Site Parameters


Description: If this parameter is set to N, you can add new ALM users from Site Administration (Site Users tab) only. If this parameter is set to Y (default), new ALM users can also be added from Project Customization. In the Project Users page, click Add User. The Add User to Project dialog box opens. If this parameter is set to Y, a New button is available for adding new ALM users.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: The maximum number of synchronization jobs that can run at the same time. The default value is 5.

Default value: 5

Min value: 1

Max value: 100

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: SP2

System: true


Description: The minimum time interval between synchronizations for a project. The actual run time depends on the number of synchronized projects and synchronization jobs. The default value is 60 minutes.

Default value: 60

Min value: 5

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: SP2

System: true


Description: The interval between checks to determine if any project requires synchronization. The default value is 10 minutes.

Default value: 10

Min value: 5

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: SP2

System: true


Description: Controls whether to allow REST API requests with X-HTTP-Method-Override header.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 12.20

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter determines whether the Allow Multiple Values check box is visible in the Project Entities page in Project Customization. If this parameter is set to N, then the Allow Multiple Values check box is unavailable. If this parameter does not exist or is set to "Y", then the Allow Multiple Values check box is available.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: User details are set in Site Administration. A project administrator cannot change details of project users in Project Customization. If this parameter is set to Y, the project administrator is able to change the details of project users in Project Customization. This option may cause a security risk, as it allows the project administrator to replace a user's e-mail address with his own. By doing so, the project administrator can then use the Forgot Password link to reset and change a user's password. If this parameter does not exist, or is set to N, only the user can change his details in Project Customization.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Controls whether to allow access to Web UI client. If value is "Y" or site parameter is not defined, access is allowed otherwise, if value is "N" access is not allowed. In case that access is allowed, access is allowed to users who belongs to at least one group where "Allow Web UI Project Access" permission item is checked.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Controls whether to allow REST API requests with X-HTTP-Method-Override header for Web UI.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 12.20

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This flag affects mailing services behavior in ALM UI/WorkFlow and OTA. By default all mails sent are delivered asynchronously. The site administrator can override this behavior and set the mailing services to be synchronous. Valid values: Y - send mail asynchronously, N - send mail synchronously.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The maximum size (in kilobytes) of an attachment that can be sent with email from ALM. If the attachment size is greater than the specified value, the email is sent without the attachment. By default, the maximum email attachment size is 3,000 KB.

Default value: 3000

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: The maximum size (in kilobytes) of all attachments that can be sent with email from ALM (takes in account ATTACH_MAX_SIZE). If the total attachments size is greater than the specified value, the email is sent without the attachments.

Default value: 10000

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Max audit log file size in kilobytes (Maximum size is 1GB). When audit log file will reach this size next audit log file will be created.

Default value: 10240

Min value: 1

Max value: 1048576

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: The ALM server can disconnect an ALM client session. This occurs if: * The site administrator disconnects the session. * The session is automatically disconnected, according to the inactivity time interval setting. For more information on setting a timeout, see WAIT_BEFORE_DISCONNECT. The ALM client machine displays a message, informing the user that the session has been disconnected. If this parameter is set to Y, the client machine also automatically performs logout actions and returns the user to the ALM Login window. This ensures that the user does not continue to work in a session which is no longer connected to the server. If this parameter is set to N, no logout action is performed on disconnect.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: QC 9.20

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter enables you to customize the subject line of defect email sent automatically to users. For example, you can define a subject line such as Defect no. 4321 has changed by providing the value Defect no. ?BG_BUG_ID has changed , where Defect no. and has changed are strings, and BG_BUG_ID is an ALM field name.

Introduced in release: ALM 11.51

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter enables you to prevent ALM sending automatic email notification to project administrators when users are assigned or removed from a project in Site Administration. If this parameter is set to N, then automatic notification is not sent to project administrators. If this parameter does not exist, is empty, or is set to Y, then automatic notification is sent.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 11.51

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: If this parameter is set to Y (default), defect email is sent with attachments. This applies only if you select Send mail automatically in the Site Projects tab.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 11.51

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: If this parameter is set to Y (default), defect email is sent with the history. This applies only if you select Send mail automatically in the Site Projects tab. Note: The former parameter name (SAQ_MAIL_WITH_HISTORY) is supported for purposes of backward compatibility.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 11.51

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: This parameter enables the use of DomainsList and ProjectsList properties for the purposes of backward compatibility. If this parameter is set to Y, then the DomainsList and ProjectsList properties are supported. If the parameter does not exist or is empty, the default value is N, and these properties are not supported.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The base repository path. The ALM and Site Administration repositories are sub-folders of this repository. If you change this parameter value, new projects you create are stored in this location. After you change the value of this parameter, you must restart all servers in the cluster. The initial repository path is set during ALM server configuration. For more information, refer to the HPE Application Lifecycle Management Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: siteparams.BPT_USE_ORIGINAL_VALUE_TYPE.description

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Valuing this parameter with ‘Y?bypasses checking that required fields are valued before performing an update of multiple entities.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 12.50

Introduced in patch: 1

System: true


Description: This parameter defines the max rows of a BV excel report.

Default value: 100000

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.51

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter is related to the "Orphan Analysis Data File Cleanup Job" scheduled job, responsible to delete generated data files (graphs or project reports) left in the server repository due to client crashes during the report generation. The parameter defines the duration in minutes between executions of the job. The default value is 30 days (43200 minutes), and the minimum value is one week (10080 minutes).

Min value: 10080

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.52

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Communication between the ALM server and other HPE BTO applications is enabled after authentication by a Single Sign-On (SSO) token. Changing the COMMUNICATION_SECURITY_PASSPHRASE in the ALM server requires that the equivalent value on other servers, such as the PC server and the host machine for PC, must be updated as well. An ALM server restart is needed when changing this parameter for all the nodes in a cluster.

