Test Script Tab for Business Process Testing

This tab enables you to create and organize business components into business process tests and flows, and flows into business process tests.  The Test Script tab has a grid view and a canvas view.

To access

In the Test Plan tree, select a business process test or flow and click the Test Script tab.

Important information


  • For user interface details on the Test Script tab when the selected test is not a business process test or flow, see the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management User Guide: Test Script Tab.

  • For BPT Packaged Apps Kit:

    • In addition to manually adding existing business components to a flow or business process test, you can create a flow or business process test comprising components created automatically by recording your operations as you navigate a packaged app. For details, see How to Learn Flows and Business Process Tests.
    • You can group components in a flow as you would in a business process test. However, it is recommended that you do not group components in a flow for compatibility with future versions of BPT Packaged Apps Kit.

Caution: If you are using dynamic data and are working with an external data table in Microsoft Excel to change parameter values and add iterations, the information listed in the Test Script Tab is not accurate. To know how your test will actually run, see the data defined in the Excel file.

Relevant tasks

How to Create Business Process Tests and Flows

User interface elements are described below:

UI Element Description
Select Components. Opens the Select Components and Flows Pane, enabling you to add content to your flow or business process test. For user interface details, see Select Components and Flows Pane.

Record Steps. Enables you to record components automatically by navigating any application. For task details, see How to Record Components into Flows and Business Process Tests.

Available when:A flow or business process test is selected.

You must have the correct permissions to record, For details on the permissions needed to record, see Prerequisites, or see the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management Administrator GuideManaging User Groups and Permissions.

Learn Flow. Enables you to learn a flow automatically by navigating your packaged app. For task details, see How to Learn Flows and Business Process Tests.

Available for: BPT Packaged Apps Kit users with a flow selected.

  • BPT Packaged Apps Kitmust be enabled for the current project. Access to BPT Packaged Apps Kitmust be provided by your Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) Project Administrator using Project Customization. For details, see the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management Administrator GuideBusiness Process Test Page.

  • You must have the correct permissions to learn a flow, For details on the permissions needed to learn a flow, see Prerequisites, or see the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management Administrator GuideManaging User Groups and Permissions.

Canvas/Grid View. Toggles between the grid view and the canvas view.

For user interface details on the grid view, see Grid View.

For user interface details on the canvas view, see Canvas View.

Enables you to expand all nodes in the view.
Enables you to collapse all nodes in the view.
New Component Request. Enables you to request a new business component. For task details on generating a request for a new component, see the step How to Create Business Process Tests and Flows.

Move up/down. Enables you to change the order of entities in the business process test by moving a selected component, group or flow up or down in the order.

Tip: You can also change the testing order by dragging and dropping selected items.

Delete from Test. Removes the selected business component, group, or flow from the business process test (or flow).


  • If criteria are specified for a component that is about to be removed, a warning message is displayed. The component is still available for future use, if required, from the component tree.

  • You can also change the testing order by dragging and dropping selected items.

  • If you are deleting the last component in a group, the entire group is deleted.

  • If automatic deletion is enabled in Customization, when prompted for confirmation, a Delete unused promoted parameters from the test level? check box appears. If checked, unused parameters in the selected component and/or flow instances are deleted from the test and/or flow levels. (Similarly, if a group contains components and flows, and the group is deleted, the group's component and flow instances' parameters are deleted from the test and/or flow levels.)


    • If the parameter is used at higher levels, automatic deletion does not delete it.
    • If there are other unused parameters, not related to this delete operation, at the higher levels, automatic deletion does not delete them.

    For details on enabling automatic deletion, see the Micro Focus Application Lifecycle Management Administrator Guide: Enable automatic deletion of unused test/flow parameters when deleting a parameter at a lower level.

Not available when: Attempting to remove a business component from a flow whose business process test is selected in the test plan tree. First, select the flow in the test plan tree, and then delete the business component.

Go To Component/Flow. Goes to, and opens, the selected business component in the Business Components module or the flow in the Test Plan module.

Group. Creates a group that includes the selected business components and/or flows.

The components and flows must be contiguous. A component or flow can belong to one group only.

A group node is created above the grouped items and is identified by the group icon . The group is named, by default, Group followed by a unique number.


  • You can rename the group by right-clicking its name and selecting Rename.
  • You can add other business components or flows to an existing group by dragging and dropping a component or flow from the component tree or the test script pane to the relevant position in the group.
  • You can change the order of the members of the group by dragging and dropping.

Ungroup. Ungroups components and/or flows.

To completely remove a group, including its members, select the group and click the Remove from Test button in the toolbar.

To remove a business component or flow from a group, select the component or flow. Drag the item up or down out of the group, and drop it at the required location.

Show Test Parameters Promotion Status. Enables you to view a list of test and flow parameters that were promoted and where they were originally defined. For user interface details, see Test/Flow Parameters Promotion Status Dialog Box.
Refresh. Updates the data, such as the component parameter data and snapshot, for each business component in the business process test. The test itself is not updated.
Validate. Checks the business process test or flow and all the test instances within the test set for errors. For user interface details, see Test Validation Results Dialog Box.

Add/Edit Run Condition. Enables you to add run conditions to your flow or test.

For user interface details, see Run Conditions Dialog Box.

Available when: A business component or a flow is selected.

Delete Run Condition. Enables you to remove an existing run condition from your flow or test.

Available when: A flow or a business process test is selected.

Run or Debug Test. Enables you to run or debug a business process test or flow. For user interface details, see Run or Debug Test Dialog Box.

Open BPT/Flow. Enables you to launch BPT tests and flows in UFT.

Note: Requires UFT 14.02 or later.

Stop Run. Enables you to stop the current run or debug session.

Available when: Running or debugging a test from the Test Plan module.

Extended View. Enables you view more information in the test script grid. This enables you to see a more comprehensive view of the test component from the grid without clicking additional links. The additional information you can see include:

  • Snapshot thumbnails, instead of an icon.

  • Separate columns for input and output parameters, which include parameter names and if only one iteration, the value for the parameter.

  • Links between input and output parameters, without having to open the I/O Parameters dialog box.

For additional details, see Input Parameters and Output Parameters in the Grid View.

Not available from: The canvas.

Regular View. Enables you to switch back to the regular grid view from the extended view.

Not available from: The canvas.

Adjust Row Height. Adjusts the row size in extended view of the grid. This enables you to view all the text in the if the text is long.

Available when: In grid view's extended view.

Iterations option

Opens the iterations dialog box for the selected entity. For user interface details, see Iteration Pages.

Available from: <right-click menu>

Hides or shows the tabs at the bottom of the Test Script tab.

Grouping option

Opens a submenu with the Group and Ungroup options.

Available from: <right-click menu>. If more than one component is selected, the Group option is available. If a group is selected, the Ungroup option is available.

Expand all below this node/Collapse option

Expands/collapses the node for the selected entity.

Available from: <right-click menu>, for flows and groups

Details option

Opens the Details dialog box for the component, component request, or flow.

Available from: <right-click menu>


Displays the description and comments of the business component, flow, or group in read-only format.


Enables you to add an image of your application to an ALM record.

Manual Steps tab

Displays the manual steps defined for the component.


Lists the parameters defined for the component or flow.


Displays additional comments for the component instance.