Implemented Interface | Description |
IBaseField2 | Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. |
IBaseField3 | Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. |
IBaseField4 | Represents a basic data field or entity, such as an attachment. |
ILinkable | Services for managing links. |
IMailableEntity | Mail support for entities. |
ISubtypedEntity | Represents an entity with support for subtypes. |
BuildPerfGraph | Builds Performance Graph. |
BuildProgressGraph | Builds Req progress graph. |
BuildProgressGraphEx | Builds Requirement progress graph. Extends BuildProgressGraph with ability to display Null parent folders. |
BuildSummaryGraph | Builds Req summary graph. |
BuildTrendGraph | Creates graph that shows the number of defect status changes over time. |
CheckTestInstances | Gets information about the instances of the specified test in this test set. |
LockObject | Locks the object. Returns True if the object has been changed on the server. |
Mails the item. | |
MailEx | Mails the IMailableEntity field item. |
Post | Posts all changed values into database. |
PurgeExecutions | Purges all the running executions within the test set. |
Refresh | Reads saved values, overwriting values in memory. |
ResetTestSet | Sets the status of each test in the test set to 'No Run'. |
StartExecution | Starts the execution controller. |
Undo | Undoes changes to field values that have not been posted. |
UnLockObject | Unlocks the object. |
Attachments | The Attachment factory for the object. |
AutoPost | If true, the database is updated immediately when the field value changes. |
AutoUnlock | Indicates whether to make the item changeable to other users automatically after a Refresh or Post. |
BugLinkFactory | The bug link factory that manages the links of the current object to its associated defects. |
ConditionFactory | The condition factory object for the current test set. |
EntitySubtype | The current subtype of the entity. |
ExecutionReportSettings | Gets the execution report settings for the current test set. |
ExecutionSettings | Gets the execution settings for the test set. |
Field | The value of the specified field. |
FieldMultiValue | The MultiValue object of the specified field. |
FolderId | The test set folder ID. |
HasAttachment | Checks if the object has one or more attachments. |
HasLinkage | Checks if the current object has at least one associated Bug. |
HasOthersLinkage | Checks if the current Bug object has at least one associated object that is not another Bug object. Defined only for Bug objects. |
ID | The item ID. |
IsLocked | Checks if object is locked for editing. |
LinkFactory | The link factory of the current defect object that enables viewing the links. Defined only for Bug objects. |
Modified | Checks if the item has been modified since last refresh or post operation. If true, the field properties on the server side are not up to date. |
Name | The test set name. |
Status | The test set status. |
TestDefaultExecutionSettings | Gets default execution settings for tests. |
TestSetFolder | The test set's parent node. |
TSTestFactory | The factory object for the current test set. |
TypeName | The field's type. |
Virtual | Checks if this is a virtual item, that is, an item that does not have a corresponding database record. |