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: This parameter enables you to specify that the user who copies a record is listed in the specified User List fields of the copy. For more information on fields that have User List as their Field Type, see Customizing Project Entities. The value of this parameter is a comma-separated list of User List fields. For example, set the value of the parameter to BG_DETECTED_BY. Assume defect 10 is detected by user Cecil_qc, and user Shelly_qc copies defect 10. ALM creates a copy of the defect with Shelly_qc as the user who detected the defect, not Cecil_qc.

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: You can use this parameter if you are working with load balancing over a cluster of application servers. If the parameter is set to Y, ALM creates an HTTP session. This causes the load balancer to operate in sticky mode, meaning that after a request sent by a client is directed to a particular node in the cluster, all subsequent requests sent by that client are directed to the same node. By default, this parameter is set to N. For details, see the HPE Application Lifecycle Management Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: This parameter enables you to add a custom entry to the Help menu that links to a URL address. For example, if you want to allow users local access to ALM product movies, you can save the movies on the server, and create a link to a movies index page. Use the following syntax to enter a parameter value: <link alias>;<URL>, where the values of both <link alias> and <URL> are surrounded by quotation marks, and separated by a semicolon. For example, set the value of the parameter to "MyBusiness - Online Help Page";"http://mybusiness/ALMHelp". The above example adds the MyBusiness - Online Help Page entry to the Help menu. Clicking the entry opens a custom Web page located at http://mybusiness/ALMHelp.

Introduced in release: ALM 11.51

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter enables you to handle missing prerequisites during the deployment phase of starting the ALM client. The value of this parameter is either: * A valid URL to a page that contains links for downloading alternate prerequisites. * NO_URL or blank. The deployment phase opens the default URL. The default value is blank. Note: Setting a separate URL for each prerequisite is not supported. The page must contain information for all prerequisites.

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 5

System: false


Description: This parameter specifies the limitation of number of items per dash board page. This parameter is used when other limit than the default is needed.

Default value: 4

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Server side data hiding mode. (ON - data hiding is enabled, LEGACY - data hiding is enabled but certain clients may skip data hiding)

Default value: ON

Allowed values: LEGACYON

Introduced in release: ALM 12.20

Introduced in patch: GA

Case sensitive: false

System: false


Description: This parameter will determine time period of image attachment files' storage on Client machine. This parameter is used together with parameter TOTAL_SIZE_ALLOWED_IMAGE_FILES.

Default value: 30

Min value: 0

Max value: 1000

Introduced in release: ALM 12.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: per each project, or for the whole domain set if the special closure log is enabled.

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: If this parameter is set to "Y", images from external resources (images that are not attachments in the project but are references to resources outside ALM) will be sanitized and will not be presented by clients. WARNING: If value is set to “Y?and text field containing images from external resources ?those references will be saved as a sanitized text in the database and not as URLs. Default value is "N".

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 12.20

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This flag affects customization loading by OTA Valid values: N - load customization asynchronously, Y - load customization synchronously.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: If this parameter is set to Y (default), only users belonging to the TDAdmin group can use the OTA Command object. If it is set to N, any user can use it. If it is set to ALL, no users can use it. For more information, refer to the HPE ALM Open Test Architecture API Reference.

Default value: Y

Allowed values: YNAllReadOnly

Introduced in release: TD 8.21

Introduced in patch: GA

Case sensitive: false

System: false


Description: Enables/disables access to the QC debug console. The console, when enabled, is accessible using http://<qcserver>/qcbin/tdservlet?method=debuginfo URI or http://<qcserver>/qcbin/debug.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: QC 9.20

Introduced in patch: 1

System: false


Description: If this parameter is set to Y, default values for certain entities (such as defects, tests, and test configurations) cannot be set per user per project.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter controls user access to the OTA ExtendedStorage object. This is a security feature that can be used to limit access to the file system of the project. If this parameter is set to Y (default), the ExtendedStorage object cannot be accessed from TDConnection. Users can access the object from a specific entity for read-only, but no changes can be made. If it is set to N, the ExtendedStorage object can be accessed by all users, from a specific entity or from TDConnection. For more information about the ExtendedStorage object, refer to the HPE ALM Open Test Architecture API Reference. Note: This parameter can impact how certain add-ins run, such as the HPE Screen Recorder. For details, see the documentation for the individual add-ins, available from the HPE Application Lifecycle Management Add-ins page (Help > Add-ins) or the HPE Application Lifecycle Management Tools page (Help > Tools).

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: TD 8.21

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: If this parameter is set to Y, this parameter disables certain performance enhancements that improve the speed at which various modules display data (such as entity trees). This parameter is relevant for version controlled projects. The default is N.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 5

System: false


Description: By default, the data transferred from the ALM server to clients is compressed to improve performance. If this parameter exists and is set to Y, the data compression is disabled.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: By default, the OTA TDConnection.Password property is encrypted. If this parameter exists and is set to Y, encryption for this property is disabled. Note: Setting this parameter has no effect on password encryption during transport to the server machine.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter is a security feature that controls the level of detail that error messages display. If the parameter is set to N, the user can view system details connected to the error. By default, this parameter is set to Y.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: QC 9.20

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: This parameter enables you to add additional security to the client ALM Login window. By default, ALM displays the last user login information (user name, domain and project). If this parameter is set to N, the last user login information is not saved on the client machine and is not displayed in the ALM Login window. To activate this parameter, you must log in to ALM, log out, and log in again. If this parameter is set to Y or does not exist, the last user information is displayed.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: QC 9.20

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter determines whether attachments are downloaded automatically in REST. If the value is Y, attachments are downloaded only after the browser prompts the user to open or save the attachment. If the value is N, the browser downloads the attachment automatically

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Enabling or disabling audit ALM events

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: If this parameter is set to "Y" then column visibility changes made via workflow will affect trees/grids and column selection (will cause the relevant fields to be hidden).

