Cloud Accounts Module Fields

This section describes cloud account fields. In Lab Management, all fields in private accounts are read-only.


Field (A - Z) Description
Access Key

Allows ALM to connect to your cloud account. Given to you by your cloud account provider.

Note: Not applicable for Microsoft Azure cloud accounts.

Account ID The ID of the account. Generated automatically by ALM at the time the account is added.
Account Number

The Amazon EC2 account number. This number is used to access custom images from the cloud account.

Note: Adding an incorrect account number will result in the inability to access custom images related to this account.

Available for: Amazon EC2 accounts only.

Active Hosts The number of currently provisioned hosts from this account. Hosts can be viewed in Lab Management from Lab Resources > Hosts and in ALM from Lab Resources > Testing Hosts.
Created By The user who created the account.
Created in Project The project the cloud account was created in.
Description A description of the cloud account.
Name The name you choose for the cloud account.

The cloud provider for a specific account.

Note: ALM only integrates with Microsoft Azure and Amazon EC2 cloud accounts.

Secret Key

Serves as the password for the access key used to connect to your cloud account. Given to you by your cloud provider.

Note: Not applicable for Microsoft Azure cloud accounts.

Subscription ID

The subscription ID for the Microsoft Azure cloud account.

Available for: Microsoft Azure accounts only.