Defining New Database Servers

You can define additional database servers that were not defined during the installation process.


  • For information on the Oracle or Microsoft SQL permissions required by ALM, refer to the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management Installation and Upgrade Guide.

  • To make text search unavailable on a new database server, you must disable text search on the database server before you define the new database server in ALM.

To define a new database server:

  1. In Site Administration, click the DB Servers tab.

  2. Click the New Database Server button . The Create Database Server dialog box opens.

  3. Under Database Type, select the type of database server you want to define:

    • MS-SQL (SQL Auth.). Uses SQL authentication.

    • MS-SQL (Win Auth.). Uses Microsoft Windows authentication.

    • Oracle.

  4. Under Database Values, in the Database Name box, type the database name.

  5. In the DB Admin User box, type the login name of the database administrator.

    • For Oracle database type, the default administrator user account enabling you to create ALM projects is system.

    • For MS-SQL (SQL Auth.) database type, the default administrator user account enabling you to create ALM projects is sa.

    • For MS-SQL (Win Auth.) database type, the DB Admin User box is unavailable. The login name of the database administrator is the Windows user that is set to run ALM as a service.

  6. In the DB Admin Password box, type the password of the database administrator. This field is unavailable if you selected the MS-SQL (Win Auth.) database type.

  7. Under Default Connection String, you can edit the default connection string parameters or the connection string, as follows:

    • To edit the default connection string parameters, choose Connection String Parameters and define the following parameters:



      Server Host

      The server name.


      The port number of the database server.

      Oracle Service Name

      The service name for an Oracle database server.

    • To edit the connection string, choose Connection String and edit the connection string.

    • For Oracle RAC support, enter a connection string, using the following example:

      jdbc:company:oracle:TNSNamesFile=<ALM server>\tnsnames.ora;
      • tnsnames.ora is a file containing Oracle database addresses. For details, refer to Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management Installation and Upgrade Guide.

      • OrgRAC is the address of the TNS server ALM should refer to.

      Note: To enable Oracle RAC support, you must set the ORACLE_RAC_SUPPORT site parameter to "Y". For details, see Setting ALM Configuration Parameters.

    • To check whether you can connect to the database server, click the Ping button. The DB admin user and password you entered are displayed in the Ping Database Server dialog box. Click OK.

  8. Click OK to close the Create Database Server dialog box.

  9. If necessary, click the Refresh Database Servers List button to refresh the database servers list.