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 13

System: false


Description: Enables/Disables the 'Document Generator' menu item in Tools.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter defines whether new project documents can be added to your favorites list. The available options are: Y. Project documents can be added to the favorites list. N. Project documents cannot be added to the favorites list. By default, the parameter is set to N.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Determines whether legacy Excel Reports should be included in the 'New Analysis Item' menu.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Determines whether Standard Reports should be included in the 'New Analysis Item' menu.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Determines whether the "MoveTo" work flow event will be thrown by the requirement entity selection tree

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 10

System: true


Description: By default JMX-console is disabled. For debugging purposes, it could be enabled by setting this site param to the value 'Y'

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Y/N value for enable or disable the REST Output Sanitization. Default value is Y.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Specifies the segments by which to group the collected QC sense information in the time frame that was defined by PRODUCT_ASSESSMENT_QC_SENSE_DAYS_BACK and PRODUCT_ASSESSMENT_QC_SENSE_END_DATE as part of Assessment collection flow.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.52

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: If this parameter is set to Y, user can use quick field search feature. Default value is N, which disables the quick field search feature.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: 12.5

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter enables/disables validation for read-only entity fields via REST. The default value of the parameter is 'Y' and it means that validation is on and all entity fields which have SF_IS_EDIT=Y are not editable via REST.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 12.20

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This site param enables / disables the XSRF token validation sent from client on request. Possible values: Y / N. When this site param is set to ''N'', the entire site is exposed to security risk. Default value: Y.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The value of this parameter must be an integer and bigger than 0 otherwise it will be ignored. Its default value is 800.

Default value: 800

Introduced in release: ALM 12.55

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter enables you to set the mail server host name used in the link to an entity when ALM mails an entity. By default, ALM uses the default host name specified during installation. For details, see MAIL_SERVER_PORT.

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter enables you to set the mail server port number used in the link to an entity when ALM mails an entity. By default, ALM uses the default port number specified during installation.

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Sets schema used in entity links in mails and in other references.

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Sets DB tables that will be checked by the verifier, to find the potential permission inconsistencies, which will be later fixed by the repairer. The permission inconsistencies means that for an entity, a specific user group has the permission (SF_GRANT_MODIFY) to modify some fields of it, but doesn't have the permission (TB_GRANT_MODIFY) to modify the entity itself.

Default value:

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 14

System: false


Description: The time interval in days that deletable events remain in the EVENT_LOG database table. By default, the value is set to 60. If you set the value to -1, the events period is unlimited.

Default value: 60

Min value: -1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: This parameter specifies a user group name, only the users who is in this group have permission to access the Excel add-in.

Default value:

Introduced in release: 12.2

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter extends the maximum number of memo-type user-defined fields per entity to 15 instead of five. The default value is N. To extend the number of memo-type fields, set the parameter to Y.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: QC 9.20

Introduced in patch: 24

System: false


Description: External Authentication: a path to a file, where all the allowed client certificates are listed

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: External Authentication: Y/N whether to enable the certificate CRL verification

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: External Authentication: certificate CRL folder

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: External Authentication: Y/N whether to verify certificate date

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: External Authentication: Y/N whether to enable the certificate revocation check

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Specifies whether the server will perform a client certificate status check using the "Online Certificate Status Protocol" (OCSP). The EXTERNAL_AUTH_CERTIFICATES_FILE has to be defined as a file with allowed client certificates issuers; otherwise, all certificates will be rejected.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Specifies whether the client certificate must contain "Authority Info Access extensions" to perform an online certificate status check (OCSP). This extension is required only if OCSP check is enabled. See the EXTERNAL_AUTH_CERTIFICATE_OCSP_CHECK documentation for details.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: External Authentication: Y/N whether to enable the certificate policy verification

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: External Authentication: stores the certificate's valid policy

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: External Authentication: header that holds the certificate

Default value: CERT

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: External Authentication: header that holds the execution mode of client. Values are enum ExecutionMode: NOT_SPECIFIED(default), INTERACTIVE, NON_INTERACTIVE

Default value: EXECUTION_MODE

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: External Authentication: stores the extended hardware keys

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: External Authentication: Y/N whether hardware card verification is required

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: External Authentication: header that holds the subject of certificate

Default value: SM_USER

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: External Authentication: Y/N whether a policy is required

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: External Authentication: Y/N whether to enable the match delta CRL by issuer verification

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: External Authentication: Which external authentication to use. Possible values are: N - do not use external authentication, Y - use external authentication

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: External Authentication: regex to find the username, email

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: External Authentication: user field type. I.e. email, username

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: External Authentication: LDAP attribute to validate user

Introduced in release: ALM 12.55

Introduced in patch: 2

System: false


Description: External Authentication: LDAP attribute value indicate the user is active in ALM

Introduced in release: ALM 12.55

Introduced in patch: 2

System: false


Description: External Authentication: Y/N whether to contact LDAP server (if exists) to make sure that this user still active or not

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Controls the Session Reconnect mode: 0 - Session Reconnect is disabled, Only Logout button is enabled when Session Reconnect dialog appears, 100 - Session Reconnect is enabled, password is required. 200 - Session reconnect is enabled, no password is required.

Default value: 100

Allowed values: 0100200

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

Case sensitive: false

System: true


Description: Defines the number of most recently used favorite views displayed on the Favorites menu. By default, ALM displays the four most recently used views on the menu. To hide the list of recently used views completely, set the parameter to 0.

