ALM Open Test Architecture API Type Library Version 12.55
General error codes.
The ALM API handles errors as OLE exceptions. To get the ALM error, subtract the Visual Basic vbObjectError constant from the error number, as shown in the example below.
This example shows handling of errors on user login. If the error is an illegal password, the login dialog is displayed again. If a different error has occurred, the appropriate error message is displayed.
Private Sub Login(ProjectName As String, User As String, _
        &Password As String)
    On Error GoTo CheckError
     'tdc is a TDConnection object
    tdc.ConnectProject ProjectName, User, Password
    Exit Sub

    if (Err.Number - vbObjectError) = _
            LoginForm.Show 1
        MsgBox "Error: " & Err.Description, vbCritical
    End If
End Sub
ATT_E_BLOCKED_FILE_TYPE1462Error creating attachment with blocked file type.
ATT_E_CREATE1461Failed to create attachment.
ATT_E_INVALID_REQUEST1463Invalid request for attachment.
ATT_E_NOT_FOUND1460The attachment does not exist.
ATT_E_OBJECT_HAS_ATTACHMENT1465Object cannot have an attachment.
ATT_E_RENAME1464Failed to rename attachment.
ATT_E_TOO_LARGE1466File exceeds permitted size.
BPCOMPONENT_E_CREATE24004New BP Component creation failed.
BPITERATION_E_CREATE24005New BP Iteration creation failed.
BPITERATIONPARAM_E_CREATE24007New BP Iteration Parameter creation failed.
BPPARAMETER_E_CREATE24006New BP Parameter creation failed.
BUG_E_CREATE1262Failure to create log.
BUG_E_DELETE1261Failure to delete bug.
BUG_E_NOT_FOUND1260The specified bug does not exist.
CANT_COPY_CHECKEDOUT_DATA1662Cannot copy. Related entities are checked out.
COL_E_NOT_FOUND1240The specified column does not exist.
COMPONENT_E_CREATE7004Error creating component.
COMPONENTFOLDER_E_CREATE7005Error creating component folder.
COMPONENTPARAM_E_CREATE7006Error creating component parameter.
COMPONENTSTEP_E_CREATE7008Error creating component.
COND_E_CREATE1441Failed to create a new condition.
COND_E_INVALIDTYPE1442The condition type is invalid.
COND_E_NOT_FOUND1440The condition does not exist.
COPY_SUBJECT_E_TO_ITSELF1660Cannot paste subject to itself.
DESSTEP_E_CREATE1501Failed to create design step.
DESSTEP_E_DELETE1502Failed to remove the specified design step.
DESSTEP_E_NOT_FOUND1500The specified design step does not exist.
EVENT_ERR_DISABLE1800The operation has been prevented by the error handler.
EXSTORAGE_BLOCKED_FILE_TYPE1592Extended storage upload blocked file type error.
EXSTORAGE_CANCEL1580The extended storage action has been canceled.
EXSTORAGE_CANT_CREATE1586Cannot create one of the following objects: path, file or ES object itself.
EXSTORAGE_EMPTY_ClIENT_PATH1589Client path is empty.
EXSTORAGE_EMPTY_SERVER_PATH1588Server path is empty.
EXSTORAGE_ERROR_PERMISSION1591Extended storage access permission error.
EXSTORAGE_ERROR_SERVER_PATH1590Server path does not exist.
EXSTORAGE_INTERNET1587Internet connection specific error.
EXSTORAGE_INVALID_FILTER1582Filter is invalid.
EXSTORAGE_INVALID_PATH1585The Extended Storage path is not valid.
EXSTORAGE_IO_OPERATION_DISABLED1584Extended Storage IO operation disabled.
EXSTORAGE_OCCIPIED1581Extended Storage is currently busy.
FACET_E_CREATE24008New Facet creation failed.
FAILED_CHECKIN22222Check-in failure.
FAILED_CHECKOUT22223Check-out failure.
FIELD_E_IS_KEY1303The field is a database key field.
FIELD_E_NO_EDIT1304The field is a read-only field.
FIELD_E_NO_PERMISSION1300No permission to modify the field.
FIELD_E_NOT_ACTIVE1302The field is not an active field.
FIELD_E_REQUIRED1307The field is a required field.
FIELD_E_SYS_FIELD1301The field is a system field.
FIELD_E_TRANSITION1306Error in field defined transition logic.
