Migrating the Repository
ALM versions 11.00 and later use a new project repository architecture, that is optimized to allow maximum storage space. For details on the new repository, see Managing the Optimized Project Repository.
When upgrading projects from Quality Center 10.00 to ALM 11.52, the project repository is automatically upgraded to the optimized repository format. This is carried out in two stages:
The first stage is performed during the upgrade of the project. In this stage, all files in the repository are scanned, and their names are stored in a project table.
After upgrade is completed, the project is reactivated. The repository files are gradually migrated to the new system. In this stage, the files are moved from their old location to their new location in the optimized repository. Depending on various factors, such as the size of the repository and the network speed, the file migration may take up to several days.
This second phase of the repository migration is carried in the background. Users can work in the project even while it is in progress. New files that you add to a project after upgrade are saved in the new project repository.
Until the migration process for a project is complete, you cannot export or copy the project.
To back up a project before its migration is complete, you must suspend the migration process. For details, see Configure Migration Priority.
Monitor the migration progress in the Repository Migration Status window, and troubleshoot any problems that may occur.
In Site Administration, you can track the status of file migration for each project, and configure the number of resources allocated to performing the migration.
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