Default value: 4

Min value: 0

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 1

System: false


Description: To optimize performance, the maximum number of records retrieved and displayed in ALM grids is limited. This parameter enables you to change the default limit. If this parameter does not exist, the maximum number of records displayed is limited to 500. If the value of this parameter is set to 0, all results are displayed.

Default value: 500

Min value: 0

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 1

System: false


Description: The value is the semicolon delimited string with the file extensions that are not allowed to be downloaded via open attachments, REST API, or FTP Explorer. Note: *Imported or restored projects are not blocked even if their repository contains files of blocked file types. * Projects upgraded from previous versions still contain files of blocked file types that already exist in the repository. * During optimized repository migration, files of blocked file types are not blocked.

Introduced in release: ALM 11.52

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The value is the semicolon delimited string with the file extensions that are not allowed to be uploaded via open attachments, extended storage, REST API, or FTP Explorer. Note: * Imported or restored projects are not blocked even if their repository contains files of blocked file types. * Projects upgraded from previous versions still contain files of blocked file types that already exist in the repository. * During optimized repository migration, files of blocked file types are not blocked.

Introduced in release: ALM 11.52

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: siteparams.FORCE_DH_FOR_QTP.description

Default value: N

Min value: -9223372036854775808

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 19

System: false


Description: If this parameter is set to Y, only the login process is sent over SSL (HTTPS). All other communication is sent without SSL (using HTTP). Note: ALM must be configured to work with SSL.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: If this parameter is set to Y, you can deploy a server to its own folder on the client.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 12.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: If a user clicks the Forgot Password link in the ALM Login window, an email notification is sent to the user with a link to specify a new password. This parameter enables you to change the email address in the email From field.

Introduced in release: TD 8.21

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The port number of the FTP service that enables you to browse ALM project repositories. For more information, see Browsing the Project Repository. Recommended values are 21 or 2121. Note: Defining the parameter starts the FTP service on the specified port. Reconfiguring the parameter restarts the FTP service. Deleting the parameter stops the FTP service.

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 1

System: false


Description: This parameter enables you to get coverage from the baseline (and not from current view) when selecting tests for a requirement to be added to a pinned test set. The default value is N.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: 10.0

Introduced in patch: Patch22

System: false


Description: The number of minutes a cached graph result is valid.

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: To optimize performance, the maximum number of records retrieved and displayed per group when a group by filter is applied to ALM grids is limited. This parameter enables you to change the default limit. If this parameter does not exist, the maximum number of records displayed per group is limited to 100. If the value of this parameter is set to 0, all results are displayed for each group.

Default value: 100

Min value: 0

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 1

System: false


Description: If this parameter is set to Y, then we will hide the Execution Flow view for Test Sets. It's default value is N.

Default value: false

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 18

System: false


Description: If this parameter is set to Y, then we will hide the Flat View for Test Folders. It's default value is N.

Default value: false

Introduced in release: ALM 12.55

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: There are modules that have logically connected views in other modules, for example - BPM module and Business linkage views in Requirements and Test plan. Project manager may hide access to modules for some users/groups. This parameter indicate whether such logically -connected views should hidden if their "parent" modules also invisible. This parameter affect only "BPM" views.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 5

System: false


Description: Controls Input Validation framework mode and has 3 possible values: OFF - no validation LOG - perform hidden validation (never throw exceptions but log all the found errors) ON - full validation (default value)

Default value: ON

Allowed values: ONOFFLOG

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

Case sensitive: false

System: false


Description: The interval between invalid logins. It's used by the user lockout service.

Default value: 60000

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: 01

System: true


Description: The Number of minutes before automatically releasing a locked user.

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 12.50

Introduced in patch: 01

System: true


Description: Enables you to define the maximum number of connections to the database allowed for LAB_PROJECT. By default, the value is set to 100.

Default value: 100

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.52

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter enables you to define a regular expression that can be used to distinguish between different values for an LDAP attribute when importing users from an LDAP directory. When importing users, ALM chooses a value for the attribute that matches the regular expression. The parameter should be of the format: <LDAP attribute name> = <regular expression>, where <LDAP attribute name> is the name of the LDAP attribute whose value you want to choose, and <regular expression> is a regular expression. This regular expression should conform to the standard Java syntax for regular expressions. For example, a parameter value uid=^Dw+$ would choose values for the LDAP attribute uid consisting of a non-digit followed by any number of word characters (letters, numerals or the underscore character).

Default value:

Introduced in release: TD 8.21

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter indicates max library size to handle it without performance hit on the customer..

Default value: 2500

Min value: -9223372036854775808

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The period in days to purge old sessions records from SESSION_HISTORY table

Default value: 365

Min value: -1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: The maximum number of hours that ALM objects can remain locked. After this time, the lock is removed. By default, the value is set to 10 hours.

Default value: 10

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: If the FORCE_LOGIN_SSL_MODE parameter exists and is set to Y, this parameter enables you to configure the port used for SSL login. By default, the value is 443.

Default value: 443

Min value: 1

Max value: 65535

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The format ALM uses to send email. By default, the format is set to HTML. To instruct ALM to send email as plain text, change the value to Text.

Default value: HTML

Allowed values: HTMLTEXT

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

Case sensitive: false

System: true


Description: This parameter show/hide entity details in mail body

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The time interval in minutes for sending defect email according to your mail configuration settings. Note that this applies only if you select Send mail automatically in the Site Projects tab.

Min value: 10

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release:

Introduced in patch:

System: false


Description: The character set used by ALM to send email to users. By default, the value is set to UTF-8.