FIELD_E_VERIFIED1305Field verification failure.
FIELD_INVALID1308Invalid field value.
FIELD_NAME_INVALID1309Invalid field name.
FILTER_E_INVALIDNAME1342The filter condition name is invalid.
FILTER_E_INVALIDPATH_ATTR1345Invalid system node path.
FILTER_E_INVALIDVALUE1341The defined filter value is invalid.
FILTER_E_NOVALUE1340No filter value is defined.
FILTER_S_DATE_COMPLEX1343Invalid date.
FILTER_S_LIST_BY_CODE1344Invalid code.
GRAPH_DATA_EMPTY1700No graph data exists.
HOST_E_DELETE1620Failed to delete host.
HOST_E_NOT_FOUND1621Host does not exist.
HOSTGROUP_E_NOT_FOUND1640Host group does not exist.
ILLEGAL_DATE8507The entity's start date cannot be earlier than today.
IMPEXP_RESOURCE_DOESNT_EXIST7100Import/Export resource does not exist.
ITEM_E_NO_ADD1421No permission to create a new item.
ITEM_E_NO_REMOVE1422No permission to remove an item.
ITEM_E_NOT_FOUND1420The item does not exist.
LINK_E_CREATE1970Failure to create a new link.
LIST_E_EMPTY1220The created list is empty.
LIST_E_FILTER1221Bad list filter.
MAILCONDITION_E_NOT_FOUND1850Mail condition does not exist.
MAX_LIMIT_EXCEEDED9200You cannot add more entities of this type to this parent.
PARAM_E_INVALID1202Invalid parameter value.
PARAM_E_NOT_FOUND1201The necessary parameter was not found.
PARAM_E_WRONG_NUM1200The wrong number of parameters for the defined statement.
REQ_E_CREATE1364Failed to create a new requirement.
REQ_E_DELETE1366Failed to remove the specified requirement.
REQ_E_INVALIDFATHERID1362The father ID is invalid.
REQ_E_INVALIDMODE1365The mode flag is invalid for the requirement options: copy, remove and find.
REQ_E_INVALIDORDER1361The requirement order is invalid.
REQ_E_INVALIDTYPE1363The requirement type is invalid.
REQ_E_NOT_FOUND1360The specified requirement does not exist.
REQ_MOVE_LIST_INVALID_PARAMS1367Invalid parameters sent to IReqFactory.MoveRequirements method.
REQ_PROPERTY_READ_ONLY1368This property is read-only.
RSC_E_CHANGE_TYPE1993Change of resource type after creation failed.
RSC_E_EXTENDED_STORAGE_REQUEST_FAIL1991External resource request to extended storage failed.
RSC_E_INVALID_REQUEST1990Invalid request for external resource.
RSC_E_VIRTUAL_OBJECT1992Download or upload of virtual object failed.
RUN_E_CREATE1541Failed to create Run.
RUN_E_DELETE1542Failed to delete Run.
RUN_E_NOT_FOUND1540Run does not exist.
SERVER_NOT_CONNECTED1600Server is not connected.
STEP_E_COPY_STEPS_OF_RUN1563No permission to modify design steps - steps won't be copied to the corresponding test.
STEP_E_CREATE1561Failed to create Step.
STEP_E_DELETE1562Failed to delete Step.
STEP_E_NOT_FOUND1560Step does not exist.
TDAPI_BL_AFTER_IMPORT_NOT_EXIST_ERROR_CODE23002The baseline, which was created after last library import or sync, was deleted. Synchronization is impossible.
TDAPI_BL_NOT_EXIST_ERROR_CODE23004Compare or synchronization operations could not start because one of the baselines does not exist.
TDAPI_CANNOT_ADD_USER_BY_DOMAIN7203This user cannot be added to any project in this domain.
TDAPI_CANNOT_CHANGE_USER_DATA_ON_EXTERNAL_AUTHENTICATION1326User data cannot be updated while external authentication is enabled
TDAPI_CANT_COPY_NO_SUBTYPE1664Cannot copy. Entity Subtype does not exist in target project.
TDAPI_CLIENT_CERTIFICATE_ERROR1155Client certificate error.
TDAPI_COMPARISON_NODE_EXISTS8013ComparisonNode exists.
TDAPI_CROSSPROJECT_FIELD_INTERSECT_GENERAL_ERROR24000A cross-project field intersection operation failed unexpectedly.
