The Cross Project Customization Report

The Cross Project Customization Report provides detailed results of the verification process, or of template customization applied to linked projects. For details on verification, see Verifying Cross Project Customization. For details on applying template customization, see Applying Template Customization to Linked Projects.

There are two types of Cross Project Customization Reports:

  • Verification Report. Provides results of verification for the linked project.

  • Applied Customization Report. Provides results of template customization applied to the linked project.

The Applied Customization Report includes the following sections:

  • Report Details. Contains details about the type of report, the template, the linked project, the number of changes verified or applied to the linked project, and results.

  • Report by Customization Category. A listing of all changes verified or applied to the linked project. This section lists changes by customization category including user groups, project entities, project lists, requirement types, and workflow scripts.

Report results are classified into several categories as follows:

Result category

Verification Report

Applied Customization Report


The change can be successfully applied to the linked project.

The change was successfully applied to the linked project.


The change can be applied to the linked project, but may result in data loss.

For example:

  • reducing the length of a string type field

  • deleting a user-defined field

  • defining a field to be searchable and the Text Search option is not available in the linked project

  • disabling test coverage for a requirement type while there are tests covering requirements of the type

The change was applied to the linked project but may have caused data loss.


The change cannot be applied to the linked project.

For example:

  • Changing a field type from Memo type to Number, String, or Date type or the reverse.

  • Naming a new field, or renaming an existing field, with a field name that already exists in the linked project.

  • The report is too large for the default limit query size. For details, see the MAX_QUERY_LENGTH site parameter.

An error occurred during the Apply Customization process. The change was not successfully applied to the linked project.


  • To easily locate warnings or errors in the Cross Project Customization Report, click the Find button to open the browser's search tool, and search for the word warning or error.

  • To preserve formatting when mailing a report to another user, save the file as an HTML archived web page by saving it with the .mht file extension.

  • If transition rules are set for user groups in the linked or template projects, each rule is listed in the Transition Rule column in the format <from state>,<to state>. For example, New,Open New,Rejected Open,Fixed Open,Rejected indicates that the user group can change the field value from New to Open or Rejected, and from Open to Fixed or Rejected.