Default value: UTF-8

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: Displays the mail service used to send email messages to users. To configure the mail protocol, use the Settings button.

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Displays the server name used by the SMTP mail service. To configure the server name, use the Settings button.

Introduced in release: TD 8.21

Introduced in patch: 13

System: false


Description: The SMTP server port used by ALM to send mail. By default, the value is set to 25.

Default value: 25

Min value: 1

Max value: 65535

Introduced in release: TD 8.21

Introduced in patch: 13

System: false


Description: Indicates whether the site name is displayed in the subject of the mail. This parameter can be either a project parameter or a site parameter. If the parameter is defined in both site and project tables, the project value is considered. The default value is N.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 2

System: false


Description: The SMTP server socket connection timeout. By default, the value is set to 5 minutes.

Default value: 300000

Min value: -9223372036854775808

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 12.01

Introduced in patch: 2

System: false


Description: The SMTP server socket read timeout. By default, the value is set to 1 minute.

Default value: 60000

Min value: -9223372036854775808

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 12.01

Introduced in patch: 2

System: false


Description: The SMTP server socket write timeout. By default, the value is set to 5 minutes.

Default value: 300000

Min value: -9223372036854775808

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 12.01

Introduced in patch: 2

System: false


Description: This parameter defines the maximum number of project reports that can be generated concurrently. Define any value where the minimum is 1. Where the maximum number has been reached, and you choose to generate an additional report, the report generation only begins once one of the original reports finishes generating. For example, if the maximum number is 5, and you try generate an additional report, the sixth report only begins generating once one of the original five concludes generating. The default maximum is 3.

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter enables you to change the maximum size of the graph results, as calculated by the number of cells in the graph's Grid View. The size of a cell is 8 bytes.

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The number of max permitted invalid login attempts. It's used by the user lockout service.

Min value: 0

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: 01

System: true


Description: The number of KPIs allowed under a single milestone.

Default value: 30

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The number of Milestones allowed under the same Release. The default Value is 20. we limit the number of Milestones under the same release due to performance considerations.

Default value: 20

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The maximum number of projects that can be selected for BV Excel report.

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: SP3

System: false


Description: This parameter enables you to change the maximum query length (number of letters). It includes the parameters and is valid for Oracle and for SQL. The default value is 1000000. Some reports are too large for the default limit query size to handle. In such cases, this parameter should be set to 100000000.

Default value: 1000000

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The number of Scope items allowed under the same Release. The default Value is 20. we limit the number of Scope Items under the same release due to performance considerations.

Default value: 20

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This is a fuse that limits the max steps can be fetched in each request, just to protect the server from OutOfMemoryError.

Default value: 10000

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 9

System: false


Description: The maximum number of tests in test set in order to perform copy-paste or delete test set operations

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 06

System: false


Description: The maximum number of test instances that server will handle per call, if there is a call with more test instances than this value, an exception will be threw causing this operation to fail.

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 12

System: false


Description: The number of different threshold values allowed under a single KPI.

Default value: 12

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter is to control users' ability to add images into memo fields. The optoins are: Y - Users are allowed to add images into memo fields; N - Users are not allowed to add images into memo fields; AS_LINK - Users are allowed to add images into memo fields but only as a link to an image available in the entity's attachments.

Default value: Y

Allowed values: YNAS_LINK

Introduced in release: ALM 12.50

Introduced in patch: GA

Case sensitive: false

System: false


Description: siteparams.MEMO_FIELD_AUTO_DOWNLOAD_IMAGES.description

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This is a fuse that will not set the server status to MUTED when the server is OutOfMemoryError.

Default value: Y

Min value: -9223372036854775808

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 19

System: false


Description: The language used by the Find Similar Defects command to tokenize the defect summary. This parameter is needed only if the default locale on the server does not match the language in which the defect summary is written, in terms of whether spaces are used to separate words. The value should be a string value that matches a language code listed in ISO 639 ( If this parameter is not defined or is invalid, the default locale of the server is used.

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter must be set to Y to enable RAC support on Oracle database servers. For more information, refer to the HPE Application Lifecycle Management Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter is related to the "Orphan Analysis Data File Cleanup Job" scheduled job. It defines a period in miliseconds. The job deletes data files older than this period, comparing to current time. The default value is one day (86400000 ms), and the minimum value is one hour (3600000 ms).

Min value: 3600000

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Configures output sanitization on/off by client type. Format: <client type name>=true/false;<client type name>=true/false; Default value for any client type that is not defined specifically in this site param is true.

Default value:

Allowed patterns: ^([^;=]+=[^;=]+;?)+$

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter determines whether ALM users can reset their passwords using the Forgot Password link in the ALM Login window. If this parameter is not defined or if the parameter is set to 'N', users can reset their passwords using the Forgot Password link. If LDAP or External authentication is enabled, the Forgot Password link is not shown.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Defines the minimum time in minutes user should wait before he will get new Forgot Password e-mail. Default is 5 minutes.

Default value: 5

Min value: -9223372036854775808

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: If a user clicks the Forgot Password link in the ALM Login window, an email notification is sent to the user with a link to specify a new password. This parameter allows you to override the default URL, or parts of the URL, that is embedded in the reset link. Use one of the following syntaxes: <server>:<port>. Overrides both the default server and port. <server>. Overrides the default server. <port>. Overrides the default port.

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Defines the maximum time in hours that the link in the Forgot Password e-mail is valid. Default is 24 hours.

Default value: 24

Min value: 0

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: enable/disable using route table to calculate coverage

Default value: 60

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Rename of QPM_RECENTLY_USED_PROJECTS_THRESHOLD_MINUTES. 7 days (in minutes) of the recently used projects threshold. Used by the PP&T planning algorithm.