TDAPI_CROSSPROJECT_FIELD_INTERSECT_PROJECTS_MISSING_ERROR24002A cross-project field intersection operation failed because the selected projects do not exist.
TDAPI_CROSSPROJECT_FIELD_INTERSECT_PROJECTS_STATE_ERROR24001A cross-project field intersection operation failed because of an invalid project state.
TDAPI_CROSSPROJECT_FIELD_INTERSECT_UNSUPPORTED_ENTITY_ERROR24003Indicates that a cross-project field intersection operation has failed because the selected entity or entities are not supported by one or more projects.
TDAPI_DISCONNECTED_BY_ADMIN1077The project was disconnected by the administrator.
TDAPI_E_CANNOT_RUN_PINNED_TEST_SET1289Cannot run pinned test. The test calls tests outside of the baseline.
TDAPI_E_DEFECT_LINKED_TO_ITSELF1972Cannot link a defect to itself.
TDAPI_E_LINK_EXISTS1971Those entities are already linked.
TDAPI_E_LINK_TEST_CIRCLUATION1287Cannot link to test because this would create a circular reference.
TDAPI_ERROR_PATH_PERMISSION1071File system permission error.
TDAPI_EXP_LIB_BL_NOT_EXIST_ERROR_CODE23001The baseline from which the library was imported was deleted. Comparison is impossible.
TDAPI_FAIL_TO_SMALL_COMPARE23005Compare entities failed.
TDAPI_FAILED_TO_LOGIN30006Failed to login.
TDAPI_FAILED_TO_RECONNECT1078Cannot connect to the project.
TDAPI_GRAPH_RELEASE_CYCLE_DATE_MISSING1701Cannot create release coverage progress graph. One or more cycles are missing a start date.
TDAPI_LIB_CANNOT_IMPORT_UNDER_ITSELF23201Cannot import a folder under itself or under one of its sub-folders.
TDAPI_LIB_NOT_EXIST_ERROR_CODE23003Compare or synchronization operations could not start because one of the libraries does not exist.
TDAPI_LICENSE_RESTICTED_ACTION1073Action restricted by license.
TDAPI_MAXIMUM_PATH_LIMIT_EXCEEDED11117Maximum path limit exceeded. Cannot add children to entity.
TDAPI_NON_ACTIVE_USER_ERRCODE1325The user is not an active user.
TDAPI_OBJECT_NOT_EXISTS10750No object exists.
TDAPI_PARAM_VALUE_E_DELETE5002Failed to remove the specified Parameter Value.
TDAPI_PARAM_VALUE_ILLEGAL_PUT_FIELD5001An Illegal put_field command was received (Only actual_value may be modified).
TDAPI_PROJECT_INACTIVE_ERROR9002Project is inactive. Cannot connect.
TDAPI_REPORT_PROJECT_TEMPLATE_DUPLICATE12001Report Project Template duplicate name.
TDAPI_REPORT_PROJECT_TEMPLATE_ILLEGAL_NAME12002Report Project Template illegal name.
TDAPI_REPORT_PROJECT_TEMPLATE_IS_TEMPLATE12004A Template that is linked to a template cannot be deleted or modified.
TDAPI_REPORT_PROJECT_TEMPLATE_LOAD_FAILED12003Report Project Template load failure.
TDAPI_REPORT_PROJECT_TEMPLATE_NOT_FOUND12000Report Project Template not found.
TDAPI_REQ_EXISTS_ABORT2056Duplicate requirement name - requirement was not created.
TDAPI_REQ_TRACEABILITY_MATRIX_FUSE_ERROR2062Number of core requirements in traceability matrix exceeds fuse.
TDAPI_REQ_VIOLATION_OF_TYPE_HIER_RULES2060Violation of requirements-tree hierarchy rules.
TDAPI_RESOURCE_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST8206Cannot upload file that does not exist on the file system.
TDAPI_RESOURCE_FILE_EXISTS8205Resource file exists.
TDAPI_SHARING_ILLEGAL_DOMAIN11115Could not find domain from which library was created.
TDAPI_SHARING_ILLEGAL_PROJECT11116Could not find project from which library was created.
TDAPI_SOME_CONFIGS_NOT_IN_BASELINE4003Some of the test configurations were not added since they do not belong to the required baseline or they do not support pinning to a baseline.
