Auto Login

For ALM to run tests on your registered testing host, Lab Service must have a user logged in to the testing host, and the user must have permission to run the test. To avoid a situation in which the user is not logged in, you can configure Lab Service to automatically log in to the testing host using the user whenever you request a test execution.

If you enable Auto Login, you must fill out the username and password values in the Settings page. For details, see ALM Lab Service Agent.

If you have Auto Login enabled and you disconnect from the session (for instance, if you close the session window), Lab Service will automatically log the user back in and finish the test. However, if you lock the screen, ALM is not able to run a test which requires the session user interface (such as UFT GUI Testing).


  • To enable Auto Login, administrator permissions are required on the machine.
  • To enable Auto Login, User Access Control (UAC) must be disabled.
  • To disable or enable Auto Login on an already existing Lab Service installation, run the MSI file and click Modify. For details, see Modify or Uninstall ALM Lab Service.
  • To enable Auto-Login on Windows Server 2012, see this KB article.