Default value: 10080

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Specifies the number of days to subtract from the ending time frame of which to record QC Sense information into the file as part of Assessment collection flow. In other words, this defines the starting time frame.

Default value: -90

Min value: -9223372036854775808

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.51

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Specifies the ending time frame of which to record QC Sense information into the file as part of Assessment collection flow.

Min value: 0

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.51

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Specifies the segments by which to group the collected QC sense information in the time frame that was defined by PRODUCT_ASSESSMENT_QC_SENSE_DAYS_BACK and PRODUCT_ASSESSMENT_QC_SENSE_END_DATE as part of Assessment collection flow.

Default value: 00:00:00,05:59:59,06:00:00,11:59:59,12:00:00,17:59:59,18:00:00,23:59:59

Allowed patterns: ((\d{2}\72){2}(\d{2}),)*(\d{2}\72){2}(\d{2})

Introduced in release: ALM 11.51

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Maximum number of projects that ALM allows you to include in a graph. Default is 6.

Default value: 6

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: siteparams.QC_SENSE_AUTHORIZATION_DISABLED.description

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: By default, only site administrator users have access to QC Sense reports. This parameter enables you to grant permissions to additional users who are not site administrators. Enter user names using the following syntax: <user1>;<user2>;<user3>

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter changes the order of events raised when the user enters the TestSet module.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter enables you to change the names of ALM modules across all your projects. Rename one or more modules by entering the following parameter value: <original title1 singular>;<new title1 singular>; <original title1 plural>;<new title1 plural>; <original title2 singular>;<new title2 singular>;... For example, if you want to change the name of the Defects module to Bugs, and the Requirements module to Goals, enter the following: Defect;Bug;Defects;Bugs;Requirement;Goal;Requirements;Goals Renaming the Releases module does not change the module name in the following locations: * The Releases command in the Releases module menu bar. * The New Release Folder menu command and dialog box. * The New Release menu command and dialogbox.

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Limits the total size of all reports being generated concurrently. The size is counted by pages. When the limit is exceeded, generation of the largest report is discontinued and it is saved as is, i.e., it will include whatever data has been generated up to that point.

Min value: 0

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.51

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter defines the estimated maximum number of pages that can be included in a project report. when the value is set to -1 the size is unlimited, which is strongly unrecommended.The minimum page value should 1.

Min value: -1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: com.hp.alm.platform.Version.ALM_115_NAME

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The maximum number of records that can be retrieved from the database for an Excel report. If you set the value to -1, the number is unlimited.

Default value: 65535

Min value: -1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: The maximum length of time in seconds that ALM waits for an SQL query for an Excel report to be executed. If the query takes longer than this time to be executed, the query is canceled.

Default value: 60

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: The number of minutes a cached project report result is valid.

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter enables you to create a delay between the time of the cleaning processes of each project repository and the time the files without references are actually deleted. Set a value in days between 0 and 28. If the parameter does not exist, ALM delays the deletion of obsolete files in the file system for seven days. For details on the project repository cleanup process, see Project Repository Cleanup. Default is 7 days.

Default value: 7

Min value: 0

Max value: 28

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 3

System: false


Description: The parameter determines the speed at which the repository cleanup process is performed. Set a value between 0 (fastest) and 10 (slowest). If the parameter does not exist, the speed is set to 3. For more details on the project repository cleanup process, see Project Repository Cleanup.

Default value: 3

Min value: 0

Max value: 10

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 3

System: false


Description: This parameter defines the time interval in days between cleaning processes of each project repository. Set a value in days between 1 and 28. If the parameter does not exist, ALM scans project repositories once every seven days. For more details on the project repository cleanup process, see Project Repository Cleanup.

Default value: 7

Min value: 1

Max value: 28

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 3

System: false


Description: The parameter determines the speed at which files are copied from the old to the new project repository. Set a value between 0 (fastest) and 10 (slowest). If the parameter does not exist, the speed is set to 3. For more details on the project repository migration process,see Migrating the Repository.

Default value: 3

Min value: 0

Max value: 10

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter indicates max requirements amount in library to handle it without performance hit on the customer.

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch:

System: false


Description: This parameter indicates whether rich text field will be used in author mode in web client.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: If this parameter is set to Y (default), then any change to a requirement field automatically sets the Reviewed (RQ_REQ_REVIEWED) field to Not Reviewed. If it is set to N, then a change to a requirement field does not affect the value of the Reviewed field.

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter enables you to access restricted-access SA server directories using the OTA ExtendedStorage.ServerPath property. If this parameter is set to NO, you can't access the Site Administration (SA) directory using the ExtendedStorage.ServerPath property. If this parameter is set to ANY, you can access the Site Administration (SA) directory using the ExtendedStorage.ServerPath property. If this parameter is set to ADMIN, you can access the Site Administration (SA) directory using the ExtendedStorage.ServerPath property only with ALM admin users.

Default value: ANY

Allowed values: ANYNOADMIN

Introduced in release: QC 12.55

Introduced in patch: 2

Case sensitive: false

System: true


Description: This parameter enables you to access restricted-access server directories using the OTA ExtendedStorage.ServerPath property. If this parameter does not exist, or is set to Y, you can only use the ExtendedStorage.ServerPath property to access the following directories: * the Site Administration (SA) directory * the root directory for a project * the attach subdirectory for a project * the baseline snapshot of a library at a specific point in time. It includes all the entities defined in the library and the relationships between them, such as coverage and requirements traceability. You can compare baselines to track changes in a project over time, or use a baseline to reuse or share the entities in a library. subdirectory for a project * the checkouts subdirectory for a project * the components subdirectory for a project * the hist subdirectory for a project * the resources subdirectory for a project * the StyleSheets subdirectory for a project * the tests subdirectory for a project If this parameter is set to N, you can access all server directories using the ExtendedStorage.ServerPath property.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: The number of entities per page returned by default with each GET operation on a collection using the REST API (unless the API consumer specifies a different page size for retrieval). The default is 100 entities.