TDAPI_SOME_TEST_CONFIGS_NOT_CHECKED_IN4002Some of the test configurations were not added to the test set because they were never checked in.
TDAPI_SOME_TESTS_NOT_IN_BASELINE4001Some of the tests were not added since they do not belong to the required baseline or they do not support pinning to a baseline.
TDAPI_TEST_CONFIG_EXISTS8210Duplicate Test Configuration name.
TDAPI_TEST_NOT_IN_BASELINE4000One or more tests does not belong to the requested baseline.
TDAPI_TEST_PARAM_DUPLICATE_NAME8203Duplicate test parameter names.
TDAPI_TEXT_SEARCH_INDEX_MISSING2205Columns marked as searchable are not indexed in database.
TDAPI_USER_ALREADY_EXISTS1327Failed create user. User already exists
TDAPI_VC_NOT_AUTHORIZED_TO_UNDO22224User is not authorized to force undo.
TDAPI_VCS_VERSION_ALREADY_EXIST_IN_HIST11114Cannot check in. Version number already exists.
TDOLE_ADMIN_NOT_CONNECTED10740User is not connected as an administrator.
TDOLE_ANALYSIS_ITEM_EXISTS8112Analysis item exists.
TDOLE_ANALYSIS_ITEM_FOLDER_EXISTS8111Analysis item folder exists.
TDOLE_ANALYSIS_ITEM_FOLDER_PUBLIC_STATE_MISMATCH8115Analysis item folder public status cannot be set.
TDOLE_ANALYSIS_ITEM_INVALID_OWNER8118Owner properties mismatch.
TDOLE_ANALYSIS_ITEM_PUBLIC_STATE_MISMATCH8116Analysis item public status cannot be set.
TDOLE_ANALYSIS_ITEM_TYPE8114Analysis item type missing or invalid.
TDOLE_ANSWERLESS_QUESTION_FOUND1680Found a criterion without values.
TDOLE_APP_ENTITY_FOLDER_EXISTS50055Duplicate Application Entity folder name.
TDOLE_ATBOF1016The beginning of the table has been reached.
TDOLE_ATEOF1015The end of the table has been reached.
TDOLE_BAD_ATT_STREAM1066Attachment stream is invalid.
TDOLE_BAD_FILTER_11101Invalid filter.
TDOLE_BAD_FILTER_21102Invalid filter.
TDOLE_BAD_FILTER_31103Invalid filter.
TDOLE_BAD_FILTER_41104Invalid filter.
TDOLE_BAD_FILTER_51105Invalid filter.
TDOLE_BAD_FILTER_61106Invalid filter.
TDOLE_BAD_FILTER_71107Invalid filter.
TDOLE_BAD_FILTER_END1110Invalid filter.
TDOLE_BAD_FILTER_START1100Invalid filter.
TDOLE_BAD_REQUEST1065Invalid request format.
TDOLE_BASELINE_CAPTURE_NO_PERMISSION8012No permission to capture baseline.
TDOLE_BASELINE_EXISTS8010Baseline exists.
TDOLE_BUSINESS_VIEW_E_CANNOT_LOAD9403Business Views Customization cannot be loaded.
TDOLE_BUSINESS_VIEW_E_NOT_FOUND9401Duplicate Business View Name.
TDOLE_BUSINESS_VIEW_EMPTY_LABEL9405Business View label cannot be empty.
TDOLE_BUSINESS_VIEW_EMPTY_NAME9402Business View name cannot be empty.
TDOLE_CALL_ORDER5021Cannot update Step parameter value.
TDOLE_CAN_NOT_COMNMIT_RBT_CUSTOMIZATION1682Cannot Commit Risk-based Quality Management customizations due to failed validators.
TDOLE_CAN_UPDATE_UDFS1076Cannot update user-defined field customization.
TDOLE_CANNTBUILDTREE1031Cannot build the test plan tree.
TDOLE_CANNTOPENCYCLETB1028Cannot open Cycle table.
TDOLE_CANNTOPENDESSTEPTB1029Cannot open Dessteps table.
TDOLE_CANNTOPENHISTTB1030Cannot open History table.
TDOLE_CANNTOPENRUNTB1026Cannot open Run table.
TDOLE_CANNTOPENSTEPTB1025Cannot open Step table.
TDOLE_CANNTOPENTESTCYCLTB1027Cannot open Testcycle table.
