New CDA Server Dialog Box

This dialog box enables you to create a new CDA server.

To access
  1. On the Lab Management sidebar, under Servers , select CDA Servers.
  2. Click the New CDA Server button .
Relevant tasks

How to Manage CDA Servers

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements


Clear All Fields. Clears all data in the dialog box.

Spell Check. Checks the spelling for the selected word or text box.

Thesaurus. Displays a synonym, antonym, or related word for the selected word.

Spelling Options. Enables you to configure how to check the spelling.

Field Search. Enables you to search for a specified field name. Supports wildcard search with asterisk "*" and question mark "?".

For example: a*b returns acb and adefb; a?b returns acb


Lists CDA server fields. Required fields are displayed in red. For details on the available fields, see CDA Servers Module Fields.

Tip: Clicking in the Description field on this page displays a toolbar for formatting and spell checking the text.


Enter a name for the new server.

Syntax exceptions: A server name cannot include the following characters: \ / : " ? < > | * % '