Default value: 100

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The number of entities to extract ancestors returned by default with each GET operation on a collection using the REST API with ancestors-needed=y query parameter (unless the API consumer specifies a different page size for retrieval). The default is 30 entities. If page is bigger remaining entities will be returned without ancestors.

Default value: 30

Min value: 1

Max value: 50

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter enables REST API support for server side HTTP caching. If enabled, the server supports caching using an ETag for the following resources: customization/entities,customization/relations,customization/used-lists,customization/users. The default is Y.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The maximum number of entities allowed for a single bulk operation. A bulk operation over REST means to be able to POST, PUT, or DELETE a collection of entities of the same type. The default is 2000 entities.

Default value: 2000

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: REST API provides a tree sub-resource for hierarchical entities. It retrieves an entity collection sorted as an expanded tree. REST API uses this parameter to limits the max collection size that may be retrieved in a single request. Note that the tree sub-resource does not support paging, therefore the REST_API_MAX_PAGE_SIZE parameter is irrelevant for it. Default is 100 entities. Note: higher values affect performance.

Default value: 100

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: REST API supports paging capabilities for most of the entity collection retrieval. REST API uses this parameter to limits the max page size that the consumer may ask. Default is 2000 entities.

Default value: 2000

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: REST API supports paging capabilities for most of the entity collection retrieval. REST API uses this parameter to limits the max page size with ancestors that the consumer may ask. Default is 50 entities.

Default value: 50

Min value: 1

Max value: 50

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The number of entities per page returned by default with each GET operation on a collection using the REST API (unless the API consumer specifies a different entities page limit for retrieval). The default is 100 entities.

Default value: 100

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 12.20

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: REST API supports paging capabilities for most of the entity collection retrieval. REST API uses this parameter to limits the amount of entities that the consumer may request. Default is 2000 entities.

Default value: 2000

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 12.20

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Specifies timeout for ALM Robot operations.

Default value: 1200

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 12.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: This parameter sets the REST API session maximum idle time (in minutes). The idle time is the amount of time a REST API session token remains valid if there is no activity in the session. After this period, the session (including the licenses and locks that it holds) expire. On the next call, the REST API recreates a new session. The default value is 60 minutes.

Default value: 60

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This is a fuse that limits the max queries can be fetched in each request, just to protect the server from OutOfMemoryError.

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 18

System: false


Description: Maximum number of database connections for SA schema. Default is 50.

Default value: 50

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.52

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter determines if Global search is Enabled on site and for getting the Search server URL. If the parameter does not exist then the Global search is disabled. IF it does then it's value is the Global Search server name.

Introduced in release: ALM 12.50

Introduced in patch: 31

System: false


Description: This parameter holds the sites Global Search User. Its value is the login name of the dedicated Global Search user.

Introduced in release: ALM 12.50

Introduced in patch: 31

System: false


Description: When ALM generates email, it includes a link to ALM in the email. If this parameter is set to Y, the ALM URL uses an SSL connection (starting with https:). If it is set to N (default), SSL is not used.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter defines the default email address for sending an error report in ALM. For information on a related parameter, see SEND_EXCEPTION_ENABLED. For more information on sending error details, see the HPE Application Lifecycle Management User Guide: Send Error Details Dialog Box.

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: If this parameter is set to Y, the Send Error Details option is available on the Help menu in ALM, enabling you to send details of an error as attachments to an email. For information on a related parameter, see SEND_EXCEPTION_DEFAULT_TO. For more information on sending error details, see the HPE Application Lifecycle Management User Guide: Send Error Details Dialog Box.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Controls whether to show not deliverable Web Ui content. If value is "N" or site parameter is not defined, not deliverable content will not be available in Web Ui, if value is "Y" the content will be shown.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: If this parameter is set to Y (default), you can track ALM license usage over time from the Site Analysis tab. If this parameter is set to N, the Site Analysis tab is unavailable.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: This parameter enables you to bypass the prerequisites check performed in the deployment phase of starting the ALM client. The default value is N. Tip: For similar functionality in MSI Generator, check the Skip Prerequisites Check checkbox.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: 5

System: false


Description: siteparams.SKYPE_INTEGRATION_ENABLED.description

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 12.55

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: This parameter is used to enable connection to an SMTP server that requires Authentication. note: This site parameter was added in one of QC 10 patches as an hidden feature and is also a hidden feature in QC 11. This feature will be provided by request to customers through CSO. Default values is 'N'.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: 10

System: false


Description: This parameter enables an SSL tunnel to the SMTP server. The default value is N.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: By default, ALM checks that SQL queries for an Excel reports do not include any of the following commands: INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, DROP, CREATE, COMMIT, ROLLBACK, ALTER, EXEC, EXECUTE, MERGE, GRANT, REVOKE, SET, INTO, or TRUNCATE. This ensures that you do not inadvertently modify or delete records in the project database. You can modify which commands are on this list by adding this parameter. The parameter's value must be a comma-separated list of SQL commands that ALM should verify are not included in SQL queries for an Excel report. Note that this verification is not performed if the SQL_QUERY_VALIDATION_ENABLED parameter exists and is set to N.

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: By default, ALM checks SQL queries in Excel reports to ensure that they are valid and do not alter the project database. For more information on this validation, see the HPE Application Lifecycle Management User Guide: How to Generate an Excel Report. If this parameter is set to N, this validation is not performed. If this parameter does not exist, is empty, or is set to Y, this validation is performed.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Expiration time of the LWSSO token (the authentication token of the REST API) in minutes. After this period of inactivity, the REST API consumer is required to re-authenticate. The default value is 11 minutes.