TDOLE_CANNTOPENTESTTB1024Cannot open Test table.
TDOLE_CHANGE_ENTITY_FOLDER_EXISTS50056Duplicate Change Entity folder name.
TDOLE_CHANGED1020The API has changed.
TDOLE_COMPARE_NO_PERMISSION8014No permission to perform Compare.
TDOLE_COMPONENT_EXISTS7001Component exists.
TDOLE_COMPONENT_FOLDER_EXISTS7002Component folder exists.
TDOLE_COMPONENT_PARAM_EXISTS7003Component parameter exists.
TDOLE_COPY_PASTE_ANALYSIS_ELEMENT_EXISTS8119Duplicate item is created during Copy/Paste operation.
TDOLE_COPY_PASTE_DASHBOARD_ELEMENT_EXISTS8309Duplicates created during Dashboard Copy Paste.
TDOLE_COPY_PASTE_SOURCE_ANALYSIS_ELEMENT_DOESNT_EXIST8120Copied Analysis Element either does not exist or is located in a private sub tree to which the logged in user has no access.
TDOLE_COPY_PASTE_TARGET_ANALYSIS_ELEMENT_DOESNT_EXIST8121Target folder either does not exist or is located in a private sub tree to which the logged in user has not access.
TDOLE_CORRUPTED_DATA_HIDING9001Failure in data hiding filter for login.
TDOLE_CYCLE_EXISTS1082Duplicate TestSet name.
TDOLE_DASHBOARD_FOLDER_EXISTS8301Dashboard folder exists.
TDOLE_DASHBOARD_FOLDER_PUBLIC_STATE_MISMATCH8305Dashboard folder public status cannot be set.
TDOLE_DASHBOARD_ITEM_IN_PAGE_EXISTS8304Dashboard item in page exists.
TDOLE_DASHBOARD_PAGE_PUBLIC_STATE_MISMATCH8306Dashboard page public status cannot be set.
TDOLE_DATA_CORRUPTION5020Data is corrupted.
TDOLE_DB_TABLE_NAME2000No table exists by the specific name.
TDOLE_DBLIMIT1008The maximum number of projects is open.
TDOLE_DBNOTCONNECTED1021The API is not connected to a project.
TDOLE_DBVERMISMATCH1009Project version mismatch.
TDOLE_DIFFERENT_UDFS1950Method is disabled by the event handler.
TDOLE_DUPLICATENODENAME1080Duplicate SysTreeNode name.
TDOLE_E_BPT_COMPONENT_STEP_VALIDATION_FAILED7010Business process test component step validation failed.
TDOLE_E_BPT_ITERATIONS_MISMATCH7009Business process test iterations mismatch.
TDOLE_E_CANT_DELETE_APPLICATION_AREA_AS_IT_IS_USED7014Cannot delete Application Area resource since it's in use by other objects.
TDOLE_E_CHACHE6700Failed to cache object.
TDOLE_E_COMPONENT_RESTORE_FOLDER_DOESNT_EXISTS7015Unable to restore component - the original location no longer exists
TDOLE_E_CREATE_LOG_FILE1112Cannot create log file.
TDOLE_E_FLOW_OUTPUT_PARAM_NOT_VALID7011Flow output parameter is not valid.
TDOLE_E_INITIALIZE5200Customization objects not initialized.
TDOLE_E_NON_PROJECT_SPECIFIC_BPT7007Non-project-specific business process test.
TDOLE_E_PERMISSION6100There is no permission to proceed with this action.
TDOLE_E_START_RUNS1113Cannot execute test.
TDOLE_ENTITY_EXISTS1083Duplicate entity.
TDOLE_ERR_SETTING_PARENT_ID_TO_DESCENDANT11113Response has been tampered.
TDOLE_ERROR_CANT_CHANGE_SUBTYPE1072Entity subtype change error.
TDOLE_ERROR_FILESYSTEM1069File system error.
TDOLE_ERROR_PATH_NOT_FOUND1070File system path is not valid.
TDOLE_EXCEL_REPORT_RESULT_SET_TO_LARGE8122Result Frec is to big to be allocated on client machine.
TDOLE_FAIL_TO_CHANGE_EMAIL7202Email change is not allowed.
TDOLE_FAIL_TO_COMMIT_CUSTOMIZATION7204Failed to commit customization.
TDOLE_FAIL_TO_REMOVE_TYPE_COVERAGE7201Failed to remove coverage from requirement type.
