Requirement and Test Coverage Overview
It is essential that the tests in your test plan meet your original requirements. To keep track of the relationship between your requirements and tests, you add links between them.
In the Test Plan module, you create requirement coverage by selecting requirements to link to a test. Requirement coverage assists you in assessing the impact of a change in the test or requirement. A test can cover more than one requirement.
Alternatively, in the Requirements module, you create test coverage by linking tests to a requirement. Test coverage assists you in assessing the impact of a change in the test or requirement. A requirement can be covered by more than one test.
Instead of covering each requirement only at the level of the test, you can cover a requirement by test configurations. A test configuration represents a specific use-case of a test. For example, a test configuration can specify a subset of data or a run-time environment that the test should use. Covering test configurations with requirements provides finer granularity for requirement coverage by enabling coverage by different use-cases of a test. For more details on test configurations, see Test Configuration Overview.
If you work with the Business Models module, you can link model entities to tests, either in the Test Plan module or in the Business Models module.
Business Process Testing: When creating coverage between requirements and business process tests, instead of covering each requirement only at the level of a test and/or its test configurations, you can also define coverage by a criterion. Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) creates a criterion for each business component and flow. You decide whether to include the criterion for calculating coverage. For more details on criteria, see the Micro Focus Business Process Testing User Guide
Note: You can link requirements and tests to defects. This can help you ensure compliance with your testing needs throughout the application management process. If a requirement changes, you can immediately identify which tests and defects are affected, and who is responsible. For details, see Defect Linkage.
For task details, see How to Create Coverage.