Implemented Interface | Description |
IObjectLockingSupport | Services to support locking objects for editing. This interface is not used for version control. |
ISupportCopyPaste4 | Services for supporting copy and paste. |
AddNode | Adds a new child node. |
AddNodeDisp | Adds a new child node. |
FindChildNode | Finds a child node by node name. |
FindChildren | Finds node children according to specified search pattern. |
FindTestInstances | Gets the list of test instances in all test sets in given folder and its subfolders that match the specified pattern. |
FindTestSets | Gets the list of test sets contained in the folder that match the specified pattern. |
LockObject | Locks the object. Returns True if the object has been changed on the server. |
Move | Moves folder node under new father. |
NewList | Gets a list of the node's immediate children. |
Post | Posts all changed values to the database. |
Refresh | Reads the saved node data, overwriting values in memory. |
RemoveNode | Deletes the specified node. |
RemoveNodeEx | Deletes a test set folder node. |
UnLockObject | Unlocks the object. |
Attachments | The folder's AttachmentFactory object. |
Attribute | Gets the node attribute. |
Child | Gets a sub-folder of the current folder. |
Count | The number of child nodes. |
DepthType | The sub-tree depth type. |
Description | The test set folder description. |
Father | The current folder's parent folder. |
FatherDisp | The parent node. |
FatherID | The unique parent ID. |
FolderFields | Returns the list of fields of the test set folder. |
HasAttachment | Checks if this folder has at least one attachment. |
IsLocked | Checks if object is locked for editing. |
Name | The node name. |
NodeID | The node ID number. |
Path | The folder tree path starting from the tree root. |
SubNodes | The list of child nodes. |
TargetCycle | The cycle to which the folder is assigned. |
TestSetFactory | Gets the TestSetFactory for the folder. |
TestSetFilter | The filter on the test set objects in the tree. |
ViewOrder | The index of this folder in its parent's list of sub-nodes. |