TDOLE_FAILED_LOCK_REMOVE10710Failed to unlock object.
TDOLE_FAILED_TO_AUTHENTICATE_TT_VERSION20950Testing tool version not compatible.
TDOLE_FAILED_TO_AUTHENTICATE_USER20900Failed to Authenticate User.
TDOLE_FAILED_TO_GET_CUR_VER1044Failed to get the working version of the test.
TDOLE_FAILED_TO_SET_CUR_VER1043Failed to set the working version of the test.
TDOLE_FAVORITE_EXISTS8102Favorite exists.
TDOLE_FAVORITE_FOLDER_EXISTS8101Favorite folder exists.
TDOLE_FIELD_ONLY_FOR_VIRTUAL6032Field exists in the virtual object only.
TDOLE_GENERROR1002General error.
TDOLE_ILLEGALDBNAME1005Wrong Quality Center project name.
TDOLE_ILLEGALPASSWORD1004Wrong user name or password.
TDOLE_ILLEGALSUBJECTPATH1018The specified subject path does not exist.
TDOLE_INTERNAL5010An Internal error has occurred.
TDOLE_INVALID_INPROCESS5220Statistic object is not initialized.
TDOLE_INVALID_OBJECT6000Invalid object has been passed.
TDOLE_INVALID_OBJECT_KEY6001No object exists.
TDOLE_INVALID_PARAM5100Invalid TD parameter.
TDOLE_INVALID_PARAM_ENUM5105Invalid TD parameter list.
TDOLE_INVALID_PARAM_FORMAT5104Invalid TD parameter format.
TDOLE_INVALID_PARAM_NUM5103Invalid TD parameter number.
TDOLE_INVALID_PARAM_RANGE5102Invalid TD parameter range.
TDOLE_INVALID_PARAM_TYPE5101Invalid TD parameter type.
TDOLE_INVALID_REQUEST5210Invalid request.
TDOLE_INVALIDATTRNAME1017The specified attribute does not exist.
TDOLE_INVALIDNODEID1022The specified node ID is invalid.
TDOLE_KPI_FAILED_TO_DELETE_THRESHOLD_VALUE8505The Starting and Ending Threshold Values cannot be deleted.
TDOLE_KPI_MILESTONE_SCOPEITEM_CREATE_NOT_ALLOWED8515Creation of KPIMilestoneScopeItem is not allowed.
TDOLE_KPI_MILESTONE_SCOPEITEM_DELETE_NOT_ALLOWED8514Deletion of KPIMilestoneScopeItem is not allowed.
TDOLE_KPITYPE_E_CANNOT_LOAD9203KPI Types Customization cannot be loaded.
TDOLE_KPITYPE_E_IS_REFERENCED9206A KPI Type that is used by a KPI cannot be deleted.
TDOLE_KPITYPE_E_IS_TEMPLATE9207A KPI Type that is linked to a template cannot be deleted or modified.
TDOLE_KPITYPE_EMPTY_NAME9204KPI Types Customization name cannot be empty.
TDOLE_KPITYPE_NEGATIVE_DEFAULT_TOLERANCE9205KPI Types Customization tolerance cannot be negative.
TDOLE_LIBRARY_EXISTS8008Library exists.
TDOLE_LIBRARY_FOLDER_EXISTS8007Library folder exists.
TDOLE_LIBRARY_IMPORT_NO_PERMISSION8009No permission to import library.
TDOLE_LIBRARY_SYNC_NO_PERMISSION8011No permission to sync libraries.
TDOLE_LICENSE_DENIED1056No license to access this module.
TDOLE_LICENSE_GENERROR1059Failed to extract license status.
TDOLE_LICENSE_NOT_INITILIZED1058No license to access this module.
TDOLE_LICENSE_OVERFLOW_ALERT1057No license to access this module.
TDOLE_LOGIN_INPUT_PROPERTY_DOES_NOT_EXIST30002The input property does not exist.
TDOLE_LOGIN_INPUT_VALUE_EXCEED_MAX_LENGTH30003The input string is too long.
TDOLE_MAIL_BAD_FROM_FIELD1052The 'From' parameter is invalid.
TDOLE_MAIL_ERR_PARSING_PARAMS1048The mail format is incorrect.
TDOLE_MAIL_ERR_SENDING1051Failure sending mail.
