Assign Projects to Cloud Account Dialog Box

This dialog box allows you to link projects to a cloud account.

To Access

Lab Management only:

  • From the Cloud Accounts module: On the Lab Management sidebar, under Cloud Settings, select Cloud Accounts. In the information panel, select Linked Projects and click the Assign Projects to Cloud Account button.
  • From the Cloud Account Details dialog box: On the Lab Management sidebar, under Cloud Settings, select Cloud Accounts. Right-click a cloud account and select Cloud Account Details. In the Cloud Account Details dialog box, select Linked Projects and click the Assign Projects to Cloud Account button.
Important information

The Assign Projects to Cloud Account dialog box only appears in Lab Management.

Relevant tasks How to Manage Cloud Accounts
See also Cloud Accounts Overview

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Elements


Refresh All. Refreshes the grid so it displays the most up-to-date information.


Assign the selected project to the cloud account.

<Projects grid>

Lists the projects that can be assigned to the cloud account.


Displays the projects to be assigned to the cloud account.