Default value: 11

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Mark the http cookie which contains LWSSO token (the authentication token of the REST API) with the Secure attribute. It is meant to keep cookie communication limited to encrypted transmission, directing browsers to use cookies only via secure/encrypted connections. This makes the cookie less likely to be exposed to cookie theft via eavesdropping. Default value is 'N'.

Default value: N

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 12.20

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The maximum file size in MB that can be cached in the Jetty static content cache. You can reduce the cache file size, or cancel the cache by setting the parameter value to 0. Default value is 2 MB.

Default value: 2

Min value: 0

Max value: 50

Introduced in release: ALM 11.51

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: If this parameter is set to "Y" (the default), the testing tool will be closed after test set execution. This parameter is sent from the Automatic Runner to the Remote Agent of the testing tool. QTP requested that it will be on by default so they can close QTP after test set execution ends.

Default value: Y

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: This parameter relates to the project repository cleaning process. For more details, see Project Repository Cleanup. The parameter stops the cleanup process on the entire site. Use this only in special circumstances. For example, to check if the cleanup process is impacting system performance. Define this parameter and set its value to Y to temporarily stop the project repository cleaning process. To restart the cleaning process, set the parameter to N.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter relates to the project repository migration process. For more details, see Configure Migration Priority. The parameter stops the migration process on the entire site. Use this only in special circumstances. For example, to back up projects, or to check if the migration is affecting system performance. Define this parameter and set its value to Y to temporarily stop the migration of project files. To restart the migration, set the parameter to N. Default is 'N'

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Configures text encoding on/off by client type. Meaning, when output sanitization is on, the feature can be fine grained to disable only the TEXT encoding. Format: <client type name>=true/false;<client type name>=true/false; Default value for any client type that is not defined specifically in this site param is false.

Default value:

Allowed patterns: ^([^;=]+=[^;=]+;?)+$

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The length of time, in seconds, that ALM waits before canceling the operation of enabling and rebuilding the text search indexes. This operation is activated by clicking the Enable/Rebuild Text Search button in the Site Projects tab of the Site Administration. The default timeout value is 20 minutes (20*60 = 1200 seconds). Setting to -1 also results in a 20 minutes time out.

Default value: 1200

Min value: -1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: This parameter will determine total size (in megabytes) of image attachment files stored on Client machine. This parameter is used together with parameter DAYS_TO_KEEP_IMAGE_FILES.

Default value: 100

Min value: 0

Max value: 1000

Introduced in release: ALM 12.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: If this parameter is set to Y, it enables direct file access from a testing tool on a Windows machine to a UNIX based repository. This parameter applies to HPE LoadRunner.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: If you have made changes to a project database user schema such as the addition of tables or columns, the verification, repair, or upgrade processes may fail. You can define an exception file for objects that are added manually to the database user schema, and are not defined in the schema configuration file. This instructs ALM to ignore these changes. See documentation library for details.

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter prevents the upload of attachments whose size is greater than the integer value specified for this parameter. The size is in kilobytes. Note: This parameter does not affect uploads of attachments in integration tools. The default value is -1 (meaning, all attachments are uploaded regardless of size).

Default value: -1

Min value: -1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter prevents the upload of avatars whose size is greater than the integer value specified for this parameter. The size is in kilobytes. Note: This parameter does not affect uploads of avatars in integration tools. The default value is -1 (meaning, all avatars are uploaded regardless of size).

Default value: 2000

Min value: -9223372036854775808

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 12.20

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: This parameter prevents the upload of image attachments (bmp, emf, gif, ico, jpg, png, tif, wmf) to memos whose size is greater than the integer value specified for this parameter. The size is in kilobytes.

Default value: 700

Min value: 1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 12.50

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: Determines if run results should be uploaded to the server repository. Possible values: ALWAYS: Always upload the results. NEVER: Never upload the results. ON_RUN_FAIL: Upload results only when the status is Failed. ALWAYS_EXCEPT_RUN_PASSED: Upload results only when the status is not Passed.

Default value: ALWAYS

Introduced in release: ALM 12.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: If this parameter is set to Y, all help links and buttons will open the local Help Center, installed with your server. If undefined or set to N, all help links and buttons will open the online Help Center. The online Help Center includes all the latest updates.

Default value: N

Introduced in release: ALM 12.50

Introduced in patch: 1

System: false


Description: This parameter determines where the verification report is saved when the project verification process completes. By default, the output is saved in <ALM repository path>\sa\DomsInfo \MaintenanceData\out on your ALM server machine.

Introduced in release: ALM 11.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false


Description: The time interval in minutes that the ALM client can be inactive before it is disconnected from the ALM server machine. Disconnecting the client enables the license to be used by another ALM user. By default, the value is set to 600 minutes. For performance reasons, it is recommended to set a value of at least 60 minutes. If you set the value to -1, ALM is not disconnected, regardless of how long the client is inactive.

Default value: 36000000

Min value: -1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: QC 10.00

Introduced in patch: GA

System: true


Description: The time interval in minutes that the ALM SA can be inactive before it is disconnected from the ALM server machine. By default, the value is set to -1, ALM is not disconnected, regardless of how long the client is inactive.

Default value: -1

Min value: -1

Max value: 9223372036854775807

Introduced in release: ALM 12.53

Introduced in patch: 2

System: false


Description: This parameter specifies a user group name, only the users who is in this group have permission to access the Word add-in.

Default value:

Introduced in release: 12.2

Introduced in patch: GA

System: false