ALM Open Test Architecture API Type Library Version 12.55
Test Object
Represents a planning test.

Get a test object from a TestFactory.

Implemented InterfaceDescription
IAlertable2Services for managing auto-alerts.
IAlertable2DispatchServices for managing auto-alerts.
IBaseField2Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment.
IBaseField3Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment.
IBaseField4Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment.
ICoverableRepresents an entity that covers a requirement.
IFollowUpManagerManages the user-defined follow-ups.
ILinkableServices for managing links.
IMailableEntityMail support for entities.
ISubtypedEntityRepresents an entity with support for subtypes.
ISupportAssetRelationsServices for managing relations between Quality Center entities.
ISupportAssetRelations2Services for managing relations between Quality Center entities.
ISupportAssetRelations3Services for managing relations between ALM entities.
ISupportAssetRepositoryItemsServices for managing asset repository items.
ISupportAssetsServices for managing user assets.
ISupportDataRelationServices for linking a Test or TestConfiguration with its parameter data.
ISupportParameterValuesServices to support parameterization.
ISupportTestParametersProvides services for entities that support parametererisation.
IVersionedEntityRepresents an entity that can have versions.
Public Methods
Public Method AddAlertAdds a new alert to the specified entity.
Public Method CancelFollowUpRemoves the current entity's follow-up.
Public Method CleanAllAlertsRemoves all current object alerts from the database.
Public Method CoverRequirementAdds the specified requirement to the list of requirements covered by this test.
Public Method CoverRequirementExAdds the specified requirement to the list of requirements covered by this entity. Optionally, also adds child requirements.
Public Method CreateDataRelationCreates a new asset relation and sets it to be the data source relation for this entity.
Public Method DeleteAlertRemoves an alert or alerts associated with the current object from the database.
Public Method DownloadDownloads an asset and its related assets.
Public Method GetActiveDataRelationReturns the active data resource asset relation whether or not it is associated directly with this object.
Public Method GetAlertGets the alert specified by the alert ID.
Public Method GetAlertListGets a list of all alerts associated with the object.
Public Method GetCoverListGets the list of all requirements covered by this test.
Public Method GetDataRelationReturns the data resource asset relation directly associated with this object.
Public Method GetEntityStorageSizeReturns the size of the asset and its related assets.
Public Method GetFollowUpGets the date and description for the follow-up associated with the current object.
Public Method HasAlertsChecks if any alerts are associated with the object.
Public Method HasDependenciesReturns asset relation dependencies status.
Public Method HasFollowUpChecks if the object has at least one follow-up associated with it.
Public Method HasNewAlertsNew, unread alerts are associated with the object.
Public Method IsFollowUpOverdueChecks if the date of the unsent follow-up is earlier than the current database server date.
Public Method LockObjectLocks the object. Returns True if the object has been changed on the server.
Public Method MailMails the list of IBase Factory Items. 'Items' is a list of ID numbers.
Public Method MailExMails the IMailableEntity field item.
Public Method PostPosts all changed values into database.
Public Method RefreshReads saved values, overwriting values in memory.
Public Method RemoveCoverageRemoves a requirement from the list of requirements this test covers.
Public Method SetFollowUpSets an alert for follow-up for the current object.
Public Method UndoUndoes changes to field values that have not been posted.
Public Method UnLockObjectUnlocks the object.
Public Properties
Public Property AssetRelationFactoryThe asset's AssetRelationsFactory object.
Public Property AssetRepositoryItemFactoryThe asset's AssetRepositoryItemFactory object.
Public Property AttachmentsThe Attachment factory for the object.
Public Property AutoPostIf true, the database is updated immediately when the field value changes.
Public Property AutoUnlockIndicates whether to make the item changeable to other users automatically after a Refresh or Post.
Public Property BaselinesA list of IBaseline objects in which the entity participated.
Public Property BugLinkFactoryThe bug link factory that manages the links of the current object to its associated defects.
Public Property CheckoutPathIfExistThe checkout path for the test.
Public Property ContainsBrokenRelationReturns true if the object is linked to an asset but the asset does not exist.
Public Property CoverageFactoryThe CoverageFactory for the entity.
Public Property DesignStepFactoryThe design steps factory for the current test.
Public Property DesStepsNumThe number of design steps in the test.
Public Property EntitySubtypeThe current subtype of the entity.
Public Property ExecDateThe test execution date and time.
Public Property ExecStatusThe test execution status.
Public Property ExtendedStorageThe Extended Storage object for the current test.
Public Property FieldThe value of the specified field.
Public Property FieldMultiValueThe MultiValue object of the specified field.
Public Property FolderIdThe test folder ID.
Public Property FullPathThe full file system path for the test.
Public Property HasAttachmentChecks if the object has one or more attachments.
Public Property HasCoverageChecks if the test covers at least one requirement.
Public Property HasCriteriaChecks whether the test has criteria.
Public Property HasLinkageChecks if the current object has at least one associated Bug.
Public Property HasOthersLinkageChecks if the current Bug object has at least one associated object that is not another Bug object. Defined only for Bug objects.
Public Property HasParamChecks if the test has at least one parameter.
Public Property IDThe item ID.
Public Property IsLockedChecks if object is locked for editing.
Public Property LastRunThe last Run object for this test.
Public Property LinkFactoryThe link factory of the current defect object that enables viewing the links. Defined only for Bug objects.
Public Property ModifiedChecks if the item has been modified since last refresh or post operation. If true, the field properties on the server side are not up to date.
Public Property NameThe test name.
Public Property NumOfConfigurationsNumber of configurations the Test has.
Public Property ParameterValueFactoryThe parameter value factory that manages the parameter values of the current object.
Public Property ParamsDeprecated. Use TestParameterFactory of ISupportTestParameters. The current test parameters.
Public Property TemplateTestIndicates if this test is a template test.
Public Property TestConfigFactoryThe test configuration factory for the test.
Public Property TestCriterionFactoryThe test criterion factory for the test.
Public Property TestParameterFactoryThe Parameter factory that manages the parameters of the current object.
Public Property TypeThe test type.
Public Property TypeNameThe field's type.
Public Property UsedByReturns the list of relations to assets that are using this asset or that are using user assets owned by this asset.
Public Property UserAssetFactoryThe asset's UserAssetFactory object.
Public Property UsingReturns the list of relations to assets used by this asset or by user assets owned by this asset.
Public Property VCThe version control object for the entity.
Public Property VCSThe VCS version control object for this test.
Public Property VirtualChecks if this is a virtual item, that is, an item that does not have a corresponding database record.
See Also

Test Members