Worksheet Configuration Pane - Sorting Tab

The worksheet configuration pane enables you to configure the Business View Excel report.

To access
  1. In the ALM tab in Excel, click Add or New Report.

  2. Select the business view and click OK.

  3. Select the Sorting tab.

Important information
  • To hide the Worksheet Configuration pane, click the Show Configuration button. Clicking the button again reopens the Worksheet Configuration pane.

  • If you click in the Excel worksheet outside the actual report, the Worksheet Configuration pane closes. Click in the report to reopen the pane.

Relevant tasks

How to Generate a Business View Excel Report

See also

ALM Tab - Microsoft Excel

The Sorting tab of the worksheet configuration pane enables you to sort the report. User interface elements are described below (unlabeled elements are shown in angle brackets):

UI Element


Move Right. Moves the selected fields in the <Business View> fields column to the Sorted fields column.

Move All Right. Moves all fields in the <Business View> fields column to the Sorted fields column.

Move Left. Moves the selected fields in the Sorted fields column to the <Business View> fields column.

Move All Left. Moves all fields in the Sorted fields column to the <Business View> fields column.

Sort Ascending. Sorts the selected Report Headings in ascending order.

Sort Descending. Sorts the selected Report Headings in descending order.

Move Up. Moves the selected Report Headings higher in the list of sorted fields.

Move Down. Moves the selected Report Headings lower in the list of sorted fields.

<Business View> Fields

List of the Report Headings that are not included in the Sorted fields column.

Sorted fields

List of the Report Headings that are included in the sort for the report.