AnalysisFilter | The filter used for the Analysis. |
AnalysisResultAggregatedRNDEffortsInHours | Time it would take RnD to handle this requirement, as simple aggregative addition of RND efforts set in children that were visited in last analysis. |
AnalysisResultAnalyzedDurationInHours | Time it would take to test the requirements without CustomTestingLevel. That is, with the regular analyzed requirements, with this policy set in the related Risk-based Quality Management Analysis setup. |
AnalysisResultCountCustomizedRequirements | Count of all child requirements visited in last analysis that their Testing Efforts were customized (not set by analysis). |
AnalysisResultCountIgnoredRequirements | Count of all child requirements ignored in last analysis. |
AnalysisResultCountNonCustomizedRequirements | For each possible risk (pair of Risk and FC levels) - return the total Count of child requirements that were visited in last analysis and that are assessed to be in this Risk (Pair), and their Efforts were not customized. |
AnalysisResultCountUnanalyzableRequirements | Count of all child requirements visited in last analysis that could not be analyzed due to missing Assessment or incomplete custom effort. |
AnalysisResultCustomizedDurationInHours | Time it would take to test the requirements with CustomTestingLevel with this policy set in the related Risk-based Quality Management Analysis setup. |
AnalysisResultLastAnalysisDate | The Date/Time of the last analysis done on this parent requirement. |
AnalyzedTestingEffortInHours | The testing effort determined by the last analysis. |
AnalyzedTestingLevel | The testing level determined by the last analysis, from 'RBT Testing Levels' in LISTS. |
AssessedBILevel | Business Criticality risk level for this requirement, from the last time we called AssessBILevel. |
AssessedFCLevel | Functional Complexity risk level for this requirement, from the last time we called AssessBILevel. |
AssessedFPLevel | Failure Probability risk level for this requirement, from the last time we called AssessFPLevel. |
Attachments | The Attachment factory for the object. |
Author | The name of the requirement author. |
AutoPost | If true, the database is updated immediately when the field value changes. |
AutoUnlock | Indicates whether to make the item changeable to other users automatically after a Refresh or Post. |
AvailableTimeInHours | Available time for this Risk-based Quality Management Analysis. |
BIChosenAnswerForQuestion | The chosen value to this Business Criticality criterion for this requirement. |
BugLinkFactory | The bug link factory that manages the links of the current object to its associated defects. |
CalculatedRiskLevel | Calculated Risk level for this requirement. |
Comment | The comment associated with this requirement. |
Count | The number of direct children. |
CustomBILevel | Custom Business Criticality level, overrides the assessed level. |
CustomFCLevel | Custom Functional Complexity level, overrides the assessed level. |
CustomFPLevel | Custom Failure Probability level, overrides the assessed level. |
CustomRiskLevel | Custom Risk level, overrides the assessed level. |
CustomTestingEffortInHours | The custom testing effort. |
CustomTestingLevel | The custom testing level supplied, from 'RBT Testing Levels' in LISTS. |
DiagramFactory | Returns a diagram factory |
EffectiveBILevel | Effective Business Criticality level. |
EffectiveFCLevel | Effective Functional Complexitylevel. |
EffectiveFPLevel | Effective Failure Probability level. |
EffectiveRiskLevel | Effective Risk level. |
FCChosenAnswerForQuestion | The chosen value to this Functional Complexity criterion for this requirement. |
Field | The value of the specified field. |
FieldMultiValue | The MultiValue object of the specified field. |
FPChosenAnswerForQuestion | The chosen value to this Failure Probability criterion for this requirement. |
FPLevelTestingEffortInHours | Obsolete. Returns E_NOTIMPL. |
HasAttachment | Checks if the object has one or more attachments. |
HasCoverage | The requirement is covered by at least one test. |
HasLinkage | Checks if the current object has at least one associated Bug. |
HasOthersLinkage | Checks if the current Bug object has at least one associated object that is not another Bug object. Defined only for Bug objects. |
HasReqTraceability | Checks if the current requirement has at least one associated requirement in the specified direction. |
HasRichContent | Checks if the object has rich content. |
ID | The item ID. |
IgnoreInAnalysis | Should this requirement be excluded in Risk-based Quality Management analysis? |
IsAnalyzed | Checks whether the parent requirement has valid Risk-based Quality Management analysis result data. |
IsFolder | No longer in use. |
IsLocked | Checks if object is locked for editing. |
LinkFactory | The link factory of the current defect object that enables viewing the links. Defined only for Bug objects. |
Modified | Checks if the item has been modified since last refresh or post operation. If true, the field properties on the server side are not up to date. |
Name | The Requirement name as seen in the tree. |
Paragraph | The paragraph number or numeration of the requirement. |
ParentId | The Requirement's parent ID. |
ParentRequirementForRBTAnalysis | The parent requirement for the current Risk-based Quality Management Analysis. |
Path | The path of the node containing this requirement. |
Priority | The requirement priority. |
Product | The product name for which the requirement is set. |
ReqTraceFactory | The requirement link factory that manages the traceability links of the current requirement to its associated requirements in the specified direction. |
RequirementCoverageFactory | Get Requirement Coverage Factory. |
RequirementType | Gets the interface for getting the requirement types. |
Reviewed | The review status. |
RnDEstimatedEffortInHours | The R&D effort. |
Status | The status of the tests that cover this requirement. |
TestingEffortForFCLevel | Hours needed to test a requirement with the given Functional Complexity. |
TestingEffortInHoursFromPolicyMatrix | Calculated time needed to test a requirement in the given Risk and Functional Complexity, according to the current policy. |
TestingLevelPercentage | Testing level percentage (of the full testing level). |
TestingPolicyMatrix | Risk testing level matrix. |
Type | The name of the requirement type. |
TypeId | The requirement's type ID. |
TypeName | The field's type. |
UseCustomBILevel | Does this requirement have a custom Business Criticality level? |
UseCustomFCLevel | Does this requirement have a custom Functional Complexity level? |
UseCustomFPLevel | Does this requirement have a custom Failure Probability level? |
UseCustomRiskLevel | Does this requirement have a custom Risk level? |
UseCustomTLAndTE | Does this requirement have a custom Testing Level and Testing Effort? |
VC | The version control object for the entity. |
VersionData | The IVersionData of the entity. |
Virtual | Checks if this is a virtual item, that is, an item that does not have a corresponding database record. |