Provisioning Hosts Overview

As with all testing hosts, cloud hosts must be added to your lab resources before you can use them for running tests. The process of adding cloud hosts is called provisioning. When you provision a host, you are reserving a machine on the cloud with a specific configuration. The configuration includes the hardware details of the machine and the software image applied to the machine. In ALM, all hosts are provisioned from templates. For details about host templates, see Host Templates Overview.

For instructions on how to provision hosts, see How to Provision and Terminate Cloud Hosts.


  • Hosts can be provisioned in Lab Management from Lab Resources > Hosts. Hosts can be provisioned in user projects from Lab Resources > Testing Hosts.
  • After a host is provisioned, it consumes credits from the project that provisioned it. Credits are consumed for each host on an hourly basis, and the number of credits consumed per hour is specified in the host template. You must have at least one credit to provision your requested hosts.