Business Components Module Fields

This section describes the Business Components module fields.

To access

On the ALM sidebar, under Testing, select Business Components.

Important information
  • You can add user-defined fields and change the label of the fields in the Business Components module. You can also customize project lists. For details, see the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide: Customizing Project Lists.
  • You can use the Script Editor to restrict and dynamically change the fields and values in the Business Components module. For details, see the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide: Workflow Customization at a Glance.
  • Version Control: Additional fields are available in a version control enabled project. For user interface details, see the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management User Guide: Version Control Fields.
Relevant tasks
See also

Business Components Module Window

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element (A-Z)


Assigned To

The user to whom the business component implementation is assigned.

Converted ALM manual tests: This field remains empty.


Indication that the component has automation.


Comments about the business component.

A toolbar for formatting and spell checking the text.

Converted ALM manual tests: The description is copied from the Description tab of the ALM manual test.

Component ID

A unique numeric ID for the component, assigned automatically by ALM. This is a read-only field.

Component Name

The name of the selected component.

Syntax exceptions: Business component names cannot exceed 255 characters, contain two consecutive semicolons (;), or include any of the following characters:  ! % * { } \ | ` : " / < > ?
Spaces at the beginning or end of business component names are ignored.

Converted ALM manual tests: The name you enter in the New Component Name box in the Destination Folder dialog box. The default is the name of the test. If a component with the same name already exists in the destination folder, a suffix, for example _Copy_1, is automatically added to the name to create a unique name within the folder.

Created by

The user that created the business component.

Converted ALM manual tests: The user that converted the test.

Creation date

The date that the business component was created.

Converted ALM manual tests: The date the test was converted.

Deleted on

The date that the business component was deleted. This is a read-only field.

Available for: Components in the Obsolete folder


A description of the business component. You can include information such as: 

  • A summary of the business component's purpose or contents.
  • The intended pre-condition of the application at the start of the component run.
  • The intended post-condition of the application at the end of the component run.

Example: Pre-conditions:

  • Which applications should be open or closed
  • Whether the component should launch an application
  • The state of the application prior to the first step in the component

Example: Post-conditions:

  • Whether the component steps should close any applications.
  • The state of the application after the last step in the component. If you want the component to allow iterations, the post-conditions should specify that the application's end state should match its state at the beginning of the component.

This field displays a toolbar for formatting and spell checking the text.


  • For keyword GUI components, you can also use this area to specify additional functionality that needs to be provided by the automation engineer in the form of new, registered operations.
  • The description can be viewed in the Business Component Settings dialog box in UFT.

Converted ALM manual tests: The description is copied from the Description tab of the ALM manual test. The name of the source test and the test ID are also displayed.

Manual Implementation

Indication that the component has manual steps.


The area containing the Description and Comments fields.

Original Location

The folder in which the business component was located when the component was deleted. This data is automatically entered by ALM.

Available for: Components in the Obsolete folder


The status of the business component.

This field is read-only. The status of the business component is determined by the status of its automation. If no automation exists, business component status is determined by the status of its manual implementation.

  • Ready. The automation or manual implementation of the component is complete and ready for use in a business process test or flow.

  • Maintenance. The component automation (or, if no automation, the manual implmentation) is being modified, and has an Under Development or Maintenance status.

  • Not Implemented. A component request has been initiated in the Test Plan module.

  • Under Development. One of the following applies:

    • The component has just been created in the Business Components module.

    • The component has been converted from an ALM manual test.

    • A component request has been dragged into a component folder in the component tree.

    • The component is obsolete (meaning, it was deleted but other entities, such as business processe tests, still refer to it.

  • Error. The component automation (or, if no automation, the manual implmentation) has errors and needs to be debugged.

For icons representing business component statuses, see Business Process Testing Icons.

Additional statuses can be defined by updating the project list for business component statuses. For details, see the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide: Customizing Project Lists.

The status can also be modified by the automation engineer in the Business Component Settings dialog box in UFT.

Subtype ID

The implementation of the component.

The Subtype ID is read-only, and is displayed in the Manual Implementation and Automation tabs.

Valid subtype IDs are:

  • MANUAL. Manual steps. This value is available in the Manual Implementation tab.
  • QT-KW. Keyword GUI automation. This value is available in the Automation tab.
  • QT-SCRIPTED. Scripted GUI automation. This value is available in the Automation tab.
  • SERVICE-TEST-AUTOMATED or SERVICE-TEST-11-AUTOMATED. Scripted API automation. This value is available in the Automation tab.