requirement and match the filter.
Public Method GetFollowUpGets the date and description for the follow-up associated with the current object.
Public Method HasAlertsChecks if any alerts are associated with the object.
Public Method HasFollowUpChecks if the object has at least one follow-up associated with it.
Public Method HasNewAlertsNew, unread alerts are associated with the object.
Public Method IsFollowUpOverdueChecks if the date of the unsent follow-up is earlier than the current database server date.
Public Method LoadRichContentDownloads rich content files.
Public Method LockObjectLocks the object. Returns True if the object has been changed on the server.
Public Method MailMails the IBaseFieldExMail field item.
Public Method MailExMails the IMailableEntity field item.
Public Method MoveMoves a requirement to being a child of a specified father in the requirements tree.
Public Method PopulateTargetCycleToChildrenAssigns the target cycle of the requirement as the target cycle of all child requirements, recursively down the folder tree.
Public Method PopulateTargetReleaseToChildrenAssigns the target release of the requirement as the target release of all child requirements, recursively down the folder tree.
Public Method PostPosts all changed values into database.
Public Method RefreshReads saved values, overwriting values in memory.
Public Method RemoveCoverageRemoves a test from the list of tests that cover this requirement.
Public Method ResetPolicyToDefaultsCopy the policy from customization.
Public Method SaveRichContentUploads rich content files.
Public Method SetFollowUpSets an alert for follow-up for the current object.
Public Method UndoUndoes changes to field values that have not been posted.
Public Method UnLockObjectUnlocks the object.
Public Properties
Public Property AnalysisFilterThe filter used for the Analysis.
Public Property AnalysisResultAggregatedRNDEffortsInHoursTime it would take RnD to handle this requirement, as simple aggregative addition of RND efforts set in children that were visited in last analysis.
Public Property AnalysisResultAnalyzedDurationInHoursTime it would take to test the requirements without CustomTestingLevel. That is, with the regular analyzed requirements, with this policy set in the related Risk-based Quality Management Analysis setup.
Public Property AnalysisResultCountCustomizedRequirementsCount of all child requirements visited in last analysis that their Testing Efforts were customized (not set by analysis).
Public Property AnalysisResultCountIgnoredRequirementsCount of all child requirements ignored in last analysis.
Public Property AnalysisResultCountNonCustomizedRequirementsFor each possible risk (pair of Risk and FC levels) - return the total Count of child requirements that were visited in last analysis and that are assessed to be in this Risk (Pair), and their Efforts were not customized.
Public Property AnalysisResultCountUnanalyzableRequirementsCount of all child requirements visited in last analysis that could not be analyzed due to missing Assessment or incomplete custom effort.
Public Property AnalysisResultCustomizedDurationInHoursTime it would take to test the requirements with CustomTestingLevel with this policy set in the related Risk-based Quality Management Analysis setup.
Public Property AnalysisResultLastAnalysisDateThe Date/Time of the last analysis done on this parent requirement.
Public Property AnalyzedTestingEffortInHoursThe testing effort determined by the last analysis.
Public Property AnalyzedTestingLevelThe testing level determined by the last analysis, from 'RBT Testing Levels' in LISTS.
Public Property AssessedBILevelBusiness Criticality risk level for this requirement, from the last time we called AssessBILevel.
Public Property AssessedFCLevelFunctional Complexity risk level for this requirement, from the last time we called AssessBILevel.
Public Property AssessedFPLevelFailure Probability risk level for this requirement, from the last time we called AssessFPLevel.
Public Property AttachmentsThe Attachment factory for the object.
Public Property AuthorThe name of the requirement author.
Public Property AutoPostIf true, the database is updated immediately when the field value changes.
Public Property AutoUnlockIndicates whether to make the item changeable to other users automatically after a Refresh or Post.
Public Property AvailableTimeInHoursAvailable time for this Risk-based Quality Management Analysis.
Public Property BIChosenAnswerForQuestionThe chosen value to this Business Criticality criterion for this requirement.
Public Property BugLinkFactoryThe bug link factory that manages the links of the current object to its associated defects.
Public Property CalculatedRiskLevelCalculated Risk level for this requirement.
Public Property CommentThe comment associated with this requirement.
Public Property CountThe number of direct children.
Public Property CustomBILevelCustom Business Criticality level, overrides the assessed level.