TDOLE_MAIL_ERROR_BAD_ENTITY1081Cannot find entity by e-mail.
TDOLE_MAIL_GENERROR1049General mail error.
TDOLE_MAIL_LOGIN_FAILURE1050The mailbox login is incorrect.
TDOLE_MAIL_NO_ERROR1045No error encountered.
TDOLE_MAIL_NO_TO_FIELD1047The wrong 'To:' address.
TDOLE_MAIL_WARNING_BAD_OR_EMPTY_USER_OR_USERGROUP1410One or more e-mail addresses are invalid.
TDOLE_MANUALTEST1019The specified test type is not an automatic test.
TDOLE_MAXIMUM_PATH_DEPTH_EXCEEDED11122Maximum path depth limit exceeded.
TDOLE_NO_IDAPI_DLL1010No BDE is installed.
TDOLE_NO_MAIL_DLL1046The mail DLL was not found.
TDOLE_NOABSOLUTEPATH1054No absolute path.
TDOLE_NOASSOCIATEDROOT1032No associated tree root.
TDOLE_NOCONFIGFILE1003The BDE configuration file not found.
TDOLE_NODBDIR1006The Quality Center project directory was not found.
TDOLE_NODE_EXISTS1661Duplicate Tree node name.
TDOLE_NODIRECTORY1014The specified directory does not exist.
TDOLE_NOFIELD1012The specified field does not exist.
TDOLE_NONODE1023The specified node does not exist.
TDOLE_NOT_LOGGED_IN30001Attempt to connect to project when no user logged in.
TDOLE_NOT_VIRTUAL6030Object not virtual.
TDOLE_NOTAUTOTEST1013The test is not an automated test.
TDOLE_NOTESTDIR1007The Test Repository was not found.
TDOLE_OBJECT_DELETED6002Object was deleted by another user.
TDOLE_OBJECT_LOCKED10720Object locked by another user.
TDOLE_OBJECT_NOT_INITIALIZED6003Object is not initialized.
TDOLE_OBJNOTINITIALIZED1001Quality Center server object not initialized.
TDOLE_OTA_VERSION_NOT_COMPATIBLE30005OTA version is not compatible.
TDOLE_OWNED_BY_INVALID8402The owned by entity does not exist.
TDOLE_OWNER_INVALID8401The owner entity does not exist.
TDOLE_PARENT_ANALYSIS_ITEM_FOLDER_PROPERTY_MISMATCH8113Analysis item folder properties mismatch.
TDOLE_PARENT_ANALYSIS_ITEM_PROPERTY_MISMATCH8117Analysis item properties mismatch.
TDOLE_PARENT_DASHBOARD_FOLDER_PROPERTY_MISMATCH8303Dashboard folder properties mismatch.
TDOLE_PARENT_DASHBOARD_PAGE_PROPERTY_MISMATCH8307Dashboard page properties mismatch.
TDOLE_PARENT_FAVORITE_FOLDER_PROPERTY_MISMATCH8103Favorite folder properties mismatch.
TDOLE_PARENT_PROPERTY_MISMATCH8308Parent property mismatch.
TDOLE_QUESTION_WITH_DUPLICATE_ANSWERS_FOUND1681Found a criterion with duplicate values.
TDOLE_READ_ONLY_FIELD11112Cannot modify read-only field.
TDOLE_RECCOVER_EXISTS1068Duplicate requirement coverage.
TDOLE_RECNOTFOUND1011No record matches the key value.
TDOLE_RELEASE_EXISTS8005Release exists.
TDOLE_RELEASE_FOLDER_EXISTS8004Release folder exists.
TDOLE_REQ_EXISTS2055Duplicate requirement name - requirement was created.
TDOLE_REQUEST_CANCELLED1153Request has been cancelled.
TDOLE_RESOURCE_EXISTS8202Resource exists.
TDOLE_RESOURCE_FOLDER_EXISTS8201Resource folder exists.
TDOLE_RESPONSE_TAMPERED1154Response has been tampered.
TDOLE_SERVER_LOCKS_REMOVED10700Server locks removed.
TDOLE_TARGET_OR_SOURCE_ENTITY_DOESNT_EXIST1973Target or source entity does not exist.
TDOLE_TEST_EXISTS1055The test exists.
TDOLE_TESTS_ALREADY_RUN1111The test has been executed by another user.
