Get a test object from a TestFactory.
Implemented Interface | Description |
IAlertable2 | Services for managing auto-alerts. |
IAlertable2Dispatch | Services for managing auto-alerts. |
IBaseField2 | Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. |
IBaseField3 | Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. |
IBaseField4 | Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. |
ICoverable | Represents an entity that covers a requirement. |
IFollowUpManager | Manages the user-defined follow-ups. |
ILinkable | Services for managing links. |
IMailableEntity | Mail support for entities. |
ISubtypedEntity | Represents an entity with support for subtypes. |
ISupportAssetRelations | Services for managing relations between Quality Center entities. |
ISupportAssetRelations2 | Services for managing relations between Quality Center entities. |
ISupportAssetRelations3 | Services for managing relations between ALM entities. |
ISupportAssetRepositoryItems | Services for managing asset repository items. |
ISupportAssets | Services for managing user assets. |
ISupportDataRelation | Services for linking a Test or TestConfiguration with its parameter data. |
ISupportParameterValues | Services to support parameterization. |
ISupportTestParameters | Provides services for entities that support parametererisation. |
IVersionedEntity | Represents an entity that can have versions. |
AddAlert | Adds a new alert to the specified entity. |
CancelFollowUp | Removes the current entity's follow-up. |
CleanAllAlerts | Removes all current object alerts from the database. |
CoverRequirement | Adds the specified requirement to the list of requirements covered by this test. |
CoverRequirementEx | Adds the specified requirement to the list of requirements covered by this entity. Optionally, also adds child requirements. |
CreateDataRelation | Creates a new asset relation and sets it to be the data source relation for this entity. |
DeleteAlert | Removes an alert or alerts associated with the current object from the database. |
Download | Downloads an asset and its related assets. |
GetActiveDataRelation | Returns the active data resource asset relation whether or not it is associated directly with this object. |
GetAlert | Gets the alert specified by the alert ID. |
GetAlertList | Gets a list of all alerts associated with the object. |
GetCoverList | Gets the list of all requirements covered by this test. |
GetDataRelation | Returns the data resource asset relation directly associated with this object. |
GetEntityStorageSize | Returns the size of the asset and its related assets. |
GetFollowUp | Gets the date and description for the follow-up associated with the current object. |
HasAlerts | Checks if any alerts are associated with the object. |
HasDependencies | Returns asset relation dependencies status. |
HasFollowUp | Checks if the object has at least one follow-up associated with it. |
HasNewAlerts | New, unread alerts are associated with the object. |
IsFollowUpOverdue | Checks if the date of the unsent follow-up is earlier than the current database server date. |
LockObject | Locks the object. Returns True if the object has been changed on the server. |
Mails the list of IBase Factory Items. 'Items' is a list of ID numbers. | |
MailEx | Mails the IMailableEntity field item. |
Post | Posts all changed values into database. |
Refresh | Reads saved values, overwriting values in memory. |
RemoveCoverage | Removes a requirement from the list of requirements this test covers. |
SetFollowUp | Sets an alert for follow-up for the current object. |
Undo | Undoes changes to field values that have not been posted. |
UnLockObject | Unlocks the object. |
AssetRelationFactory | The asset's AssetRelationsFactory object. |
AssetRepositoryItemFactory | The asset's AssetRepositoryItemFactory object. |
Attachments | The Attachment factory for the object. |
AutoPost | If true, the database is updated immediately when the field value changes. |
AutoUnlock | Indicates whether to make the item changeable to other users automatically after a Refresh or Post. |
Baselines | A list of IBaseline objects in which the entity participated. |
BugLinkFactory | The bug link factory that manages the links of the current object to its associated defects. |
CheckoutPathIfExist | The checkout path for the test. |
ContainsBrokenRelation | Returns true if the object is linked to an asset but the asset does not exist. |
CoverageFactory | The CoverageFactory for the entity. |
DesignStepFactory | The design steps factory for the current test. |
DesStepsNum | The number of design steps in the test. |
EntitySubtype | The current subtype of the entity. |
ExecDate | The test execution date and time. |
ExecStatus | The test execution status. |
ExtendedStorage | The Extended Storage object for the current test. |
Field | The value of the specified field. |
FieldMultiValue | The MultiValue object of the specified field. |
FolderId | The test folder ID. |
FullPath | The full file system path for the test. |
HasAttachment | Checks if the object has one or more attachments. |
HasCoverage | Checks if the test covers at least one requirement. |
HasCriteria | Checks whether the test has criteria. |
HasLinkage | Checks if the current object has at least one associated Bug. |
HasOthersLinkage | Checks if the current Bug object has at least one associated object that is not another Bug object. Defined only for Bug objects. |
HasParam | Checks if the test has at least one parameter. |
ID | The item ID. |
IsLocked | Checks if object is locked for editing. |
LastRun | The last Run object for this test. |
LinkFactory | The link factory of the current defect object that enables viewing the links. Defined only for Bug objects. |
Modified | Checks if the item has been modified since last refresh or post operation. If true, the field properties on the server side are not up to date. |
Name | The test name. |
NumOfConfigurations | Number of configurations the Test has. |
ParameterValueFactory | The parameter value factory that manages the parameter values of the current object. |
Params | Deprecated. Use TestParameterFactory of ISupportTestParameters. The current test parameters. |
TemplateTest | Indicates if this test is a template test. |
TestConfigFactory | The test configuration factory for the test. |
TestCriterionFactory | The test criterion factory for the test. |
TestParameterFactory | The Parameter factory that manages the parameters of the current object. |
Type | The test type. |
TypeName | The field's type. |
UsedBy | Returns the list of relations to assets that are using this asset or that are using user assets owned by this asset. |
UserAssetFactory | The asset's UserAssetFactory object. |
Using | Returns the list of relations to assets used by this asset or by user assets owned by this asset. |
VC | The version control object for the entity. |
VCS | The VCS version control object for this test. |
Virtual | Checks if this is a virtual item, that is, an item that does not have a corresponding database record. |