Baselines Tab
This view displays baseline history for a selected entity. You can view and compare all versions of the entity that are stored in a baseline.
User interface elements are described below:
UI Element |
Description |
Baseline |
The name of the baseline in which the entity is stored. |
Library |
The library for which the baseline was created. |
Date |
The date the baseline was created. |
Created By |
The name of the user who created the baseline. |
Version |
The version number of the entity stored in the selected baseline. Available in version control enabled projects only. |
Opens a Details dialog box, displaying read-only details for the version of the entity stored in the selected baseline. Select an option on the sidebar to view additional information, such as Test Coverage and Attachments. The buttons displayed depend on the type of entity selected in the tree or grid. Note: If you are viewing information for a UFT GUI test, clicking the Test Script button opens the test in a UFT viewer, enabling you to view the test or open the test in UFT. For details, refer to the Micro Focus Unified Functional Testing User Guide. |
Opens the Compare Entities dialog box, enabling you to compare two selected baseline versions. For details, see Compare Entities Dialog Box. To compare two baseline versions, press the Ctrl key and select the versions. Then click the Compare button. |
Description for selected baseline |
The description typed by the user when creating the baseline. |