TDOLE_TESTSET_FOLDER_EXISTS3055Duplicate TestSet folder name.
TDOLE_THRESHOLD_VALUE_CREATE_FAIL8517Creation of Threshold Value with owner type KPIMilestoneScopeItem is not allowed. Call CopyThresholdValues first.
TDOLE_UNEXPECTED5000An unexpected error has occurred.
TDOLE_VCS_CANNOTLOGIN1035Cannot log into the VCS database.
TDOLE_VCS_LOCKEDMETEST1037The test is locked by the current user.
TDOLE_VCS_LOCKEDTEST1038The test is locked by another user.
TDOLE_VCS_NOTCHECKEDOUT1040The test is not checked out.
TDOLE_VCS_NOTCONNECTED1039Not connected to the VCS database.
TDOLE_VCS_NOTDEFVERFILE1042There is no version file defined for the test type.
TDOLE_VCS_NOTINVCSDB1036The test is not in the VCS database.
TDOLE_VCS_NOTLOCKED1041The test is not locked.
TDOLE_VCS_NOTVCSDB1034The Quality Center project is not connected to the VCS database.
TDOLE_VCS_NOVCS1033VCS support is not installed on the Quality Center server side.
TDOLE_VCS_VERSIONEXISTS1063The version already exists.
TDOLE_VCS_VERSIONNOTEXISTS1064Required version does not exist in the version control.
TDOLE_VIRTUAL6020Cannot get Run Factory for virtual TSTest.
TDOLE_VIRTUAL_FATHER6010No post allowed for object that has a virtual parent.
TDOLE_VIRTUAL_FIELD6040The field is read-only.
TDOLE_WARNING_ALERT_NOT_CLEARED1692The alert could not be cleared.
TDOLE_WARNING_FROM_NOT_FOUND1053The 'From' parameter is missing.
TDOLE_WARNING_NO_ALERTS_CLEARED1690No alert could be cleared.
TDOLE_WARNING_SOME_ALERTS_NOT_CLEARED1691Some of the alerts could not be cleared.
TDOLE_WRONG_ADMIN_PWD10730Wrong administrator password.
TDPARAM_NOT_FOUND1900No TD parameter exists.
TEST_CONFIG_DOES_NOT_EXISTS_CANNOT_DELETE_INSTANCES9302Failed to delete instances. Some of the instances are of configurations that do not exist. You may need to check in the tests in order to delete the instances.
TEST_CONFIG_DOES_NOT_EXISTS_CANNOT_DELETE_TEST_SET9301Failed to delete test set. Some of the instances are of configurations that do not exist. You may need to check in the tests before you can delete the test set.
TEST_CONFIG_MIN_LIMIT_EXCEEDED9300You cannot delete all the test configurations. You must keep at least one configuration for the test.
TEST_E_COV_DELETE1283Failed to delete requirement coverage by test.
TEST_E_CREATE1281Failure to create a new test.
TEST_E_DELETE1282Failure to delete test.
TEST_E_NOT_FOUND1280The specified test does not exist.
TEST_E_REPOSITORY1284Invalid test path.
TEST_E_TEMPLATE_TYPE1285Cannot change test type.
TESTSET_E_CREATE1381Failure to create TestSet.
TESTSET_E_DELETE1382Failure to delete TestSet.
TESTSET_E_DELETE_DEFAULT1383Failure to delete default' TestSet.
TESTSET_E_NOT_FOUND1380The test set does not exist.
TREE_E_CREATE1521Cannot create Tree node.
TREE_E_DELETE1522Cannot remove Tree node.
TREE_E_NOT_FOUND1520Tree node not found.
TREE_E_RENAME1523Cannot rename Tree node.
TSTEST_E_CREATE1402Failure to create test in TestSet.
TSTEST_E_DELETE1401Failed to remove the specified test instance.
TSTEST_E_NOT_FOUND1400The test instance does not exist.
USER_E_CREATE1321Failure to create user.
USER_E_DELETE1322Failure to delete user.
USER_E_IN_GROUP1323Failure to add user into group.
USER_E_NOT_FOUND1320The specified user does not exist.
USER_E_NOT_IN_GROUP1324User does not exist in the group.
USERSGROUP_E_CREATE1482Failed to create user group.
USERSGROUP_E_NOT_FOUND1480The specified user group does not exist.
USERSGROUP_E_SYSTEM1481Users group system error.