Public Property CustomFCLevelCustom Functional Complexity level, overrides the assessed level.
Public Property CustomFPLevelCustom Failure Probability level, overrides the assessed level.
Public Property CustomRiskLevelCustom Risk level, overrides the assessed level.
Public Property CustomTestingEffortInHoursThe custom testing effort.
Public Property CustomTestingLevelThe custom testing level supplied, from 'RBT Testing Levels' in LISTS.
Public Property DiagramFactoryReturns a diagram factory
Public Property EffectiveBILevelEffective Business Criticality level.
Public Property EffectiveFCLevelEffective Functional Complexitylevel.
Public Property EffectiveFPLevelEffective Failure Probability level.
Public Property EffectiveRiskLevelEffective Risk level.
Public Property FCChosenAnswerForQuestionThe chosen value to this Functional Complexity criterion for this requirement.
Public Property FieldThe value of the specified field.
Public Property FieldMultiValueThe MultiValue object of the specified field.
Public Property FPChosenAnswerForQuestionThe chosen value to this Failure Probability criterion for this requirement.
Public Property FPLevelTestingEffortInHoursObsolete. Returns E_NOTIMPL.
Public Property HasAttachmentChecks if the object has one or more attachments.
Public Property HasCoverageThe requirement is covered by at least one test.
Public Property HasLinkageChecks if the current object has at least one associated Bug.
Public Property HasOthersLinkageChecks if the current Bug object has at least one associated object that is not another Bug object. Defined only for Bug objects.
Public Property HasReqTraceabilityChecks if the current requirement has at least one associated requirement in the specified direction.
Public Property HasRichContentChecks if the object has rich content.
Public Property IDThe item ID.
Public Property IgnoreInAnalysisShould this requirement be excluded in Risk-based Quality Management analysis?
Public Property IsAnalyzedChecks whether the parent requirement has valid Risk-based Quality Management analysis result data.
Public Property IsFolderNo longer in use.
Public Property IsLockedChecks if object is locked for editing.
Public Property LinkFactoryThe link factory of the current defect object that enables viewing the links. Defined only for Bug objects.
Public Property ModifiedChecks if the item has been modified since last refresh or post operation. If true, the field properties on the server side are not up to date.
Public Property NameThe Requirement name as seen in the tree.
Public Property ParagraphThe paragraph number or numeration of the requirement.
Public Property ParentIdThe Requirement's parent ID.
Public Property ParentRequirementForRBTAnalysisThe parent requirement for the current Risk-based Quality Management Analysis.
Public Property PathThe path of the node containing this requirement.
Public Property PriorityThe requirement priority.
Public Property ProductThe product name for which the requirement is set.
Public Property ReqTraceFactoryThe requirement link factory that manages the traceability links of the current requirement to its associated requirements in the specified direction.
Public Property RequirementCoverageFactoryGet Requirement Coverage Factory.
Public Property RequirementTypeGets the interface for getting the requirement types.
Public Property ReviewedThe review status.
Public Property RnDEstimatedEffortInHoursThe R&D effort.
Public Property StatusThe status of the tests that cover this requirement.
Public Property TestingEffortForFCLevelHours needed to test a requirement with the given Functional Complexity.
Public Property TestingEffortInHoursFromPolicyMatrixCalculated time needed to test a requirement in the given Risk and Functional Complexity, according to the current policy.
Public Property TestingLevelPercentageTesting level percentage (of the full testing level).
Public Property TestingPolicyMatrixRisk testing level matrix.
Public Property TypeThe name of the requirement type.
Public Property TypeIdThe requirement's type ID.
Public Property TypeNameThe field's type.
Public Property UseCustomBILevelDoes this requirement have a custom Business Criticality level?
Public Property UseCustomFCLevelDoes this requirement have a custom Functional Complexity level?
Public Property UseCustomFPLevelDoes this requirement have a custom Failure Probability level?
Public Property UseCustomRiskLevelDoes this requirement have a custom Risk level?
Public Property UseCustomTLAndTEDoes this requirement have a custom Testing Level and Testing Effort?
Public Property VCThe version control object for the entity.
Public Property VersionDataThe IVersionData of the entity.
Public Property VirtualChecks if this is a virtual item, that is, an item that does not have a corresponding database record.
See Also

Req Object