Services Page

This page displays the services on the selected host.

To access
  • Hosts module: On the sidebar, under Lab Resources, select Hosts. In the Information Panel, select Services.

  • Host Details dialog box: On the sidebar, under Lab Resources, select Hosts. Right-click a host and select Host Details. In the Host Details dialog box, select Services.

Important information

The Services page is available only for Performance hosts.

Relevant tasks

How to Manage Testing Hosts

See also

Lab Resources Overview

User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Elements


Refresh. Refreshes the grid so it displays the most up-to-date information.


The name of the service.

Display Name

The full name of the service.


The status of the service: Running or Stopped.

Startup Type

The way the service is set to start up:

  • Auto. Service starts up automatically.

  • Disabled. Service is disabled.

  • Manual. Service must be started manually.

<Navigation area>

Located at the bottom of the page, enables you to navigate through the pages of entries in the grid. The total number of entries is displayed on the right of the navigation area.